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F-15 ACTIVE Illustration
The primary objectives of the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center's F-15B Advanced Controls Technology for Integrated Vehicles (ACTIVE) project were to develop and demonstrate by flight and ground tests, advanced engine and aircraft flight control technologies that would significantly enhance the next generation of High Performance applications.


The primary objectives of the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center’s F-15B Advanced Controls Technology for Integrated Vehicles (ACTIVE) project were to develop and demonstrate by flight and ground tests, advanced engine and aircraft flight control technologies that would significantly enhance the engine/aircraft operational characteristics for the next generation of High Performance applications. This project leveraged technology developed and proven in HIDEC and Performance Seeking Control (PSC) projects.

Demonstration of aircraft and engine performance was a primary goal of the ACTIVE project. Well-established standard maneuvers exist by which conventional aircraft performance may be measured in-flight. Procedures to quantify aircraft performance with vectoring nozzles usually assume that the nozzle control is integrated with the flight controls. However, because the ACTIVE Pitch/Yaw Balance Beam Nozzle (P/YBBN) is not part of the inner-loop flight controls, tests were limited to quasi-steady-state maneuvering. Tests were directed at demonstrating how the P/Y BBN improves aircraft steady-state maneuvering performance, and document the nozzle effects on engine performance. In addition, the performance results served as a benchmark for comparison with the ADAPT research…Learn more
