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CV-990 Landing Systems Research Aircraft

CV-990 Landing Systems Research Aircraft
One of the final tests of the CV-990 Landing Systems Research Aircraft (LSRA) in August, 1995 at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, CA, resulted in the destruction of the wheel, following a fire caused by a mixture of heat, aluminum particles, and rubber.

One of the final tests of the CV-990 Landing Systems Research Aircraft (LSRA) in August, 1995 at NASA’s Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, CA, resulted in the destruction of the wheel, following a fire caused by a mixture of heat, aluminum particles, and rubber. Following successful tests of tire wear at Edwards and the Kennedy Space Center, FL, this series of roll-on-rim tests determined the failure modes of wheels for the Space Shuttle.August 2, 1995
NASA Photo