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Super Guppy – T-38 Loading For Ferry Flight

Super Guppy - T-38 Loading For Ferry Flight
Ground and flight crew of NASA's Super Guppy Transport oversize cargo aircraft close the nose section after loading two retired NASA T-38 aircraft into its huge cargo bay. The Guppy flew the T-38s from NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center to El Paso, Texas, where they were to be partially disassembled for parts.

Ground and flight crew of NASA’s Super Guppy Transport oversize cargo aircraft close the nose section after loading two retired NASA T-38 aircraft into its huge cargo bay. The Guppy flew the T-38s from NASA’s Dryden Flight Research Center to El Paso, Texas, where they were to be partially disassembled for parts to keep other NASA T-38s stationed there flyable.March 18, 2013
NASA / Jim Ross