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The crew of the STS 61-A mission egress the Orbiter after landing

61A-S-140 (6 Nov 1985) --- The record-setting eight crewmembers for STS 61-A file from their "home" for the past week at the completion of a successful Spacelab D-1 mission. Astronaut Henry W. Hartsfield Jr., mission commander, shakes hands with George W. S. Abbey, director of flight crew operations at JSC. Other crewmembers, from left to right, are Astronauts Guion S. Bluford Jr., James F. Buchli, Steven R. Nagel and Bonnie J. Dunbar; and Payload Specialists Wubbo J. Ockels, Ernst Messerschmid and Reinhard Furrer. The Challenger came to a complete stop at 9:45:39 a.m. (PST).
