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iss068e076142 (March 23, 2021) --- UAE (United Arab Emirates) astronaut and Expedition 68 Flight Engineer Sultan Alneyadi works in the Kibo laboratory module's Life Science Glovebox. Alneyadi was conducting research for the Cardinal Heart 2.0 investigation that is testing clinically-approved pharmaceutical drugs to reverse the negative effects on heart cells and tissues caused by prolonged exposure to the space environment.

Expedition 68 Flight Engineer Sultan Alneyadi

iss068e076142 (March 23, 2021) --- UAE (United Arab Emirates) astronaut and Expedition 68 Flight Engineer Sultan Alneyadi works in the Kibo laboratory module's Life Science Glovebox. Alneyadi was conducting research for the Cardinal Heart 2.0 investigation that is testing clinically-approved pharmaceutical drugs to reverse the negative effects on heart cells and tissues caused by prolonged exposure to the space environment.

Image Credit: NASA