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Dream Chaser Wind Tunnel Model

Dream Chaser model in wind tunnel
Dream Chaser model in Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel at NASA's Langley Research Center

Model of Sierra Nevada Corp. (SNC) Dream Chaser spacecraft inside the Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel.

Sierra Nevada Corporation is partnering with NASA to advance the development of a commercial crew space transportation system as part of the Commercial Crew Development (CCDev) program. The Dream Chaser is based on NASA’s HL-20 lifting body design and will be launched on the Atlas V launch vehicle. The Dream Chaser combines years of NASA analysis and wind tunnel research with Sierra Nevada’s engineering into a fully-reusable spacecraft to transport humans to low Earth orbit and then return them to Earth with a runway landing. A lifting body spacecraft design offers increased cross range and lower g forces on entry than a capsule design, providing more landing opportunities and a more benign entry environment for crew and science experiment return.

Credit: NASA/David C. Bowman