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STS-100 crew poses for the inflight crew photo on the middeck of Endeavour during STS-100

The STS-100 crew pose for their inflight crew photograph on the middeck of Endeavour, Orbiter Vehicle (OV) 105, during the STS-100 mission. Front row from left to right are: Mission Specialist (MS) Scott E. Parazynski, Pilot Jeffrey S. Ashby, Commander Kent V. Rominger and MS / Cosmonaut Yuri V. Lonchakov. Back row: MS John L. Phillips, MS Umberto Guidoni and MS Chris A. Hadfield. Lonchakov represents Rosaviakosmos. Guidoni represents European Space Agency (ESA). Hadfield represents Canadian Space Agency (CSA). This image was selected by the STS-100 crew for use in public presentations.
