Title: NASA meatball logo
Designer: James J. Modarelli
Year it was designed: circa 1958
Explanation or story behind the patch: This NASA insignia was created by retiree James J. Modarelli, former Chief of Technical Publication of Lewis Research Center; designed by the Army Institute of Heraldry; and approved by the Commission of Fine Arts and the NASA Administrator. This official insignia of the NASA is a dark blue disc with white stars. The white hand-cut letters “NASA” are in the center of the disc and are encircled by a white diagonal orbit. A solid red “V” shape appears behind and in front of the letters and extends beyond the disc. The “V” is patterned after an actual wing design being tested by NACA researchers during the late 1950s. This insignia was used from 1958 to 1975 and was affectionately known at the “meatball,” returning to NASA Insignia status in 1992.