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Late 1973 – Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS) Program Established

Late 1973 TDRS Specifications
NASA realized two general trends with the networks during this time period:• The ground stations with Manned Space Flight Network could not keep up with fast paced technology changes, the large data rate transfers from the satellites and the limited coverage by the ground stations.• Some foreign countries where the tracking stations were…

NASA realized two general trends with the networks during this time period:

  • The ground stations with Manned Space Flight Network could not keep up with fast paced technology changes, the large data rate transfers from the satellites and the limited coverage by the ground stations.
  • Some foreign countries where the tracking stations were located were experiencing political unrest.

NASA initiated studies on a possible solution. NASA determined that the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) was the most viable alternative. This network would be a constellation of data relay and tracking satellites and associated ground systems that provide “bent pipe” relay services in space and track low Earth orbiting spacecraft. The satellites would utilize three bands in the upper spectrum: S-, Ku- and much later Ka-band.

› TDRS Project Office› Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS)› SCaN History of the 1970’s