Small Business Specialist at Goddard Space Flight Center
Tell us a little about your background.
My name is Jennifer D. Perez and I am the Senior Small Business Specialist at Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in Greenbelt, MD. I was born in New York City and moved to Maryland in 1987. I started my civil servant career 30 years ago at the Internal Revenue Service as a clerk-typist. Wow, time flies when you are having fun! Two years later, I accepted a position at GSFC as a clerk-typist for the Flight Programs and Projects Directorate, Code 400. In 1990, in order to further my career, I enrolled in college to pursue a degree in business administration.
While attending college, raising a family, and working in the clerical field, an opportunity arose to work in the Procurement Directorate in 1997, and I officially began my acquisition career as a procurement technician in the Headquarters Procurement Office. Since then, I have earned my degree; served as team leader for Simplified Acquisitions; and worked as a contracting officer, where I administered, extended, terminated, negotiated, and renegotiated contracts. After working in the contracts world for 12 years, I felt I was called to do something else where my customer service skills could be best utilized. I was approached in 2009 by Gilberto Delvalle to do a detail in the Small Business Office and the rest is history. I have found my calling professionally. I love this position so much that I plan to stay until I retire.
What made you want to become a small business specialist?
I find that my experience and knowledge of small businesses, including the procurement policies and processes within NASA, made me a well-suited candidate for the position. During my tenure, I have gained experience by helping develop and influence procurement policies, all while working on a team that is dedicated to preserving competitive opportunities that will help grow our nation’s small and disadvantaged business community.
What is your favorite part of being a small business specialist?
I am a people person. I take special interest and enjoy maintaining relationships and becoming the first line of contact for new and established vendors to find contractual work within NASA. Also, I genuinely enjoy assisting in the education of our procurement community on Small Business policies and processes. It is rewarding when I am able to assist a small business in acquiring their first NASA contract.