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NASA Astronaut Stephanie D. Wilson

Stephanie D. Wilson was selected as a NASA astronaut in 1996. A veteran of three spaceflights, STS-121 in 2006, STS‑120 in 2007 and STS-131 in 2010, Wilson has logged more than 42 days in space. She is currently assigned to the NASA SpaceX Crew-9 mission.

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Stephanie Wilson

Learn more about astronaut Stephanie Wilson, including her flight experience, hobbies, education, background and more.

View Stephanie Wilson Biography about Stephanie Wilson
Astronaut Stephanie D. Wilson, STS-121 mission specialist, works with the Mobile Service System (MSS) and Canadarm2 controls in the Destiny laboratory of the International Space Station while Space Shuttle Discovery was docked to the station.
(15 July 2006) Astronaut Stephanie D. Wilson, STS-121 mission specialist, works with the Mobile Service System (MSS) and Canadarm2 controls in the Destiny laboratory of the International Space Station while Space Shuttle Discovery was docked to the station.