An orbital maneuvering system (OMS) engine firing caused this bright glow at the aft end of the shuttle Challenger during STS-7. Also visible in the open payload bay are parts of the Shuttle pallet satellite, the experiment package for NASA's Office of Space and Terrestrial Applications and protective cradles for satellites.
An orbital maneuvering system (OMS) engine firing caused this bright glow at the aft end of the shuttle Challenger during the STS-7 mission. Also visible in the open payload bay are parts of the Shuttle pallet satellite, the experiment package for NASA’s Office of Space and Terrestrial Applications, the protective cradles for the Indonesian Palapa-B and Telesat Canada Anik C2 satellites, some getaway special canisters and the Canadian-built remote manipulator system. Only a small portion of the earth’s horizon can be seen above the orbiter’s vertical stabilizer.
June 25, 1983Image Credit: NASA