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Expedition 57 backup crewmember David Saint-Jacques of the Canadian Space Agency gets his hair cut, Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2018 at the Cosmonaut Hotel in Baikonur, Kazakhstan. Expedition 57 Flight Engineer Nick Hague of NASA and Flight Engineer Alexey Ovchinin of Roscosmos are scheduled to launch onboard a Soyuz rocket October 11 and will spend the next six months living and working aboard the International Space Station.

Expedition 57 backup crewmember David Saint-Jacques of the Canadian Space Agency gets his hair cut

Expedition 57 backup crewmember David Saint-Jacques of the Canadian Space Agency gets his hair cut, Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2018 at the Cosmonaut Hotel in Baikonur, Kazakhstan. Expedition 57 Flight Engineer Nick Hague of NASA and Flight Engineer Alexey Ovchinin of Roscosmos are scheduled to launch onboard a Soyuz rocket October 11 and will spend the next six months living and working aboard the International Space Station.

Image Credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls