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Expedition 59 Flight Engineer Alexey Ovchinin (foreground) and Commander Oleg Kononenko ready a pair of Russian Orlan spacesuits inside the Pirs docking compartment's airlock. Ovchinin and Kononenko are due to conduct the fourth spacewalk of 2019 for space station maintenance on May 29.

Expedition 59 Flight Engineer Alexey Ovchinin and Commander Oleg Kononenko

iss059e072275 (May 23, 2019) --- Expedition 59 Flight Engineer Alexey Ovchinin (foreground) and Commander Oleg Kononenko ready a pair of Russian Orlan spacesuits inside the Pirs docking compartment's airlock. Ovchinin and Kononenko are due to conduct the fourth spacewalk of 2019 for space station maintenance on May 29.

Image Credit: NASA