Vehicle Automation and Computers
Aboard the Shuttle
affecting the choice of computer systems for the emerging Space
Shuttle can be traced back to the Apollo era. Before the first piloted
Apollo flight, NASA was working on defining an orbiting laboratory
ultimately known as Skylab. Even on Earth, Skylab was impressivebasically
a gutted and modified Saturn S-IVB upper stage, the laboratory was
a fully equipped orbiting research facility that encompassed more
than 10,000 cubic feet. At one end, beyond an airlock module that
would allow Apollo Command Modules to ferry crews and supplies to
the laboratory, was the Apollo telescope mounta 12-ton observatory
holding instruments that allowed the crew to make detailed studies
of the Sun. Not only would the Sun be a primary object of study
during the Skylab missions, but it would also supply all of the
laboratorys power, a first for the U.S. crewed space program.1
10 percent of this power was dedicated to a revolutionary computer
system. Called the attitude and pointing control system (APCS),
the system was primarily responsible for controlling the attitude
of the laboratory along all three axes, which was particularly important
to the Sun-observing experiments. The APCS represented the first
opportunity to employ a truly dual-redundant digital computer system
aboard a spacecraft. While Gemini and Apollo used complex redundant
circuitry inside their single computers and were backed-up by ground-based
systems at Mission Control and hand-calculated solutions from the
astronauts, the APCS included two identical onboard computers. One
functioned as the primary unit, the second as a backupeach
machine fully capable of performing all the necessary functions.
If system redundancy management software detected deviations from
preselected criteria, it could automatically command the primary
computer to relinquish control to the backup. Such a switchover
could also be commanded by the astronauts or from the ground.2
the special computers devised for the cramped quarters aboard Gemini
and Apollo, the computers for Skylab had not been custom-built.
The central processing unit (CPU) of each computer was from IBMs
4Pi series of processors, effectively a miniaturized and hardened
version of the System/360 computers developed by IBM in the early
1960s. The IBM 4Pi computers were also used in several military
aircraft programs, such as the Republic F-105 Thunderchief and the
Boeing B-52 Stratofortress, among others. The 4Pi model chosen for
Skylab was the TC-1, adapted for use on Skylab by the addition of
a custom input/output assembly to communicate with the unique sensors
and equipment aboard the laboratory.3
use of tested, off-the-shelf technology proved so successful with
Skylab that it became a standard NASA policy for subsequent programs.
But in many respects, the choice was somewhat problematic. As had
been the case with Apollo (and would occur again with the Space
Shuttle), the hardware decisions were made first, long before the
software specifications had been finalized. For Skylab, the hardware
choice was made in October 1969, but the software specification
document was not issued until the following July. In trying to meet
the program specifications, IBM produced software modules that ranged
from 9,000 to 20,000 words of codebut the maximum capacity
of the ferrite-core memory used in the TC-1 was only 16,000 words.
As a result, IBM engineers had to request numerous deviations from
the specifications in order to make the software fit into the available
memory without losing any critical functionality. Despite these
obstacles, IBM delivered the final release of the software on 20
March 1973, two months before the scheduled launch of the laboratory.4
a further guarantee of reliability, an auxiliary system called the
memory load unit (MLU) was added in 1971 to provide a backup. Should
the software be inadvertently erased from the core memory, the entire
package could be reloaded from read-only tape stored on the MLU.
In theory, this could also give Skylab the capability to reload
only selected parts of memory, allowing different programs to be
swapped in and out of memory as required to support various experiments
or other tasks. This capability was apparently never exploited,
but it served as a model for the future Space Shuttle.5
success of the APCS aboard Skylab helped set the stage for a major
expansion of the computers role in piloted space flight. Building
on Skylabs foundation of redundancy management software and
dual computers, NASA had already decided that the Space Shuttle
would be the most automated vehicle in history. George Mueller had
made this clear early in the Phase A studies (see page 80). That
the expanded use of computers would have inevitably happened with
or without the experience of APCS is undeniable. However, computers
were still new and largely unknown devices in the early 1970s, before
the advent of relatively inexpensive microprocessors and personal
computers. IBM had traditionally been NASAs only spacecraft
computer supplier and was at the heart of these decisions. Early
on, during the Phase A studies, IBM had teamed with several of the
airframe contractors, most notably North American Rockwell, to supply
computers and software for the upcoming Space Shuttle. Although
it was not cast in stone, it was largely assumed that IBM would
produce the hardware and software regardless of the ultimate selection
of an airframe contractor.
fully reusable Phase B vehicles were more aircraft than spacecraft,
although they combined the most demanding requirements of both worlds.
Not only would the flight control system have the usual responsibilities
for figuring out how to make a high-speed* aircraft stable
at high speeds and controllable during landing, but it would also
have the additional need to control the vehicle onorbit and during
reentry. In an era of mainly mechanical flight control systems,
this was asking for quite an advancement.6
a computer-based fly-by-wire (FBW) control system could probably
do this. Fly-by-wire systems were not newthe German A-4 (V2)
rocket used one during World War II; the Avro CF-105 Arrow used
one in 1958; the X-20 Dyna-Soar would have used one; and to some
degree, each of the U.S. crewed capsules and the lunar lander had
used them. But these were all analog systems, inherently limited
in what they could do by a lack of processing power, and usually
(but not always) backed up by some kind of mechanical system. In
1972, NASA Dryden began research flights with the first aircraft
equipped with a digital fly-by-wire (DFBW) control system.
This system eliminated the direct mechanical or hydraulic control
linkage from the pilots control stick to each control surface
(although the aerosurface was still moved by a hydraulic actuator).
Instead, the stick provided inputs to a computer that determined
how each control surface should be moved to generate the required
motion. To demonstrate this system, NASA Dryden modified a Vought
F-8 Crusader, at first using a digital computer from the Apollo
Command Module, and later using three AP-101s, the same computer
selected for Space Shuttle. The first flight with the AP-101 was
on 27 August 1976, and 169 missions were flown before the last flight
on 16 December 1985. The F-8 was also used to validate the control
laws used in the Space Shuttle flight control system before the
atmospheric flight tests.7
a computer for Shuttle was an interesting task in itself. The logical
choice at first appeared to be the Autonetics D-216, a 16-bit computer
with 16 kilowords of memory that cost approximately $85,000 each.
This was the computer being used in the North American B-1A prototypes,
but the small word size and limited memory led Space Shuttle officials
to continue their search. A meeting on 5 October 1972 to discuss
proposed modifications to the DFBW F-8 brought to light two computers
that could possibly be used on Shuttle. The 32-bit Singer-Kearfott
SKC-2000 had floating-point arithmetic (unusual in those days) and
could be expanded to 24 kilowords of memory. Its
major drawbacks were that it used 430 watts of power, weighed 90
pounds, and cost $185,000 each. During November 1972, the Shuttle
program "discovered" the IBM AP-101, a variant of the
same 4Pi computer that had flown on Skylab. This 32-bit machine
had 32 kilowords of memory and a floating-point instruction set,
consumed 370 watts of power, weighed slightly less than 50 pounds,
and cost $87,000 each.8
should be noted that no off-the-shelf microprocessors (no Z80s,
80x86s, 680x0s, etc.) were then available, and large-scale integrated
circuit technology was emerging but years away from maturity. Since
little, if anything, was known about the effects of lightning or
radiation on high-density solid-state circuitry, ferrite-core memory
was the only reasonably available choice for the orbiter computers.
Therefore, memory size was limited by the power, weight, and heat
constraints associated with core memory.9
modest the final Space Shuttle was compared to the early Phase A/B
studies, the role of its onboard computers was the most ambitious
yet for any aircraft or spacecraft. When the RFP for the Phase C/D
orbiter contract was released, it contained language that essentially
removed the flight software from the prime contract and created
a direct link between NASA and the software developer. NASA felt
that it needed to keep tighter control on the software development
effort than would have been possible in a once-removed subcontractor
separate contract was issued to IBM for the development and verification
of the most complicated computer software yet attempted. The initial
$6,618,500 18-month contract was awarded on 25 September 1973; it
covered the design and maintenance of the primary avionics system
software (PASS), the creation of appropriate tools for developing
the software, and the design and development of the Avionics Development
Laboratory (ADL) and the Shuttle Avionics Integration Laboratory
(SAIL) at JSC.11
although NASA had removed the software, the orbiter contract still
contained provisions for Rockwell to supply the computer hardware.
Rockwell subsequently awarded IBM a $15 million contract for a version
of the AP-101B coupled with a newly designed input-output processor
(IOP). The computer was already being used in the Dryden DFBW F-8
program, and in fact, the Shuttle program had provided Dryden with
over $1 million in funding for the DFBW program to assist in perfecting
the machine. As in Skylab, each CPU was coupled with a uniquely
developed IOP that provided communications with the various systems
aboard the Space Shuttle.12
bus technology for real-time avionics systems was emerging but could
not be considered operational, and the first digital data bus standard,
Mil-Std-1553, would not be officially approved by the Air Force
until 1975. All previous onboard systems had used bundles of wires,
each dedicated to a specific signal. The sheer weight of the wiring
would be unacceptable, and Space Shuttle elected to adopt a sort
of preliminary version of the -1553 data bus during late 1974.13
use of mass storage (magnetic tape) for software programs in a dynamic
environment was limited and suspect, especially for program overlays
while in flight (the MLU had flown on Skylab but was not used operationally
to load overlays). Software design was evolving rapidly with the
emergence of top-down, structured techniques, but no large-scale
flight-critical systems had yet been developed and qualified using
this methodology.14
had been decided as early as Phase A that a computer system would
be required to control the vehicle during all phases of flight.
In fact, the final Orbiter configuration was an inherently unstable
flight vehicle, incapable of even rudimentary control without the
help of the onboard computer systems. Therefore, even more so than
on Skylab, the computer system had to be completely reliable. That
ideal was achieved through a novel approach to full redundancy,
an advancement of the dual system used on Skylab. On the Shuttle,
four identical AP-101Bs would function simultaneously as a quadruple-redundant
set during critical mission phases such as ascent and reentry, processing
the same information, derived from completely separate data buses,
in precise synchronization. If a conflict arose among the four primary
computers, the majority§ would rule, voting the
conflicting unit out of the loop. None of the computers, singly
or en masse, could turn off any otherthat step was left to
the crew. An errant machine would announce itself to the crew with
warning lights, audio signals, and display-screen messagesall
suggesting that the crew might want to isolate (i.e.; turn off)
the offending computer from the system.15
the principle of redundancy solidly established, the remaining challenge
was to actually write the software. The huge expense and difficulties
suffered in the development of software for Apollo caused NASA to
take a hard look at what language to use for Shuttles software.
Most of the software for Apollo had been meticulously coded in assembly
language, which required the programmer to pay close attention to
the machine-instruction set and to sequences of addresses in memory.
To give programmers greater flexibility, NASA urged the use of a
high-order computer language for Space Shuttle.16
variation of a the HAL language, called HAL/S, was created specifically
for the Shuttle project by Intermetrics, Incorporated, a Massachusetts
company founded in 1969 by five M.I.T. programmers who had worked
on developing software for Apollo. The name was a tribute to computer
pioneer J. Halcombe Laning, who had invented an algebraic compiler
in 1952 that ran on the M.I.T. Whirlwindthe first real-rime
computer. The S appended to the name has been variously
explained as meaning subset (of what is unclear) or
"Shuttle," and it is left to the reader to determine which
is most fitting.17
a lot like FORTRAN syntactically, what set HAL/S apart from other
languages of the era was its ability to schedule tasks according
to priority levels defined by the programmer. This capability would
be the source of constant battles between IBM, who used the capability
extensively, and Rockwell, who shunned its use for the backup software.
Distilled from the best programming techniques of the era, HAL/S
defined strict access rules that allowed various segments of the
program to interact only as the programs author intended.
But the languages greatest distinction may have been that
it featured specific statements for real-time computing. Several
programs could appear to share computer resources simultaneously,
allowing both the crew and the many automated systems controlled
by the computer to respond to rapidly changing events inside and
outside the spacecraft without any knowledge of each other.18
capabilities of HAL/S, specifically the ability to schedule tasks
on a priority basis, caused the infamous scrub of the first Space
Shuttle launch. At approximately T20 minutes, the backup computer
alerted the ground-based Launch Processing System that it had not
been able to synchronize itself with the redundant set of primary
computers. As it turned out, a minor programming error that had
survived thousands of hours of testing allowed the redundant set
to begin processing information 40 milliseconds earlier than it
should have. The basic problem stemmed from the difference in programming
techniques between IBM and Rockwell. The Rockwell-authored backup
software was time-sliced, or synchronousit dedicated a specific
slice of CPU time to each processing task and executed those tasks
in a fixed order. The IBM software was priority-interrupt-driven,
or asynchronousit performed computations on demand and in
strict observance to a predefined order of importance. Rockwell
and IBM had disagreed over the relative merits of the two techniques
for two years, although in the end, it really did not matter. Once
the bug had been discovered, it became a rather trivial matter to
fix it. In fact, it was rather ironic that the problem occurred
on STS-1, since engineers later estimated that the problem would
have occurred on just one out of every 67 launches.19
STS-1 software development effort had released 17 interim versions
during a 31-month period starting in October 1977 and culminating
in December 1980 with the STS-1 flight release. Although full software
functionality was provided after the ninth release in December 1978,
an additional eight releases of the software were necessary to accommodate
continued requirements changes, and the discrepancy corrections
inherent in a large, complex, first-of-a-kind software system.20
anyone who has ever used a computer knows, software is seldom error-free.
A statistical average for software used in critical systems (flight
control, air traffic control, etc.) shows that programs average
1012 errors for every 1,000 lines of software code. This was
clearly unacceptable to NASA for use on the Space Shuttle. As a
result, NASA forced one of the most stringent test and verification
processes ever undertaken on IBM for the primary avionics system
result achieved by the 300 IBM programmers, analysts, engineers,
and subcontractors was impressive. An analysis accomplished after
the Challenger accident showed that the IBM-developed PASS
software had a latent defect rate of just 0.11 errors per 1,000
lines of codefor all intents and purposes, it was considered
error-free. But this remarkable achievement did not come easily
or cheap. In an industry where the average line of code cost the
government (at the time of the report) approximately $50 (written,
documented, and tested), the Primary Avionics System Software cost
NASA slightly over $1,000 per line. A total of $500 million was
paid to IBM for the initial development and support of PASS.22
Backup Flight System
initial design of the orbiter flight control system comprised a
quad-redundant computer complex that handled flight-critical functions.
Systems management and most non-avionics functions were contained
in a fifth computer that was not considered flight-critical. This
concept was well into development when a blue-ribbon panel was asked
to review all aspects of the upcoming atmospheric flight tests.
One of the conclusions reached by the panel was that an unnecessary
risk was being taken by not providing a backup flight control system
for the first atmospheric flights. This decision was based on the
relative complexity of the redundant-set computer synchronization
scheme being implemented by IBM, and on the lack of a direct manual
flight control capability in the orbiter.23
protect against a latent programming error existing in the primary
avionics system software that would render the Space Shuttle uncontrollable
during a critical flight phase, NASA decided to develop a backup
flight system (BFS). This system would have its own set of requirements
and would not reuse any of the code being developed for PASS. To
ensure that the BFS was as independent as possible, NASA contracted
with Rockwell to write it, and even different development environments
and configuration management systems were specified. Nevertheless,
like IBM, Rockwell elected to use HAL/S as the programming language,
although the BFS tends to use a programming approach other than
BFS was chartered to protect against a software fault in the most
sophisticated flight software system ever implemented. One of the
drivers towards using a BFS was the fact that it would take an estimated
10,000 years to test every possible branch in the primary flight
softwares 500,000 words of code. This, obviously, was not
feasible. And at this point, the concept of error-free
software did not exist, since this declaration came only after extensive
analysis of the performance of PASS during 25 flights and tens of
thousands of hours of ground-based testing.25
BFS was to be a very simple system installed for ALT only, capable
of bringing the orbiter in for a landing on one of the lakebed runways.
The BFS would be deleted once confidence had been gained in the
primary flight system. The word simple is very important
because one of the primary concerns that was driving the development
of the BFS was NASAs inability to properly verify the large
amount of software being developed for PASS. The approach taken
for the BFS was to develop a very simple and straightforward software
program and then test it in every conceivable manner. The result
was a program that contained only 12,000 words of executable instructions,
including the ground checkout and built-in test for the computer.
The actual flight control portion of the software consisted of approximately
6,000 words. The remainder was for the systems management functions
that still had to be performed by the fifth computer, along with
the backup autopilot functions.26
the BFS was being written for the ALT flights, NASA was also considering
extending its use to the orbital flight tests. Although some of
the PASS software would have been demonstrated during the ALT flights,
a great deal more of it would not have been exercised. Therefore
NASA extended the Rockwell contract to include a rudimentary ability
to operate during the critical flight phases (ascent and reentry)
of the OFT flights. No onorbit capability would be included, except
for the ability set up a de-orbit burn and fire the OMS engines.
this decision, it was expected that the BFS would be deleted after
the completion of the OFT flights. The expectation was that after
OFT, the entire Shuttle design, including the PASS, would be proven
safe for operational use; therefore, the BFS would no longer be
needed. Close to the end of the OFT, however, an examination of
the number of changes being included into the PASS resulted in a
decision to keep the BFS for the foreseeable future. It was concluded
that the quantity of changes in PASS (for mission enhancements,
correction of known errors, etc.) would continue to present a risk
for unknown PASS software errors, and that BFS should therefore
be available if needed.27
BFS has never been required to demonstrate its capability. A proposed
onorbit engagement and orbital maneuvering system engine burn was
deleted in 1982 from the list of flight test requirements. This
change was mainly the result of a busy test schedule during the
orbital flight test series, but it also indicates the level of confidence
that NASA has in the BFS. However, between 18 March and 15 April
1977, the DFBW F-8 conducted eight flights at NASA Dryden that used
the BFS software package during practice landing approaches.28

the flight velocities proposed by the Phase A and B designs had
not been achieved by any aircraft, including the research rocket-planes
at Edwards, making total guesswork out of the flight software requirements.
month earlier, the Air Force had begun testing a modified F-4 that
is usually called the first FBW aircraft. The F-4s claim to
fame was that it was the first FBW aircraft without a mechanical
backup system, but it used an analog FBW system as opposed to the
NASA F-8s digital system.
addition to having much more memory in modern computers, memory
is also much less expensive today. Adding 8,000 words (32 kilobytes)
of memory to the SKC-2000 cost $15,000, or $1.88 per word. Today
it is not even possible to buy such a small quantity, but 100 times
as much (32 megabytes) costs about $25.
the system ends up with a two-to-two vote, it displays a warning
message to the crew advising the activation of the Backup Flight
System (BFS).
Computers: Space, editors of Time-Life Books (Alexandria, Virginia:
Time-Life, unknown date).
Computers: Space.
Computers: Space.
Computers: Space.
Computers: Space.
Computers: Space.
an excellent history of the DFBW F-8 program, see James E. Tomayko,
Computers Take Flight: A History of NASAs Pioneering
Digital Fly-By-Wire Project, NASA SP-2000-4224 (Washington DC:
NASA, 2000).
Take Flight, pp. 8993; John F. Hanaway and Robert W. Moorehead,
Space Shuttle Avionics System, NASA SP-504 (Washington DC:
NASA, 1989), pp. 56.
Shuttle Avionics System, p. 3.
Computers: Space.
J. Green, NASA News Release 73-126, JSC Awards New Avionics
Contract to IBM, 25 September 1973.
Take Flight; Understanding Computers: Space.
Shuttle Avionics System, p. 3.
Computers: Space.
Computers: Space.
Computers: Space.
Computers: Space; Space Shuttle Avionics System, pp.
J. Ryer, Programming in HAL/S (Pasadena, California: Intermetrics/JPL,
September 1979), passim; Understanding Computers; Space
Shuttle Avionics System, pp. 810.
Study, The Space Shuttle Primary Computer System, Communications
of the ACM 27, No. 9 (September 1984): 871900.
A. Madden and Kyle Y. Rone, Design, Development, Integration:
Space Shuttle Primary Flight Software System, Communications
of the ACM 27, No. 9 (September 1984): 918.
J. Joyce, Is Error-Free Software Achievable? Datamation
(15 February 1989): 5356; B. G. Kolkhorst and A. J. Macina,
Developing Error-Free Software, IEEE AES Magazine
(November 1988): 2531; A. J. Macina, Independent Verification
and Validation Testing of the Space Shuttle Primary Flight Software
System (Houston, Texas: IBM, 28 April 1980), passim.
Development, Integration, p. 918.
Error-Free Software Achievable?, pp. 5356; Developing
Error-Free Software, pp. 2531; Independent Verification,
S. Chevers, Shuttle Avionics Software Development Trials,
Tribulations, and Successes: The Backup Flight System (paper
presented at the Space Shuttle Technical Conference (CR-2342) at
JSC, 2830 June 1983), pp. 3037.
Tribulations, and Successes: The Backup Flight System, pp.
Tribulations, and Successes: The Backup Flight System, pp.
Take Flight, pp. 107108.
Tribulations, and Successes, pp. 3037.

April 5, 2001
Steven J. Dick, NASA Chief Historian
Steve Garber, NASA History Web Curator
For further information, e-mail
by Douglas Ortiz and edited by Lisa Jirousek
NASA Printing and