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iss071e218069 (June 26, 2024) -- On Madagascar's northwestern coast, the Mozambique Channel flows inland to the Betsiboka River, forming Bombetoka Bay. The reddish-brown color is the result of iron-rich sediment transporting through, creating a striking visual marker for astronauts aboard the International Space Station. This photograph was taken as the orbiting laboratory soared 266 miles above Earth.

The Mozambique Channel Flows Inland to the Bombetoka Bay

iss071e218069 (June 26, 2024) -- On Madagascar's northwestern coast, the Mozambique Channel flows inland to the Betsiboka River, forming Bombetoka Bay. The reddish-brown color is the result of iron-rich sediment transporting through, creating a striking visual marker for astronauts aboard the International Space Station. This photograph was taken as the orbiting laboratory soared 266 miles above Earth.

Image Credit: NASA