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Logo: Waveforms & Sonic Boom Perception and Response

Logo: Waveforms & Sonic Boom Perception and Response
Logo: Waveforms & Sonic Boom Perception and Response (WSPR)

Title: Waveforms & Sonic Boom Perception and Response (WSPR)

Designer: David Faust/Graphics

Year it was designed: ~2010

Explanation or story behind the logo: WSPR shows the F-18 in the inverted low-boom dive, designed to put quiet sonic thumps on the residential community at Edwards AFB, represented by the homes next to the dry lakebed. This was the first time residents were asked their opinions on the acceptability of quiet supersonic sounds, although this community was used to loud sonic booms. This was a precursor effort to the QSF18 flights over Galveston, TX that sought the opinions of people unaccustomed to hearing quiet thumps.