NASA Office of Inspector General
The NASA Office of Inspector General (OIG) conducts audits, reviews, and investigations of NASA programs and operations to prevent and detect fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement and to assist NASA management in promoting economy, efficiency, and effectiveness. The OIG consists of auditors, analysts, specialists, investigators, attorneys, and support staff at NASA Headquarters in Washington, DC and NASA Centers throughout the United States.
Stennis Space Center Mississippi
George A. Scott (Acting)
OIG conducts audits, reviews, and inThe OIG is comprised of four offices – Audits, Investigations, Counsel, and Management and Planning (along with our Advanced Data Analytics Program) – which implement the OIG mission as described below:
The Office of Audits (OA) conducts independent and objective audits and reviews to improve economy, efficiency, and effectiveness and to identify waste and mismanagement in NASA programs, projects, operations, and contractor activities. In addition, OA oversees the work of the independent public accountant in its audit of NASA’s financial statements.
The Office of Investigations (OI) investigates allegations of crime, cyber-crime, fraud, abuse, and misconduct having an impact on NASA programs, personnel, and resources. OI refers its findings either to the Department of Justice for prosecution or to NASA management for action. Through its investigations, OI identifies crime indicators and recommends measures for NASA management to reduce NASA’s vulnerability to criminal activity.
The Office of Counsel provides advice and assistance on a variety of legal issues relating to OIG review of NASA programs and operations. The legal staff reviews legislation, regulations, Freedom of Information Act requests, and other matters that require OIG attention. Additionally, the Office of Counsel provides legal advice to OIG senior management, auditors, and investigators and serves as counsel in administrative litigation in which the OIG is a party.
The Office of Management and Planning (OMP) provides financial, procurement, human resources, administrative, and information technology (IT) services support to the OIG staff. The OMP ensures state-of-the-art IT systems capabilities for the OIG, advises the Inspector General and OIG senior management on budget issues and human resources staffing matters, directs OIG internal management and support operations, and oversees development of and adherence to management policies and procedures.
The Advanced Data Analytics Program (ADAP) provides sophisticated data analytic support to the OIG. ADAP leverages data analytic techniques using a myriad of NASA, other agency, and non-government data sets to assist OA and OI with accomplishing their missions.
NASA Office of Inspector General Room 119, Building 3101 Stennis Space Center, MS 39529 (228) 342-8354 |