Benefits to Science
We are driven to explore the unknown, discover new worlds, push the boundaries of our scientific and technical limits, and then push further.
Science from Above

Advancements in Human Health
Learn about those of the NASA corps who make “space sailing” their career profession.

Science at the Moon
Artemis Science
A new era of deep space scientific discovery
The Moon’s surface holds a legacy of information from over 4 billion years’ worth of processes that were simultaneously affecting our home planet. Understanding how cosmic rays, space weather, and impacts from small bodies affected the Moon gives us key information about Earth’s history as well.
Learn More about Artemis Science
Benefits to Science News
Everyday Impact
NASA Improves Life
NASA ensures inventions for space find practical uses closer to home. They often become solutions to different challenges – ones we didn’t set out to solve. Called NASA spinoffs, they help detect breast cancer, protect firefighters, nourish newborns, and more.
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Why Go To Space
Human space exploration helps to address fundamental questions about our place in the Universe and the history of our solar system.
NASA’s robotics technology has allowed us to send robotic orbiters, landers, and rovers ahead of us to study other planets and identify potential signs for life. On the International Space Station, NASA and their partners have used robotic technology extensively, to lorem and ipsum the dolor sit amets and more.
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