STEM Engagement at Langley
Education and STEM at Langley Research Center supports the agency’s objectives to engage Americans in NASA’s mission, encourage and engage students in STEM disciplines, and strength NASA and the Nation’s future in STEM productivity.
We Engage Students In NASA’s Mission
K-12 students can dig deeper into STEM topics and experience the thrill of exploration and discovery.
NASA makes vital investments in a diverse portfolio of learning opportunities and activities designed to reach as many U.S. students as possible – from kindergarten through graduate school. NASA seeks to build the next generation STEM workforce and broaden student participation to increase diversity, equity and inclusion in STEM fields.
For Kids and Students
We Inspire An Interest In STEM
NASA’s Next Gen STEM offers a wide array of unique experiences designed to engage K-12 students nationwide in the agency’s missions, people, and resources.
Educators are a significant part of students’ lives and play a key role in connecting NASA to the Artemis Generation. NASA’s Next Gen STEM fully supports formal educators in classrooms and informal educators in museums, science centers, afterschool programs, and similar organizations, all of whom bring the excitement of the agency’s missions to students.
For Educators
Colleges, Universities, Technical and Vocational Institutions
NASA investments enhance the research, academic and technology capabilities
NASA’s congressionally STEM Engagement program and constituent projects executes a wide reaching set of activities for the benefit of students via: direct student awards for NASA internships and fellowships; student challenges and competitions; educator resources and opportunities; competitive awards to educational institutions for conducting research and development, building capacity, and creating student learning opportunities.
For Colleges and Universities
Be A NASA Intern
NASA offers paid internships for high school and college-level students to contribute to agency projects under the guidance of a NASA mentor.
Learn More about Be A NASA Intern
Langley STEM Resources and Opportunities
Contact Us
STEM Offices and Mission Leads
Office of STEM Engagement
Dr. Garnise Dennis
Langley Research Center
Hampton, VA 23681-2199
Phone: 757.864.2335
Email: garnise.a.dennis@nasa.gov
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