On February 20, 2013, we remember the 51st anniversary of the flight of Friendship 7, which vaulted NASA astronaut John Glenn into space to orbit the Earth for the first time in history. Last March, Glenn spoke to a Cleveland audience during the 50th anniversary celebration telling the audience that he still believes in the future of NASA and that America should continue to lead the way in space exploration.
“Every bit of progress starts with curiosity-a desire to do better or try something different-and NASA has had a dominant role in discovery of the unknown,” said Glenn. “As we look back, I would like the value of my efforts to be viewed as stepping stones towards a future that energizes young people to do something better.”
After the formal celebration, Glenn participated in the first NASA Glenn Tweetup (now called “socials”) meeting 80 Twitter followers who were delighted to ask questions of the American hero. To learn more about the Tweetup, visit:https://www.nasa.gov/centers/glenn/technology/glenn_tweetup.html
For more information about John Glenn’s life and career, visit:https://www.nasa.gov/centers/glenn/about/bios/john_glenn.htmlImage Credit: NASA
Michelle M. Murphy (Wyle Information Systems, LLC)
1 min read