Image of the DayRing shadows line the face of distant Saturn, providing a backdrop for the brilliant, white sphere of Enceladus. This icy...About 4,000 light years from Earth lies RCW 108, a region where stars are actively forming within the Milky Way...Staring across interstellar space, the alluring Cat's Eye Nebula lies 3,000 light-years from Earth. The Cat's Eye (NGC 6543) represents...After completing its mission to re-supply the International Space Station, the European Space Agency's Jules Verne Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV)...A welder at NASA's Glenn Research Center (GRC) grinds welds on an Ares I-X rocket segment being readied for shipment...Expedition 14 commander Michael E. Lopez-Alegria (left) and cosmonaut Mikhail Tyurin, flight engineer representing Russia's Federal Space Agency, conduct pre-spacewalk...Astronaut Russell Schweickart, lunar module pilot, stands on the module's deck during his spacewalk on the fourth day of the...Dr. Wernher von Braun, Marshall Space Flight Center's first director, points out details on a Saturn rocket to President Dwight...Music legend Quincy Jones, center, was presented with a montage by astronaut Leland Melvin, right, as hip-hop artist/producer Pharrell Williams...This Hubble Telescope snapshot unveils a pair of one-half, light-year-long interstellar "twisters" - eerie funnels and twisted-rope structures (upper left)...Grammy Award-winning producer Quincy Jones presented a platinum copy of 'Fly Me to the Moon' to Senator John Glenn and...Generations of stars can be seen in this infrared portrait from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope. In this wispy star-forming region,...Space shuttle Atlantis (foreground) sits on Launch Pad A and Endeavour on Launch Pad B at NASA's Kennedy Space Center...The Red Planet is home to Valles Marineris, the solar system's largest canyon. Within this canyon lies Ius Chasma. This...How massive can a star be? Estimates made from distance, brightness and standard solar models have accorded one star in...A 50th anniversary message. In 1986, Snoopy was officially chosen as an official symbol of merit for America's space program...Atlantis rockets into the blue sky above Launch Pad 39A after liftoff on the STS-117 mission. Beneath Atlantis' main engines...Our Earth's horizon and the International Space Station's solar array panels are featured in this image photographed by the Expedition...As space shuttle Atlantis rolls out to the pad an onlooker views its progress from inside the Launch Control Center...Hurricane Ike covered more than half of Cuba in this image, taken by the Expedition 17 crew aboard the International...A massive cluster of galaxies located about 2.3 billion light years away, Abell 1689, shows signs of merging activity. Hundred-million-degree...In 2009, NASA will launch the first test flight of its next-generation spacecraft and launch vehicle system. The test flight,...Resembling the fury of a raging sea, this image actually shows a bubbly ocean of glowing hydrogen gas and small...An all-star gathering of legendary American astronauts appeared in Cleveland Aug. 29, 2008 to celebrate NASA's 50th anniversary. John Glenn,...The American flag flies on the NASA News Center grounds at NASA's Kennedy Space Center, giving witness to the passage...NASA joined AARP at the Life at 50+ National Event and Expo as the two organizations each celebrated a half...A boulder-strewn field of red rocks stretches across the horizon in this self-portrait of Viking 2 on Mars' Utopian Plain....A powerful collision of galaxy clusters has been captured by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope and Chandra X-ray Observatory. This clash...Above the Martian arctic circle, the sun does not set during the peak of the Martian summer. But, this period...Project RED SOCKS was to be "the world's first useful moon rocket," proposed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of...Galaxies don't normally look like this. That's because this image of NGC 3256 shows two galaxies that are slowly colliding....Eta Carinae, one of the most massive and unstable stars in the Milky Way Galaxy, has a profound effect on...NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has found an answer to a long-standing puzzle by resolving giant but delicate filaments shaped by...This artist's rendering depicts NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft as it studies the outer limits of the heliosphere-a magnetic 'bubble' around...The M2-F1, the unlikely forefather to the shuttle, was the world's first manned lifting body. Made of wood with an...NASA's Hubble Space Telescope captured this stunning true-color picture of the giant galactic nebula NGC 3603 on March 5, 1999...This sweeping mosaic of Saturn's moon Enceladus provides broad regional context for the ultra-sharp, close-up views NASA's Cassini spacecraft acquired...NASA's Terra satellite was rounding the top of the globe, making its way from the eastern tip of Siberia and...NASA's Hubble Space Telescope reveals the center of the magnificent barred spiral galaxy NGC 1512 in all wavelengths from ultraviolet...A sliver of 'ringshine' pierces the darkness in this view that looks toward the unilluminated side of Saturn's rings. The...