of the Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident



National Research Council Members and Summary of Responsibilities for the Solid Rocket Motor Redesign Committee



Panel on Redesign of the Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Motor


In response to the first recommendation of the Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident, the NASA Administrator requested that the National Research Council form an independent committee of recognized experts to provide an overview of the activities of the solid rocket motor redesign effort.

The overview committee was specifically requested to review and evaluate the certification requirements and to provide technical oversight over the design, test procedures, and manufacture and assembly of test motors. The committee was also asked to review and evaluate the test and certification program, and to make recommendations to the NASA Administrator as to the adequacy of the design in meeting all requirements.



Panel on Redesign of the Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Motor



H. Guyford Stever, Chairman
Foreign Secretary
National Academy of Engineering
Laurence J. Adams
Former President
Martin Marietta Corporation
David Altman
Former Senior Vice President
Chemical Systems Division, UTC
Robert C. Anderson
Former Vice President
TRW Energy Development Group
Electronics & Defense Sector
Jack L. Blumenthal
Chief Engineer
Materials and Chemistry Applications
Robert C. Forney
Executive Vice President
E.l. DuPont de Nemours & Co., Inc.
Administration Department
Alan N. Gent
Professor of Polymer Physics
The Institute of Polymer Science
University of Akron
Dean K. Hanink
Former Manager of Engineering
Operations, Detroit Diesel
James W. Mar, Vice Chairman
Jerome C. Hunsaker Professor of
Aerospace Education
Dept. of Aeronautics & Astronautics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Edward W. Price
Regents' Professor
School of Aerospace Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Robert D. Watt
Former Group Leader
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
National Research Council Staff
Myron F Uman
Project Director
Robert H. Korkegi
Committee on NASA Scientific and
Technological Program Reviews
Panel Meeting Participants
Melvin Stone
Former Director of Structures
McDonnell Douglas
(Observer from NASA's Aerospace
Safety Advisory Panel)
Edward J. Barlow
Former Vice President
Varian Associates
(Observer from NRC's Reports
Review Committee)
Russell Bardos
Shuttle Propulsion Office
(NASA Headquarters Liaison)


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