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xEMU Life Size Poster


An Exploration-class spacesuit is needed for future Artemis and Gateway missions. NASA’s prototype spacesuit, the Exploration Extravehicular Mobility Unit (xEMU) is seen here. Together with industry, academia, and global partners, NASA will land the first woman and the first person of color on the Moon through the Artemis Program. The spacesuit is a critical part of human exploration. There are two versions available; the one seen here with a gold visor (Artifact #1), and a second version with no visor (Artifact #2). Choose one or both and join NASA’s exploration. Visit to learn more about spacewalking.

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Aerial photograph of Johnson Space Center facilities taken from a U.S. Coast Guard H-65 helicopter.
Aerial photograph of Johnson Space Center facilities taken from a U.S. Coast Guard H-65 helicopter.