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Official STS-86 crew portrait

STS086-S-002 (May 1997) --- These eight astronauts have been assigned as the crew for the STS-86 mission, scheduled for a September 1997 launch and visit to Russia's Mir space station. Wearing the partial pressure launch and entry suits are, from the left, Jean-Loup J.M. Chretien, mission specialist; David A. Wolf, mission specialist; Michael J. Bloomfield, pilot; James D. Wetherbee, mission commander; and Wendy B. Lawrence and C. Michael Foale, both mission specialists. Wearing the Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) space suits are Scott F. Parazynski (left) and Vladimir G. Titov, both mission specialists. Chretien and Titov are international mission specialists, representing the French Space Agency (CNES) and Russian Space Agency (RSA), respectively.
