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Living and Working Among Machines: NASA Chief Technologist Discusses the Future of Artificial Intelligence in the Workforce

Douglas Terrier, right, and Mona Vernon, left
NASA Chief Technologist Douglas Terrier participated in the The Washington Post's Transformers: Artificial Intelligence event on March 20.

“This is the first generation that’s coming up now that will live and work among intelligent machines as an integral part of their team, and I think that has profound implications in society and in the way our workplace operates,” shared Chief Technologist Douglas Terrier at The Washington Post’s Transformers: Artificial Intelligence event on March 20.

Terrier joined pioneering researchers, business leaders, and elected officials to discuss the implications of artificial intelligence (AI). During a riveting 30-minute discussion, moderated by The Washington Post’s Anna Rothschild, Terrier spoke on AI’s effect on the job market and how key sectors will evolve to meet the new realities of these technological advances.

“There will be jobs that will change and the skill set will change, but there will also be myriad jobs that will be created that don’t exist today. So, I think there’s a lot of opportunity,” said Terrier.

While the advancement of AI technologies brings some angst, experts shed light on the realities and benefits to society that AI has already brought to our day to day life that we’ve grown accustomed to.

Watch Terrier join Peter Schwartz, Senior Vice President of Strategic Planning at Salesforce and Mona Vernon, Chief Technology Officer at Thomson Reuters Labs offer insight on AI and the future of work: