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Joint EVA and Human Surface Mobility Test Team (JETT)

The Joint EVA and Human Surface Mobility Test Team (JETT) is a specialized group that develops, integrates, and executes human-in-the-loop tests and analog missions.

Active Mission

Analog missions like JETT enable Artemis mission goals and development of operationally effective systems, including the Exploration Extravehicular Activity (xEVA) System, for successful planetary surface operations. JETT is led out of NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston. The group is sponsored by Johnson’s Extravehicular Activity and Human Surface Mobility Program in collaboration with the Science Mission Directorate.

Mission Type

Analog Field Testing

Mission Overview

  • Locations:
    • JETT1: New Mexico
    • JETT2: Icelandic Highlands
    • JETT3: Arizona | Johnson Space Center
    • JETT4: Nevada
    • JETT5: Arizona | Johnson Space Center
  • Environment: Lunar-like

  • Hazards Tested: Distance from Earth; hostile environment

  • Description: The Joint EVA and Human Surface Mobility Test Team (JETT) is a specialized group that develops, integrates, and executes human-in-the-loop tests and analog missions. Analog missions like JETT enable Artemis mission goals and development of operationally effective systems, including the Exploration Extravehicular Activity (xEVA) System, for successful planetary surface operations. JETT is led out of NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston. The group is sponsored by Johnson’s Extravehicular Activity & Human Surface Mobility Program (EHP) in collaboration with the Science Mission Directorate (SMD).

  • Research: Studies in this series include field hardware preparation, testing in a lunar-like terrain, and a fully integrated Artemis III mission consisting of simulated moonwalks, a science evaluation room, and a flight control team at JSC.

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