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STS-100 patch

The STS-100 mission insignia

STS100-S-001 (December 2000) --- The STS-100/6A emblem reflects the complex interaction of robotics and extravehicular activity (EVA) on this mission. During the mission spacewalks will be conducted to deploy the International Space Station Robotic Manipulator System (SSRMS). The EVA helmet frames the patch, with the Canadian-built SSRMS shown below the visor. Reflected in the visor is the space shuttle Endeavour, with the International Space Station rising above the horizon at orbital sunrise. Endeavour’s payload bay houses a Spacelab pallet, itself holding the SSRMS and the Space Station Ultra High Frequency Antenna, and the Italian-built Multi-Purpose Logistics Module “Raffaello.” American, Russian, Canadian, and Italian astronauts compose the crew, and their flags are stylized in the lower portion of the emblem. Ten stars adorn the sky, representing the children of the STS-100 crew and the future of space exploration. The NASA insignia design for space shuttle flights is reserved for use by the astronauts and for other official use as the NASA Administrator may authorize. Public availability has been approved only in the forms of illustrations by the various news media. When and if there is any change in this policy, which is not anticipated, the change will be publicly announced. Photo credit: NASA
