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Welcome to NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility. The nation’s premiere site for manufacturing and assembly of large-scale space structures and systems.

MAF Status: Open – Hurcon V

Engineers and technicians from NASA, Aerojet Rocketdyne, and Boeing at NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans have installed all four RS-25 engines to the core stage for NASA’s Space Launch System rocket that will help power the first crewed Artemis mission to the Moon. The yellow core stage is seen in a horizontal position in the final assembly area at Michoud. The engines are arranged at the bottom of the rocket stage in a square pattern, like legs on a table.

Michoud News

NASA Expanding Lunar Exploration with Upgraded SLS Mega Rocket Design
4 min read

By: Martin Burkey As NASA prepares for its first crewed Artemis missions, the agency is making preparations to build, test, and assemble the next evolution of its SLS (Space Launch System) rocket. The larger and more powerful version of SLS,…

Rocket Propellant Tanks for NASA’s Artemis III Mission Take Shape
3 min read

As NASA works to develop all the systems needed to return astronauts to the Moon under its Artemis campaign for the benefit of all, the SLS (Space Launch System) rocket will be responsible for launching astronauts on their journey. With…

NASA Stennis Continues Preparations for Future Artemis Testing
3 min read

Crews at NASA’s Stennis Space Center cleared a milestone Dec. 11, installing a key component in preparation for future Green Run testing of NASA’s new Exploration Upper Stage (EUS) vehicle for use on the SLS (Space Launch System) rocket. Four…


MAF Announcements

MAF Announcement – NEPA Public Notice

NEPA Public Notice 2023-11-06 Draft Environmental Assessment – Lease for 50 Acre Business Park. Click here to view PDF

MAF Announcement – CNET Article about MAF

CNET: Inside America’s Massive Rocket Factory: How NASA Is Going Back to the Moon 2022-08-02 Link to the CNET article:

MAF Announcement – MAF Gym Patrons

Memo for MAF Gym Patrons 2022-03-30 MAF will initiate reopening of normal operations with our Gym in Building 320.  Facility and Equipment Use:  Facility Cleaning: Failure to comply will result in the suspension of Gym privileges  Gym Facility is video…

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