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M2-F1 Tests Instant L/D Rocket on Lakebed

M2-F1 Tests Instant L/D Rocket on Lakebed
The M2-F1 Lifting Body is seen here testing its "instant L/D rocket" on the lakebed at NASA's Flight Research Center, Edwards, CA.

The M2-F1 Lifting Body is seen here testing its “instant L/D rocket” on the lakebed at NASA’s Flight Research Center, Edwards, CA. The M2-F1 was an experimental aircraft. Its outer plywood shell was built by sailplane maker Gus Briegleb, while the internal frame was built at the Flight Research Center. The instant lift-over-drag (L/D) rocket was developed at the Navy facility at China Lake, CA.August 5, 1963NASA Photo › M2-F1 Project Description