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Exploration Medical Capability

The Exploration Medical Capability (ExMC) element of NASA’s Human Research Program (HRP) promotes human health and performance in space by advancing medical systems design and risk-informed decision-making for exploration beyond low-Earth orbit.

ESA (European Space Agency) astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti operates the rHEALTH One analyzer on the International Space Station in May 2022.

ExMC Spaceflight Risks

Space Dust

Tiny particles of space dust may settle on equipment, hardware, and spacesuits, potentially affecting astronauts’ health over time. Researchers seek to understand the long-term risks of such exposures, particularly with deep space missions.

Space Accidents

Managing medical conditions and accidents in space is essential for mission success.  In particular, researchers are assessing how to address problems without real-time medical support from Mission Control.


Medicines may lose their potency or stability during long trips to space. Studying how medicines degrade in space and addressing the related health hazards are key research priorities.

Kidney Stones

When bones break down in space, calcium is released into blood and urine, sometimes boosting the risk of kidney stone formation. Dehydration and microgravity can also heighten this risk. Top research priorities include preventing kidney stone formation and better identifying and treating this condition in space.