NASA Invites Acoustics Research Community for QSF18 Virtual Workshop
NASA’s Low Boom Flight Demonstration Mission is beginning to plan and prepare for a series of tests using the X-59 QueSST research aircraft to determine community response to quiet supersonic aircraft overflight. NASA is seeking to engage the international regulatory and research communities in the planning of these tests. To begin this engagement, NASA is hosting a virtual workshop on approaches to conducting surveys of response to community overflights. The workshop will focus on sharing the results of NASA’s recent risk reduction community test, Quiet Supersonic Flights 2018 (QSF18).
The acoustics research community is invited to participate in this workshop, which will be held over a teleconference with a webinar on Oct. 10, 2019, from 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. EDT. NASA is seeking subject matter experts to participate in discussions surrounding the community test methodologies used in QSF18 and how they might be adapted for use in future tests with the X-59.