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Cessna T-37

Cessna T-37
This T-37 was used by the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, Calif., as a chase aircraft for many research flights.

This T-37 was used by the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, Calif., as a chase aircraft for many research flights. It was also used as a probe aircraft wake vortices for studies in support of the national effort to reduce the hazards associated with the trailed wake vortices of large aircraft. The effectiveness of using selected combinations of flap and spoiler positions on large aircraft to alleviate these air disturbances was evaluated by measuring the upsets imposed on these probe aircraft as they flew behind the large aircraft. The Cessna T-37B (60-0084) arrived at the NASA Flight Research Center in August 1974. On 8 November 1982, it crashed in a spin during a proficiency flight. NASA test pilot Richard E. Gray was fatally injured.1974NASA Photo