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STEM Engagement Impacts

NASA provides an exciting array of STEM experiences and opportunities to immerse students in the agency’s missions and projects. By maintaining a steadfast focus on engaging students, and supporting educators and educational institutions, NASA seeks to build the next generation STEM workforce and broaden student participation in STEM fields.

a group of college students pose for a photo in front of the Thad Cochran Test Stand while touring key facilities at NASA Stennis

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NASA STEM Engagement 2024

Find out how student work experiences, internship opportunities, engagement activities, and products helped connect students to NASA's mission, work, and people – and how these impacts are preparing students to join tomorrow's skilled technical workforce.

Read FY 2024 Office of STEM Engagement Executive Summary Highlights about NASA STEM Engagement 2024

NASA Strategy for STEM Engagement

Build the Next Generation of Explorers

The 2022 NASA Strategic Plan Objective 4.3, “Build the next generation of explorers,” establishes the agency’s STEM engagement strategy. Given the Nation’s need for a skilled STEM workforce and projected demand, NASA clearly has a vested interest in attracting, engaging, and preparing its future STEM professionals.

2022 NASA Strategic Plan about NASA Strategy for STEM Engagement
An auditorium filled with students, Astronauts and leadership raising their hands
Students working on a robotic project


FY 2024 Participant numbers





By the Numbers

The NASA Office of STEM Engagement (OSTEM) investments encompass four projects: the Minority University Research and Education Project (MUREP), National Space Grant College and Fellowship Project (Space Grant), Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) and the Next Generation STEM Project (Next Gen STEM). OSTEM collaborates with NASA mission directorates, including the Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD), Exploration Systems Development Mission Directorate (ESDMD), Science Mission Directorate (SMD), Space Operations Mission Directorate (SOMD), and Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD); and NASA centers and facilities, to maximize the agency’s reach and impact.               

In Fiscal Year 2024 (October 1, 2023– September 30, 2024), 970K+ student, 59K+ educator and 7.5M+ other participants engaged in NASA STEM engagement activities and educational content.   


STEM Engagement Metric
(FY 2024)
EPSCoRNGSMUREPSpace GrantOther STEM EngagementsTotals
Participant Data
Total # of Student Participants11362833472195263209431811970340
Total # of Educator Participants9117684181747308153859258
Total # of Other Participants07284683104821757112767504578

Participant Data Definitions:

  • Student Participants represent all students reached through STEM Engagement investments
  • Educator Participants represents educator participants reached through STEM Engagement investments
  • Other Participants represents general public participants (e.g., uncategorized students of all ages, parents, educators, and adult participants) reached through STEM engagement investments.

Significant Awards

  • In Fiscal Year 2024, Space Grant, MUREP, Next Gen STEM, and EPSCoR grantee and awardee institutions reported 3,704 peer-reviewed publicationstechnical papers and presentations representing opportunities for learners to contribute to NASA’s aeronautics, space and science missions and work.
  • Notably, 58 percent of the peer-reviewed and other technical publications were authored or coauthored by students.
  • NASA provided 8,513 internships, fellowships, research opportunities, educator professional development, challenges and other college/pre-college STEM engagement opportunities to 7,950 student and educator participants representing K-12 institutions and higher education institutions including 2-year, 4-year institutions and all Minority Serving Institution (MSI) classifications. These significant awards provided a total of over $46.9M in direct financial support to participants.

Featured Partnerships

Through public-private partnerships, NASA OSTEM enters into unfunded collaborations with leaders in the commercial, technology, non-profit, and media sectors to inspire and prepare young people to enter STEM careers. In FY 2024, OSTEM developed strategic partnerships to broaden impact to millions more students, expanding OSTEM’s digital reach by over 10 million engagements in FY 2024.

Learn more about partnering with NASA STEM Engagement.