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KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FLA. -- In the Orbiter Processing Facility, STS-111 Mission Specialists Philippe Perrin, with the French Space Agency, and Franklin Chang-Diaz pause during their checkout of the payload installed in Endeavour's payload bay. The crew is at KSC for Terminal Countdown Demonstration Test activities, which include payload familiarization and a simulated launch countdown. The crew also comprises Commander Kenneth Cockrell and Pilot Paul Lockhart. The payload on the mission to the International Space Station includes the Mobile Base System, an Orbital Replacement Unit and Multi-Purpose Logistics Module Leonardo. Traveling on Endeavour is also the Expedition 5 crew - Commander Valeri Korzun, Peggy Whitson and Sergei Treschev -- who will replace the Expedition 4 crew on the Station. Korzun and Treschev are with the Russian Space Agency. Launch of Endeavour is scheduled for May 30, 2002.
