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Skylab Sketch

Skylab Sketch
At a meeting at the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, on August 19, 1966, George E. Mueller, NASA Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight, used a felt pen and poster paper to pin down the final conceptual layout for the budding space station's (established as the Skylab in 1970) major elements.

At a meeting at the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, on August 19, 1966, George E. Mueller, NASA Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight, used a felt pen and poster paper to pin down the final conceptual layout for the budding space station’s (established as the Skylab in 1970) major elements. General Davy Jones, first program director, added his initials and those of Dr. Mueller in the lower right corner. The goals of the Skylab were to enrich our scientific knowledge of the Earth, the Sun, the stars, and cosmic space; to study the effects of weightlessness on living organisms, including man; to study the effects of the processing and manufacturing of materials utilizing the absence of gravity; and to conduct Earth resource observations. The Skylab also conducted 19 selected experiments submitted by high school students. Skylab’s 3 different 3-man crews spent up to 84 days in Earth orbit. The Marshall Center developed and integrated many of the major components of the Skylab: the Orbital Workshop (OWS), Airlock Module (AM), Multiple Docking Adapter (MDA), Apollo Telescope Mount (ATM), Payload Shroud (PS), and most of the experiments. Marshall provided the Saturn IB launch vehicles for three Apollo spacecraft and crews and a Saturn V launch vehicle for the Skylab.

Image credit: NASA