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STS-79 crew watches from aft flight deck during undocking from Mir

STS079-S-097 (16-26 Sept. 1996) --- Left to right, Terrence W. (Terry) Wilcutt, pilot; Shannon W. Lucid, mission specialist; and William F. Readdy, mission commander, are pictured on the space shuttle Atlantis' aft flight deck during undocking operations with Russia's Mir Space Station. Mir had served as both work and home for Lucid for over six months before greeting her American colleagues upon docking of Mir and Atlantis last week. Following her lengthy stay aboard Mir and several days on Atlantis, Lucid went on to spend 188 consecutive days in space before returning to Earth with the STS-79 crew. During the STS-79 mission, the crew used an IMAX camera to document activities aboard the Space Shuttle Atlantis and the various Mir modules. A hand-held version of the 65mm camera system accompanied the STS-79 crew into space in Atlantis' crew cabin. NASA has flown IMAX camera systems on many Shuttle missions, including a special cargo bay camera's coverage of other recent Shuttle-Mir rendezvous and/or docking missions.
