Suggested Searches

United States Deorbit Vehicle Contract (USDV)

Points of Contact

Name: Audrey C. Montgomery
Title: Lead Contracting Officer
Phone: 281-792-7510

Current Information

Requirements Request For Information #1

Requirements Request For Information #2

Requirements Request For Information #3

Industry Day Communications and Related Documents

Pre-Solicitation Conference Information

Draft Request for Proposal and Related Documents

Request for Proposal and Related Documents

Pre-Solicitation Synopsis

Technical Documents

Questions and Answers

  • Electronic responses are through the

Award Notice

Milestone Schedule

(Schedule Dates are Subject to Change)

This procurement is currently in the developmental stage and numerous actions are required before the procurement strategy and schedule are approved.  An updated schedule will be provided once the procurement strategy is approved.  The following preliminary schedule is subject to change.  Please monitor this website as updates to the schedule will be posted. 

Request for Information/Sources Sought Synopsis #1
Request for Information/Sources Sought Synopsis #2
Request for Information/Sources Sought Synopsis #3
Industry Day
Release Draft Request for Proposal
Release Final Request for Proposal
Pre-Proposal Conference
Past Performance Proposal Volume Requested
Proposals Due
Contract Award
Contract Start


Current News and Events

6/27/2024 Updated the Milestone schedule to reflect the actual award date. Posted the Award notice.
6/25/2024 The estimated award date has been updated to allow sufficient time for award file review.
3/6/2024 Updated the Point of Contact.
2/29/2024 Posted Modification 12 with Questions and Answers.
1/30/2024 Posted Modification 11 and Amendment 7 to the Request for Proposal.
1/25/2024 Posted Modification 10 and Amendment 6 to the Request for Proposal with additional documents.
1/22/2024 Posted Modification 9 to the Request for Proposal and Amendment 4 Questions and answers.
12/15/2023 Posted Modification 8 to the Request for Proposal with additional documents and an extension to the due date for proposals.
12/5/2023 Posted Modification 7 and Amendment 4 to the Request for Proposal with additional documents.
11/8/2023 Posted Modification 6 and Amendment 3 to the Request for Proposal. Updated Technical Library. The final RFP Questions and Answers are posted.
10/30/2023 Posted Modification 5 and Amendment 2 to the Request for Proposal Updating documents on the Technical Library.
10/20/2023 Posted Modification 4 to the Request for Proposal with the Pre-Proposal Conference Questions and Answers and the Final Request for Proposal Questions and Answers.
10/18/2023 Posted Modification 3 to the Request for Proposal with Amendment 1.
10/6/2023 Posted Modification 2 to the Request for Proposal Synopsis with the final Pre-proposal conference charts.
10/4/2023 Posted Modification 17 to the Sources Sought Synopsis with Draft Request for Proposal Questions and Answers part 3.
10/2/2023 Posted Modification 1 to the Request for Proposal with the Pre-Proposal Conference charts.
9/18/2023 Posted the Request for Proposal. Posted the Draft Request for Proposal Questions and Answers.
9/13/2023 Posted the Pre-Solicitation Synopsis.
8/21/2023 Updated the Milestone Schedule.
7/20/2023 Updated the Milestone Schedule adding additional items.
5/24/2023 Posted Modification 13 to the Sources Sought Synopsis with updated Technical Library and Industry Day Questions and Answers.
5/18/2023 Posted the Preliminary Acquisition Schedule. Posted links fo Requirements Requests for Information, Industry Day Charts, Pre-solicitation Synopsis and the Draft Request for Proposal.
05/04/2023 Posted Modification 9 to the Sources Sought Synopsis with the Draft Request for Proposal.
11/28/2022 Created the website and linked the Requirement Request for Information.

Postings to and to this website will be made as Industry Day or Pre-Proposal Conference dates are developed.

Vendors are able to indicate interest in this opportunity through the Interested Vendors List in each posting.  This list is available to other vendors.  Parties that would like their information posted to the Interested Vendors List in shall use the “Add Me To Interested Vendors List” button.  If a vendor would like to be removed from the Interested Vendors List, use the “Remove Me From Interested Vendors” button.

This website shall be shutdown 30 days after the Final Debriefing or at the end of the protest period, whichever comes later.

Curator: BA Web Services   Responsible NASA Official:   Audrey C. Montgomery | NASA Web Accessibility and Policy Notices