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Takeoff for 2014 ATTREX Pacific Stratospheric Mission

NASA's Global Hawk 872 takes to the air from the main runway at Edwards Air Force Base Dec. 20, 2013, during a checkout flight o
NASA's Global Hawk 872 took to the air from the main runway at Edwards Air Force Base Dec. 20, 2013, during a checkout flight of instruments for the 2014 ATTREX mission over the western Pacific Ocean.


Mission: Airborne Tropical TRopopause EXperiment (ATTREX)

NASA’s Global Hawk 872 took to the air from the main runway at Edwards Air Force Base Dec. 20, 2013, during a checkout flight of instruments for the 2014 ATTREX mission over the western Pacific Ocean. Yellow and black pods housing the Hawkeye cloud particle probe instruments being used during the mission can be seen underneath the wings.

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Dec. 20, 2013NASA / Jim Ross