STS-32 Columbia, OV-102, liftoff from KSC LC Pad 39A is reflected in waterway
STS032-S-069 (9 Jan. 1990) --- The space shuttle Columbia, with a five member crew aboard, lifts off for the ninth time as STS-32 begins a 10-day mission in Earth orbit. Leaving from Launch Pad 39A at 7:34:59:98 a.m. EST, in this horizontal (cropped 70mm) frame, Columbia is seen reflected in nearby marsh waters some 24 hours after dubious weather at the return-to-launch site (RTLS) had cancelled a scheduled launch. Onboard the spacecraft were astronauts Daniel C. Brandenstein, James D. Wetherbee, Bonnie J. Dunbar, G. David Low and Marsha S. Ivins. Photo credit: NASA
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TakenJanuary 9, 1990
PIA Numbers32-s-069