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Guppy Fit Check for Orion EM-1

A fit check of the Orion Crew and Service Module Horizontal Transporter (CHT) with NASA's Super Guppy aircraft began March 12, 2019, at NASA Kennedy Space Center’s Shuttle Landing Facility in Florida, operated by Space Florida. In this photo, the CHT is secured on the U.S. Air Force aircraft loader. The fit check is being performed to confirm loading operations, ensure that the CHT fits inside the Super Guppy and test the electrical interface to aircraft power. The Orion crew and service modules will be readied for a trip to NASA’s Plum Brook Station in Sandusky, Ohio, for full thermal vacuum testing. In this unique facility, the crew and service modules will be put through extensive testing to ensure they can survive the rigors of launch, space travel, re-entry and splashdown. The Orion spacecraft will launch atop the agency's Space Launch System rocket on Exploration Mission-1.

Image Credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett