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Langley Center Leadership

Trina Dyal

Acting Center Director, NASA's Langley Research Center

Allen Kilgore, Acting Deputy Director at NASA Langley Research Center

Allen Kilgore

Acting Deputy Director, NASA's Langley Research Center

Lisa Ziehmann

Associate Director, NASA's Langley Research Center

H. Kevin Rivers

Associate Center Director, Technical, NASA’s Langley Research Center

Langley Organization Leaders

  • Kanama Bivins, Chief Financial Officer
  • Catherine Prohaska, Chief Information Officer
  • Andrea Zydron Warmbier, Office of General Counsel
  • Robin Lee, Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity
  • Steven Dykeman, Human Resources
  • John Koelling, Aeronautics Research Directorate
  • Joe Gasbarre (Acting), Science Directorate
  • Greg Stover, Space Technology and Exploration Directorate
  • Glenn Jamison, Research Services Directorate
  • Charles Cockrell, Engineering Directorate
  • Jill Prince, Research Directorate
  • Chuck Leonard, Systems Analysis and Concepts Directorate
  • Loretta Kelemen, Safety and Mission Assurance Center
  • Steve Gayle, Center Operations Directorate
  • Gamaliel Cherry, STEM Engagement

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Mission Work at Langley

Langley plays a critical role across all aspects of the NASA’s missions, from concept to splashdown.

Artist illustration of the X-59 in flight over water and land.

Aeronautics Research Directorate

The Aeronautics Research Directorate (ARD) at NASA Langley Research Center advances aviation by developing faster and more efficient vehicles and traffic management systems to overcome current constraints.

This is a photo of a splash test of the Orion capsule at NASA Langley's Hydro Impact Basin.

Engineering Directorate

The Engineering Directorate (ED) provides systems concepts, advanced technology and systems development to support the research and technology development objectives of the Aeronautics Research, Human Exploration and Operations, Science Mission, and Space Technology and Explorations Directorates.

Research Directorate

The Research Directorate (RD) at NASA Langley Research Center provides research and technology development capabilities, serving science and mission needs across all NASA mission directorates.

This is an image of the Langley Aerodrome 8, or LA-8, a distributed electric propulsion, vertical takeoff and landing aircraft.

Research Services Directorate

The Research Services Directorate at NASA Langley Research Center oversees all manned and unmanned flight operations as well as the flight simulators at NASA Langley Research Center.

This is a photo of North America at night. Light from cities shines in the dark.

Safety Mission Assurance Center

The Office of Safety and Mission Assurance (SMA) at NASA Langley Research Center assures the safety and enhances the success of all NASA activities.

This is a photo of the clouds over Earth taken from space.

Science Directorate 

The Science Directorate (SD) at NASA Langley Research Center provides expertise in the areas of Atmospheric Composition, Air Quality, Earth’s Energy Budget and Lidar Remote Sensing that supports aeronautics, space technology, exploration and Earth science.

This artist's concept depicts astronauts and human habitats on Mars. NASA's Mars 2020 rover will carry a number of technologies that could make Mars safer and easier to explore for humans.

Space Technology and Exploration Directorate

The Space Technology and Exploration Directorate (STED) at NASA Langley Research Center advances science, space technology and exploration through enabling technologies, strategic partnerships and collaborations.

Artist concept of a fully reusable, two-stage-to-orbit space access system.

Systems Analysis and Concepts Directorate

The Systems Analysis and Concepts Directorate (SACD) at NASA Langley Research Center supports the future of aeronautics, exploration, space operations, and science by analyzing advanced aerospace system concepts for NASA decision makers and programs.