Early Design
[120] The Space Shuttle's Solid Rocket Booster problem began with the faulty design of its joint and increased as both NASA and contractor management first failed to recognize it as a problem, then failed to fix it and finally treated it as an acceptable flight risk.
Morton Thiokol, Inc., the contractor, did not accept the implication of tests early in the program that the design had a serious and unanticipated flaw.1 NASA did not accept the judgment of its engineers that the design was unacceptable, and as the joint problems grew in number and severity NASA minimized them in management briefings and reports. 2 Thiokol's stated position was that "the condition is not desirable but is acceptable." 3
Neither Thiokol nor NASA expected the rubber O-rings sealing the joints to be touched by hot gases of motor ignition, much less to be partially burned. However, as tests and then flights confirmed damage to the sealing rings, the reaction by both NASA and Thiokol was to increase the amount of damage considered "acceptable." At no time did management either recommend a redesign of the joint or call for the Shuttle's grounding until the problem was solved.
Thiokol was selected to receive the NASA contract to design and build the Solid Rocket Boosters on November 20, 1973.4 The booster was the largest Solid Rocket Motor ever produced in the United States; it was also the first solid motor program managed by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama.
Costs were the primary concern of NASA's selection board, particularly those incurred early in the program.
Thiokol's three competitors were Aerojet Solid Propulsion Co., Lockheed Propulsion Co. and United Technologies. The Source Evaluation Board on the proposals rated Thiokol fourth under the design, development and verification factor, second under the manufacturing, refurbishment and product support factor and first under the management factor.5
Thiokol received the second highest overall Mission Suitability score, tied with United Technologies.6
In a December 12, 1973, report, NASA selection officials said Thiokol's "cost advantages were substantial and consistent throughout all areas evaluated." 7 They also singled out Thiokol's joint design for special mention.
"The Thiokol motor case joints utilized dual O-rings and test ports between seals, enabling a simple leak check without pressurizing the entire motor," the officials' report said. "This innovative design feature increased reliability and decreased operations at the launch site, indicating good attention to low cost (design, development, testing and engineering) and production." 8
"We noted that the [NASA Source Selection] board's analysis of cost factors indicated that Thiokol could do a more economical job than any of the other proposers in both the development and the production phases of the program; and that, accordingly, the cost per flight to be expected from a Thiokol-built motor would be the lowest," the officials said. "We, therefore, concluded that any selection other than Thiokol would give rise to an additional cost of appreciable size." 9
The Selection officials said they "found no other [121] factors bearing upon the selection that ranked in weight with the foregoing."
Cost consideration overrode any other- objections, they decided. We concluded that the main criticisms of the Thiokol proposal in the Mission Suitability evaluation were technical in nature, were readily correctable, and the costs to correct did not negate the sizable Thiokol cost advantage," the selection officials concluded.
The cost-plus-award-fee contract, estimated to be worth $800 million, was awarded to Thiokol.
The design of the Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster was primarily based on the Air Force's Titan III solid rocket, one of the most reliable ever produced. Thiokol hoped to reduce new design problems, speed up the development program and cut costs by borrowing from the Titan design. In Thiokol's Solid Rocket Motor proposal, the rocket fuel is contained in four- forged steel cases which are stacked one on top of the other. The casings were connected by a circumferential tang and clevis, as were the Titans.10
Despite their many similarities, the Thiokol Solid Rocket Booster and the Titan motors had some significant design differences. For example, the joints of the Titan were designed so that the insulation of one case fits tightly against the insulation of the adjacent case to form a more gastight fit than the Thiokol design. One O-ring bore seal was used in each Titan joint to stop any hot gas pressure that might pass by the insulation overlap, 11 but in the Titan design the O-ring was able but not intended to take the brunt of the combustion pressure. In contrast, the Thiokol O-rings were designed to take the brunt of the combustion pressure, with no other gas barriers present except an insulating putty. Also, the Solid Rocket Motor joint had two O-rings, the second to provide a backup in case the primary seal failed.
Asbestos-filled putty was used in the Solid Rocket Motor to pack the space between the two case segments to prevent O-ring damage from the heat of combustion gases. 12 Thiokol believed the putty was plastic, so when acted on by the combustion pressure at the motor's ignition the putty flow towards the O-ring would compress the air in the gap between the putty and the primary O-ring.13 The compressed air, in turn, would.....
[122] ...cause the primary O-ring to extrude into the gap between the clevis and the tang, behind the primary O-ring groove, thereby sealing the opening. If the primary O-ring did not seal, the intent was that the secondary would pressurize and seal the joint by extruding into the gap behind its groove.14
Another difference in the Solid Rocket Motor and the Titan was that the tang portion of the Thiokol joint was longer in order to accommodate two O-rings instead of one. It was more susceptible to bending under combustion pressure than the Titan joint, as post-design tests and later flight experience demonstrated.15
The initial Thiokol design proposal was changed before the production motors were manufactured. Originally, the joint seal design incorporated both a face seal and a bore seal.16 (Figure 1.) However, the motor that was eventually used had double bore O-rings. The original bore seal/face seal design was chosen because it was anticipated that it "provides [better] redundance over a double bore ring seal since each is controlled by different manufacturing tolerances, and each responds differently during joint assembly. " 17 Because the early design incorporated tolerances similar to the Titan and it also incorporated a face seal, Thiokol believed it possessed "complete, redundant seal capability." 18
Nevertheless, as the Solid Rocket Motor program progressed, Thiokol-with NASA's concurrence-dropped the face/bore seal design for one using a double bore seal (Figure 1). NASA engineers at Marshall said the original design would have required tapered pins to maintain necessary tolerances and assure enough"squeeze" on the face-sealing O-ring.19 However, design analysis determined that motor ignition would create tension loads on the joint sufficient to cause the tapered pins to pop out. Solving that would have meant designing some type of pin-retainers. Moreover, the rocket assembly was much easier with the dual bore seals. Because inspections and tests had to be conducted on the Solid Rocket Motor stack, horizontal assembly was required. Thiokol engineer, Howard McIntosh, described this in a Commission interview on April 2, 1986:
"We were concerned very much about the horizontal assembly that we had to do to do the static tests. The Titan had always been assembled vertically, and so there had never been a larger rocket motor to our knowledge that was assembled (horizontally)".20
Because of the extremely tight tolerances in the joints caused by horizontal assembly, McIntosh noted, "We . . . put the bore seals in there, and we opened the tolerance in the gaps slightly to accommodate that."21 To tighten the joint's fit and to increase the squeeze in the O-rings to compensate for the larger tolerances, Thiokol subsequently put thin metal shims between the outer walls of the tang and clevis.
Another significant feature of the Thiokol design was a vent, or port, on the side of the motor case used after assembly to check the sealing of the O-rings. As will be noted later, this leak check eventually became a significant aspect of the O-ring erosion phenomenon.22
The manufacture of the O-rings themselves constituted another difference between the Titan and the Thiokol Solid Rocket Motor. While both O-rings were Viton rubber, the Titan O-rings were molded in one piece. The Solid Rocket Motor O-rings were made from sections of rubber O-ring material glued together. The specifications allowed five such joints, a number chosen arbitrarily, and the vendor routinely made repairs of voids and inclusions after getting the material supplies. Only surface inspections were performed by Thiokol and by the manufacturer.
Finally, unlike the Titan, the Thiokol Solid Rocket Motor was designed for multiple firings. To reduce program costs, each Thiokol motor case for the Shuttle was to be recovered after flight and reused up to 20 times.23
Early Tests
Thiokol began testing the Solid Rocket Motor in the mid-1970's. One of the early important tests was a 1977 "hydroburst test."24
Its purpose was to test the strength of the steel cases by simulating a motor firing. The case was pressurized with water to about one and one-half times the pressure of an ignited motor (about 1,500 pounds per square inch) to make certain the case had adequate structural margin.25 Also, to measure the pressure between the O-rings, engineers attached instruments to the leak test port at a segment joint. Although the test was successful in that it demonstrated the case met strength requirements, test measurements showed that, contrary to design expectations, the joint [123] tang and inside clevis bent away from each other instead of toward each other and by doing so reduced-instead of increased-pressure on the 0-ring in the milliseconds after ignition.26 This phenomenon was called "joint rotation." Testifying before the Commission, Arnold Thompson, Thiokol's supervisor of structures, said,
"We discovered that the joint was opening rather than closing as our original analysis had indicated, and in fact it was quite a bit. I think it was up to 52 onethousandths of an inch at that time, to the primary O-ring."27
Thiokol reported these initial test findings to the NASA program office at Marshall. Thiokol engineers did not believe the test results really proved that "joint rotation" would cause significant problems,28 and scheduled no additional tests for the specific purpose of confirming or disproving the joint gap behavior.
Design Objections
Reaction from Marshall to the early Solid Rocket Motor test results was rapid and totally opposite of Thiokol's. In a September 2, 1977 memorandum, Glenn Eudy, Marshall's Chief Engineer of the Solid Rocket Motor Division, informed Alex McCool, Director of the Structures and Propulsion Laboratory, that the assembly of a developmental motor provided early indications that the Thiokol design:
"Allowed O-ring clearance.... Some people believe this design deficiency must be corrected by some method such as shimming and perhaps design modification to the case joint for hardware which has not been final machined.... I personally believe that our first choice should be to correct the design in a way that eliminates the possibility of O-ring clearance.... Since this is a very critical SRM issue, it is requested that the assignment results be compiled in such a manner as to permit review at the S&E Director's level as well as project manager."
After seeing the data from the September 1977 hydroburst test, Marshall engineer Leon Ray submitted a report entitled "Solid Rocket Motor Joint Leakage Study" dated October 21, 1977. It characterizes "no change" in the Thiokol design as "unacceptable"-"tang can move outboard and cause excessive joint clearance resulting in seal leakage. Eccentric tang/clevis interface can cause O-ring extrusion when case is pressurized." Ray recommended a "redesign of the tang and reduce tolerance on the clevis" as the "best option for a long-term fix." 29
After Ray's 1977 report, John Q. Miller, chief of the Solid Rocket Motor branch at Marshall, signed and sent a memorandum on January 9, 1978 to his superior, Glenn Eudy, describing the problems evident in the Solid Rocket Motor joint seal. "We see no valid reason for not designing to accepted standards," the memo said, and it emphasized that proper sealing of the joint by use of shims to create necessary O-ring pressure was "mandatory to prevent hot gas leaks and resulting catastrophic failure."30
One year later, not having received a response to his 1978 memo, Miller signed and forwarded a second memo strenuously objecting to Thiokol's Solid Rocket Motor joint seal design. This memo, dated January 19, 1979, opened with: "We find the Thiokol position regarding design adequacy of the clevis joint to be completely unacceptable...." 31 The memorandum made three principal objections to Thiokol's joint design. The first was the "large sealing surface gap created by extensive tang/clevis relative movement." The memo said this movement, the so-called"joint rotation," caused the primary O-ring to extrude into the gap, "forcing the seal to function in a way which violates industry and government O-ring application practices." 32 Moreover, joint rotation allowed the secondary O-ring to "become completely disengaged from its sealing surface on the tang." Finally, the memorandum noted that although Thiokol's contract required all high pressure case seals to be verifiable, "the clevis joint secondary O-ring seal has been verified by tests to be unsatisfactory."33 A copy of the second memorandum was sent to George Hardy, then Solid Rocket Booster project manager at Marshall. Thiokol apparently did not receive copies of either Miller memorandum, and no reply from Eudy to Miller has been found.
The Commission has learned that Leon Ray actually authored the Miller memos to Eudy, although Miller signed them and concurred in the objections raised.34 During February, 1979, Ray also reported on a visit he made to two O-ring manufacturers-the Precision Rubber Products Corporation at Lebanon Tennessee, and the Parker Seal Co. at Lexington, Kentucky.35 Eudy [124] accompanied Ray on the Precision visit. The purpose of the trips was to give the manufacturers the data on the O-ring experiences at Thiokol and to "seek opinions regarding potential risks involved," Ray wrote in a February 9, 1979, memo describing the visit. Officials at Precision did "voice concern for the design, stating that the Solid Rocket Motor O-ring extrusion gap was larger than that covered by their experience," Ray reported. "Their first thought was that the O-ring was being asked to perform beyond its intended design and that a different type of seal should be considered," Ray added.36
During the Commission hearing on May 2, 1986, Ray was asked why the 1978 and 1979 memoranda were written:
Mr. Ray: The reason they were written was as a result of test data that we had, and I have to go back to, I guess, a little bit further back in time than these memos. When the joint was first designed, the analysis produced by Thiokol says the joint would close, the extrusion gap would actually close.
We had quite a debate about that until we did a test on the first couple of segments that we received from the manufacturer, which in fact showed that the joint did open. Later on we did some tests with the structural test article, and this is mentioned in the memo as STA-1 [Structural Test Article].
At that time, we really nailed it down. We got some very accurate numbers on joint rotation, and we know for a fact that during these tests that, just what the memo says, the joint rotated. The primary O-ring was extruded up into the joint. The secondary O-ring did in fact detach from the seat.37
No records show Thiokol was informed of the visits, and the O-ring design was not changed.
Thiokol's phase 1 certification review on March 23, 1979, mentioned leak check failures, and forces during case joint assembly that resulted in clevis O-ring grooves not conforming with tang sealing surfaces. However, this was not listed as a problem or a failure.38
Verification and Certification Committee
While Ray was warning of problems with joint rotation, static motor tests in July 1978 and April 1980 again were demonstrating that inner tang/clevis relative movement was greater than originally predicted.39 Thiokol continued to question the validity of these joint rotation measurements and their effect on the availability of the secondary O-ring.
In 1980, NASA empanelled a Space Shuttle Verification/Certification Committee to study the flight worthiness of the entire Shuttle system. A subdivision of that group, the Propulsion Committee, met with NASA Solid Rocket Motor program personnel and raised several concerns about the joint design.40 The Committee pointed out that the booster's leak test pressurized the primary O-ring in the wrong direction so that the motor ignition would have to move the ring across its groove before it sealed. The Committee added that the effect of the insulation putty was not certain. Redundancy of the O-rings was also listed as a verification concern. The same report, however, said "the Committee understands from a telecon that the primary purpose of the second O-ring is to test the primary and that redundancy is not a requirement." George Hardy testified that the Committee's statement conflicted with his understanding:
"The discussion there or the reference there to a telecon-and I don't know who that was with-that implies there was no intent for the joint to be redundant is totally foreign to me. I don't know where they would have gotten that information because that was the design requirement for the joint." 41
In May 1980, the Verification/Certification Committee recommended that NASA conduct full-scale tests to verify the field joint integrity, including firing motors at a mean bulk propellant temperature range of 40-90 degrees Fahrenheit. The panel also asked NASA to:
"Perform case burst test with one O-ring removed. During the burst test for final verification of the motor case safety factor, one of the two O-rings failed by extrusion and leaked. The analysis used for additional verification did not include further gap openings caused by joint deflection at pressurization or any deflections caused by bending loads. The panel considers the above to be inadequate to provide operational program reliability, and marginal to provide adequate [125] safety factor confidence on [Shuttle flight] one." 42
The NASA program response to these issues was included in the final Committee report in September 1980. It said that the original hydroburst tests and the lightweight case tests, being conducted at the time, satisfied the intent of the Committee's recommendations. Moreover, the response stated: "NASA specialists have reviewed the field joint design, updated with larger O-rings and thicker shims and found the safety factors to be adequate for the current design. Re-analysis of the joint with larger O-rings and thicker shims is being accomplished as part of the lightweight case program.... The joint has been sufficiently verified with the testing accomplished to date (joint lab tests, structural test article, and seven static firings and the two case configuration burst tests) and currently scheduled for lightweight case program."43
Criticality Classification and Changes
The Solid Rocket Motor certification was deemed satisfactory by the Propulsion Committee of the Verification/Certification Group on September 15, 1980. Shortly thereafter, on November 24, 1980, the Solid Rocket Booster joint was classified on the Solid Rocket Booster Critical Items List as criticality category 1 R. NASA defines "Criticality 1R" as any subsystem of the Shuttle that contains "redundant hardware, total element failure of which could cause loss of life or vehicle."44 The use of "R", representing redundancy, meant that NASA believed the secondary O-ring would pressurize and seal if the primary O-ring did not. Nonetheless, the 1980 Critical Items List (CIL) states:
"Redundancy of the secondary field joint seal cannot be verified after motor case pressure reaches approximately 40 percent of maximum expected operating pressure. It is known that joint rotation occurring at this pressure level with a resulting enlarged extrusion gap causes the secondary O-ring to lose compression as a seal. It is not known if the secondary O-ring would successfully reseal if the primary O-ring should fail after motor case pressure reaches or exceeds 40 percent of maximum expected operating pressure."
When asked about the text of the 1980 Criticality 1R classification, Arnold Aldrich, NASA Manager of the National Space Transportation System, said,
"The way that . . . language [reads], I would call it [criticality] 1."45
Notwithstanding this apparent contradiction in the classification 1R and the questionable status of the secondary described in the text of the CIL, the joint carried a 1 R classification from November 1980 through the flight of STS-5 (November 1982).
The Space Shuttle first flew on April 12-14, 1981. After the second flight, STS-2, in November 1981, inspection revealed the first in-flight erosion of the primary O-ring.46 It occurred in the right Solid Rocket Booster's aft field joint and was caused by hot motor gases.47 The damage to the ring proved to be the worst ever found on a primary O-ring in a field joint on any recovered Solid Rocket Booster.48 Post-flight examination found an erosion depth of .053 inches on the primary O-ring; nonetheless, the anomaly was not reported in the Level I Flight Readiness Review for STS-3 held on March 9, 1982. Furthermore, in 1982 the STS-2 O-ring erosion was not reported on the Marshall problem assessment system and given a tracking number as were other flight anomalies.49
In mid- 1982, two significant developments took place. Because Thiokol believed blow holes in the insulating putty were a cause of the erosion on STS-2, 50 they began tests of the method of putty layup and the effect of the assembly of the rocket stages on the integrity of the putty. The manufacturer of the original putty, Fuller-O'Brien, discontinued the product and a new putty, from the Randolph Products Company, was tested and selected in May 1982.51 The new Randolph putty was eventually substituted for the old putty in the summer of 1983, for the STS-8 Solid Rocket Motor flow.52
A second major event regarding the joint seal occurred in the summer of 1982. As noted before, in 1977-78, Leon Ray had concluded that joint rotation caused the loss of the secondary O-ring as a backup seal. Because of May 1982 high pressure O-ring tests and tests of the new lightweight motor case, Marshall management [126] finally accepted the conclusion that the secondary O-ring was no longer functional after the joints rotated when the Solid Rocket Motor reached 40 percent of its maximum expected operating pressure. It obviously followed that the dual O-rings were not a completely redundant system, so the Criticality 1R had to be changed to Criticality 1.53 This was done at Marshall on December 17, 1982. The revised Critical Items List read (See pages 157 and 158):
"Criticality Category 1.
"Failure Mode and Causes: Leakage at case assembly joints due to redundant O-ring seal failures or primary seal and leak check port O-ring failure.
"Note. Leakage of the primary O-ring seal is classified as a single-failure point due to possibility of loss of sealing at the secondary O-ring because of joint rotation after motor pressurization.
"Failure Effect Summary: Actual Loss- Loss of mission, vehicle and crew due to metal erosion, burn through, and probable case burst resulting in fire and deflagration. .
"Rationale for Retention:
"The Solid Rocket Motor case joint design is common in the lightweight and regular weight cases having identical dimensions. The joint concept is basically the same as the single O-ring joint successfully employed on the Titan III Solid Rocket Motor.... On the Shuttle Solid Rocket Motor, the secondary O-ring was designed to provide redundancy and to permit a leak check, ensuring proper installation of the O-rings. Full redundancy exists at the moment of initial pressurization. However, test data shows that a phenomenon called joint rotation occurs as the pressure rises, opening up the O-ring extrusion gap and permitting the energized ring to protrude into the gap. This condition has been shown by test to be well within that required for safe primary O-ring sealing. This gap may, however, in some cases, increase sufficiently to cause the unenergized secondary O-ring to lose compression, raising question as to its ability to energize and seal if called upon to do so by primary seal failure. Since, under this latter condition only the single O-ring is sealing, a rationale for retention is provided for the simplex mode where only one O-ring is acting" [emphasis added] . 54
The retention rationale for the "simplex" or single O-ring seal was written on December 1, 1982, by Howard McIntosh, a Thiokol engineer.55 This document gave the justification for flight with the single functional O-ring. It reported that tests showed the Thiokol design should be retained, citing the Titan history, the leak and hydroburst tests, and static motor firings as justification. However, it also contained the following rationale which appeared to conflict with the Criticality 1 classification that the secondary O-ring was not redundant:
"Initial information generated in a lightweight cylinder-to-cylinder proof test shows a total movement of only .030 inch at pounds per square inch, gauge pressure in the center joint. This . . . indicates that the tang-to-clevis movement will not unseat the secondary O-ring at operating pressures."56
Testimony in hearings and statements given in Commission interviews support the view that NASA management and Thiokol still considered the joint to be a redundant seal even after the change from Criticality 1R to 1. For example, McIntosh's interview states:
Question: [After the Criticality I classification], what did you think it would take to make [the joint seal] 1R?
Mr. McIntosh: I thought it was already 1R. I thought that after those tests that would have been enough to do it.
Question: Well, you knew it was 1 but you were hoping for 1R?
Mr McIntosh: Yeah, I was hoping for 1R, and I thought this test data would do it, but it didn't.57
At the time (in 1982-83), the redundancy of the secondary O-ring was analyzed in terms of joint or hardware geometry, with no consideration being given to the resiliency of the ring as affected by temperatures.58 Moreover, Marshall engineers like Ray and Miller disagreed with Thiokol's calculations on the measurement of joint opening.59 That engineering debate eventually went to a "referee" for testing which was not concluded until after the 51-L accident.
[127] Notwithstanding the view of some of Marshall engineers that the secondary ring was not redundant, even at the time of the Criticality revision, Marshall Solid Rocket Motor program management appeared to believe the seal was redundant in all but exceptional cases. Dr. Judson Lovingood told the Commission:
" . . . [T]here are two conditions you have to have before you don't have redundancy. One of them is what I call a spatial condition which says that the dimensional tolerances have to be such that you get a bad stackup, you don't have proper squeeze, etc. On the O-ring so that when you get joint rotation, you will lift the metal surfaces off the O-ring. All right, that's the one condition, and that is a worst case condition involving dimensional tolerances.
"The other condition is a temporal condition which says that you have to be past a point of joint rotation, and of course, that relates back to what I just said.
"So first of all, if you don't have this bad stackup, then you have full redundancy. Now, secondly, if you do have the bad stackup, you had redundancy during the ignition transient up to the 170 millisecond point, whatever it is, but that is the way I understand the [Critical Items List]."60
George Hardy and Lawrence Mulloy shared Lovingood's view that the secondary seal was redundant in all but situations of worst case tolerances.61 However, there is no mention of this caveat in the Critical Items List itself, nor does it appear in the subsequent "waiver" of the Criticality 1 status granted by NASA Levels I and II in March, 1983.62 This waiver was approved to avoid the obligations imposed on the Shuttle Program by Paragraph 2.8 of the Space Shuttle Program Requirements Document, Level I, dated June 30, 1977. That paragraph states:
"The redundancy requirements for all flight vehicle subsystems (except primary structure, thermal protection system, and pressure vessels) shall be established on an individual subsystems basis, but shall not be less than fail-safe. 'Fail-safe' is defined as the ability to sustain a failure and retain the capability to successfully terminate the mission. Redundant systems shall be designed so that their operational status can be verified during ground turnaround and to the maximum extent possible while in flight." 63
Glynn Lunney, the former manager of the STS Program (Level II at JSC) described the Criticality 1 change and resulting waiver to the Commission on May 2:
Mr. Lunney: Well, the approval of the waiver in March of 83, at the time I was involved in that. I was operating on the assumption that there really would be redundancy most of the time except when the secondary O-ring had a set of dimensional tolerances add up, and in that extreme case there would not be a secondary seal.
So I was dealing with what I thought was a case where there were two seals unless the dimensional tolerances were such that there might only be one seal in certain cases.
Chairman Rogers: Now, to me, if you will excuse the expression, that sounds almost contradictory, what you just said. What you first said was you came to the conclusion that you could only rely on the primary seal and therefore you removed the R.
Mr. Lunney: Yes, sir.
Chairman Rogers: And now you're saying, if I understand it, that experience showed that there was redundancy after all.
Mr. Lunney: No, I don't know of any experience showing that. What I'm saying is that the removal of the R is an indicator that under all circumstances we did not have redundancy. There were a certain number of cases under which we would not have redundancy of the secondary O-ring.
Recognizing that, even though there were a lot of cases where we expected we would have redundancy we changed the criticality designation.
Chairman Rogers: It was saying to everybody else you can't necessarily rely on the primary seal, and if the primary seal fails, as you've said here, there may be loss of vehicle, mission and crew.
Mr. Lunney: I would adjust that to only say you cannot rely on the secondary O-ring [128] but we would expect the primary O-ring to always be there.64
The criticality waiver was processed outside the formal NASA Program Requirements Control Board, however, representatives of that group "signed off" on the document.65 It was forwarded to Level I and approved by Associate Administrator for Space Flight (Technical), L. Michael Weeks on March 28, 1983. Weeks told the Commission he signed the waiver because of the Certification/Verification Review of the Propulsion Committee in 1980. Weeks explained, "We felt at the time-all of the people in the program I think felt that this Solid Rocket Motor in particular or the Solid Rocket Booster was probably one of the least worrisome things we had in the program." 66 The waiver was signed less than one week prior to the launch of STS-6 on April 4. According to interviews of Arnold Aldrich and of Richard Kohrs, the latter having been involved with the waiver review at Johnson Level II, the waiver was approved so that STS-6 could fly.67 However, Weeks denied any connection between the Level I waiver approval and the flight of STS-6.68
Although some Thiokol engineers and officials claimed that they had no notice of the Criticality change and waiver in December, 1982 and in March, 1983, from the approval signatures (including Thiokol's Operations Manager at Marshall, Maurice Parker) and the distribution of the Criticality and Waiver documents, apparently Thiokol officials were sent copies and were involved in the criticality reclassification. 69 Nonetheless, the Commission has also determined that several documents tracking the O-ring erosion at Thiokol and Marshall refer to the Solid Rocket Motor field joint seal as Criticality 1-R, long after the status was changed to Criticality 1. 70
STS 41-B O-Ring Erosion
As Figure 2 shows,71 prior to STS 41-B, the O-ring erosion/blow-by problem was infrequent, occurring on a field joint of STS-2 (November, 1981), nozzles of STS-6 (April, 1983) and a nozzle of QM-4 (March, 1983), a qualification test motor fired by Thiokol.72 However, when STS 41-B flew on February 3, 1984, the left Solid Rocket Booster forward field joint and the right nozzle joint primary O-rings both suffered erosion damage. Thiokol engineers reacted to this discovery by filing a problem report on the O-ring erosion found on STS 41 -B. Thiokol presented a series of charts to the Marshall Solid Rocket Booster Engineering Office about the 41-B O-ring erosion. Thiokol told Marshall that recent joint rotation measurements in tests indicated the secondary O-ring will not unseat, providing confidence that the secondary was an adequate backup. Keith Coates described his view about Thiokol's data in a February 29, 1984 memorandum to George Hardy:
"We have two problems with their rationale. The effect of 0.065 inch erosion on O-ring sealing capability is not addressed. We have asked Thiokol to provide their data to justify their confidence in the degraded O-ring. The second concern is the amount of joint rotation. L. Ray does not agree with Thiokol numbers, and he has action to discuss his concern with R. Boisjoly (Thiokol) and reach agreement.
"Thiokol definition of their plans on resolution of the problem is very weak."
The erosion problem was identified and tracked by the Marshall Problem Assessment System as Marshall Record A07934 and by Thiokol as Thiokol Contractor Record DR4-5/30, "Slight char condition on primary O-ring seal in forward field joint on SRM A57 of STS-11 flight, Mission 41B." 73 The Marshall Problem Assessment System Report states:
"Remedial action-none required; problem occurred during flight. The primary O-ring seal in the forward field joint exhibited a charred area approximately 1 inch long .03-.050 inches deep and .100 inches wide. This was discovered during post-flight segment disassembly at KSC."
A March 8, 1984 entry on the same report continues:
"Possibility exists for some O-ring erosion on future flights. Analysis indicates max erosion possible is .090 inches according to Flight Readiness Review findings for STS-13. Laboratory test shows sealing integrity at 3,000 psi using an O-ring with simulated erosion depth of .095 inches Therefore, this is not a constraint to future launches." 74
| |
| |||||||
. | ||||||||
DM-1 |
07/18/77 |
- |
- |
NA |
NA |
- |
- |
84 |
DM-2 |
01/18/78 |
- |
- |
NA |
NA |
- |
- |
49 |
DM-3 |
10/19/78 |
- |
- |
NA |
NA |
- |
- |
61 |
DM-4 |
02/17/79 |
- |
- |
NA |
NA |
- |
- |
40 |
QM-1 |
07/13/79 |
- |
- |
NA |
NA |
- |
- |
83 |
QM-2 |
09/27/79 |
- |
- |
NA |
NA |
- |
- |
67 |
QM-3 |
02/13/80 |
- |
- |
NA |
NA |
- |
- |
45 |
STS-1 |
04/12/81 |
- |
- |
50 |
50 |
- |
- |
66 |
STS-2 |
11/12/81 |
(Right) |
Aft Field/Primary |
50 |
50 |
X |
- |
70 |
STS-3 |
03/22/81 |
- |
- |
50 |
50 |
NA |
NA |
80 |
STS-4 |
06/27/82 |
Unknown: hardware lost at sea |
50 |
50 |
NA |
NA |
80 | |
DM-5 |
10/21/82 |
- |
- |
NA |
NA |
- |
- |
58 |
STS-5 |
11/11/82 |
- |
- |
50 |
50 |
- |
- |
68 |
QM-4 |
03/21/83 |
- |
Nozzle/Primary |
NA |
NA |
X |
- |
60 |
STS-6 |
04/04/83 |
(Right) |
Nozzle/Primary |
50 |
50 |
(1) |
- |
67 |
(Left) |
Nozzle/Primary |
50 |
50 |
(1) |
- |
67 | ||
STS-7 |
06/18/83 |
- |
- |
50 |
50 |
- |
- |
72 |
STS-8 |
08/30/83 |
- |
- |
100 |
50 |
- |
- |
73 |
STS-9 |
12/28/83 |
- |
- |
1002 |
100 |
- |
- |
70 |
STS 41-B |
02/03/84 |
(Right) |
Nozzle/Primary |
200 |
100 |
X |
- |
57 |
(Left) |
Forward Field/Primary |
200 |
100 |
X |
- |
57 | ||
STS 41-C |
04/06/84 |
(Right) |
Nozle/Primary |
200 |
100 |
X |
- |
63 |
(Left) |
Aft Field/Primary |
200 |
100 |
(3) |
- |
63 | ||
(Right) |
Igniter/Primary |
NA |
NA |
- |
X |
63 | ||
STS 41-D |
08/30/84 |
(Right) |
Forward Field/Primary |
200 |
100 |
X |
- |
70 |
(Left) |
Nozzle/Primary |
200 |
100 |
X |
X |
70 | ||
(Right) |
Igniter/Primary |
NA |
NA |
- |
X |
70 |
STS 41-G |
10/05/84 |
- |
- |
200 |
100 |
- |
- |
67 |
DM-6 |
10/25/84 |
- |
Inner Gasket/Primary |
NA |
NA |
X |
X |
52 |
STS 51-A |
11/08/84 |
- |
- |
200 |
100 |
- |
- |
67 |
STS 51-C |
01/24/85 |
(Right) |
Center Field/Primary |
200 |
100 |
X |
X |
53 |
(Right) |
Center Field/Secondary |
200 |
100 |
(4) |
- |
53 | ||
(Right) |
Nozzle/Primary |
200 |
100 |
- |
X |
53 | ||
(Left) |
Forward Field/Primary |
200 |
100 |
X |
X |
53 | ||
(Left) |
Nozzle/Primary |
200 |
100 |
- |
X |
53 | ||
STS 51-D |
04/12/85 |
(Right) |
Nozzle/Primary |
200 |
200 |
X |
- |
67 |
(Right) |
Igniter/Primary |
NA |
NA |
- |
X |
67 | ||
(Left) |
Nozzle/Primary |
200 |
200 |
X |
- |
67 | ||
(Left) |
Igniter/Primary |
NA |
NA |
- |
X |
67 | ||
STS 51-B |
04/29/85 |
(Right) |
Nozzle/Primary |
200 |
100 |
X |
- |
75 |
(Left) |
Nozzle/Primary |
200 |
100 |
X |
X |
75 | ||
(Left) |
Nozzle/Primary |
200 |
100 |
X |
- |
75 | ||
DM-7 |
05/09/85 |
. |
Nozzle/Primary |
NA |
NA |
X |
- |
61 |
STS 51-G |
06/17/85 |
(Right) |
Nozzle/Primary |
200 |
200 |
X5 |
X |
70 |
(Left) |
Nozzle/Primary |
200 |
200 |
X |
X |
70 | ||
(Left) |
Igniter/Primary |
NA |
NA |
- |
X |
70 | ||
STS 51-F |
07/29/85 |
(Right) |
Nozzle/Primary |
200 |
200 |
(6) |
- |
81 |
STS 51-I |
08/27/85 |
(Left) |
Nozzle/Primary |
200 |
200 |
X7 |
- |
76 |
STS 51-J |
10/03/85 |
- |
200 |
200 |
- |
- |
79 |
STS 61-A |
10/30/85 |
(Right) |
Nozzle/Primary |
200 |
200 |
X |
- |
75 |
(Left) |
Aft Field/Primary |
200 |
200 |
- |
X |
75 | ||
(Left) |
Center Field/Primary |
200 |
200 |
- |
X |
75 | ||
STS 61-B |
11/26/85 |
(Right) |
Nozzle/Primary |
200 |
200 |
X |
- |
76 |
(Left) |
Nozzle/Primary |
200 |
200 |
X |
X |
76 | ||
STS 61-C |
01/12/86 |
(Right) |
Nozzle/Primary |
200 |
200 |
X |
- |
58 |
(Left) |
Aft Field/Primary |
200 |
200 |
X |
- |
58 | ||
(Left) |
Nozzle/Primary |
200 |
200 |
- |
X |
58 | ||
STS 51-L |
01/28/86 |
. |
. |
200 |
200 |
. |
. |
31 |
NOTE: A list of the sequence of launches (1-25), identified by STS mission designation, is provided on pages 4 thru 6.
[132] This last entry is also a summary of the briefing given by Thiokol to Lawrence Mulloy about the 41-B erosion at the Level III Flight Readiness Review for STS 41-C held at Marshall on March 8, 1984. At that same briefing, the Chief Engineer for United Space Boosters, George Morefield, raised prior Titan experience with O-ring problems. He explained in a memorandum to Mulloy the following day:
"I alluded to the Titan III SRM history which is quite similar to the current STS Solid Rocket Motor experience. Post-fire inspection of Titan Solid Rocket Motor static test motors showed that pressurization of the single O-rings in the pressure vessel routinely occurred via a single break-down path across the joint putty. There was also evidence that some O-rings never see pressure in the Titan motor. The segment -to-segment case insulation design results in a compression butt joint which apparently is often sufficient to withstand Pc, ....
"Your review showed that there was sufficient margin of O-ring remaining to do the job. I'm sure you have considered that if it does burn through, the secondary O-ring will then be similarly pressurized through a single port. So, some concern remains.
"I recommend that you set up a panel to study the use of putty and consider some alternatives:
"1) Is putty needed at all?
"2) If the tradition can't be broken, can the putty be applied with multiple (6 or 8) pressurization paths built in?
"I think that the primary seal should be allowed to work in its classical design mode. Both the Titan and STS Solid Rocket Motors have been designed for this not to happen. Titan has flown over a thousand pressure joints with no failure. My opinion is that the potential for failure of the joint is higher for the STS Solid Rocket Motor, especially when occasionally the secondary seal may not be totally effective." 75
When the 41-B erosion was taken to the Level I Flight Readiness Review for 41-C on March 30, 1984, it was briefed as a"technical issue". A recommendation to fly 41-C was approved by Level I "accepting the possibility of some O-ring erosion due to the hot gas impingement." 76 The rationale for acceptance was the same as that given at the Level III Flight Readiness Review and entered into the Marshall problem assessment report. An outgrowth of this review was an April 5, 1984, directive from NASA Deputy Administrator Dr. Hans Mark to Lawrence Mulloy at Marshall. This "Programmatic Action Item" was signed by Weeks and asked Mulloy to conduct a "formal review of' the Solid Rocket Motor case-to-case and case-to-nozzle joint sealing procedures to ensure satisfactory consistent closeouts." 77 This action item had been preceded by a letter written from NASA Associate Administrator for Space Flight General Abrahamson to Marshall Center Director Lucas.78 That letter, sent January 18, 1984, requested that Marshall develop a plan of action to make improvement in NASA's ability to design, manufacture and fly Solid Rocket Motors. Abrahamson pointed out that NASA was flying motors where basic design and test results were not well understood. The letter addressed the overall general Solid Rocket Motor design but did not specifically mention O-ring erosion.
After Mulloy received the April 5, 1984 STS 41-C action item on the O-rings, he had Lawrence Wear for-ward a letter- to Thiokol which asked for a formal review of' the booster field joint and nozzle joint sealing procedures. Thiokol was to identify the cause of the erosion, determine whether it was acceptable. define necessary changes, and reevaluate the putty then in use. The Wear letter also requested small motor tests reflecting joint dynamics as well as analysis of the booster assembly process.79
Thiokol replied to the Marshall STS 41-C action item on May 4, 1984, with a program plan entitled "Protection of' SRM Primary Motor Seals." The plan was prepared by Brian Russell, then Thiokol's Manager of Systems Engineering. It outlined a systematic program to isolate the 0-ring erosion and charring problem and to eliminate damage to the joint seals. 80 Proposed areas of inquiry included the leak check pressures, assembly loads, case eccentricity and putty layup. The Thiokol response in May 1984 was merely a proposal. The actual final response to the directive from Marshall was not completed until the August 19, 1985 briefing on the Solid Rocket Motor seal held at NASA headquarters some 15 months later. 81
Leak Check and Putty
In addition to the action item from NASA Headquarters, another result of the 41-B erosion was a warning written by John Q. Miller, Marshall chief of the solid motor branch, to George Hardy, through Keith Coates.82 Miller was worried about the two charred rings on 41-B and the "missing putty" found when the Solid Rocket Boosters were recovered and disassembled. He specifically identified the putty's sensitivity to humidity and temperature as potential sources of problems. "The thermal design of the [Solid Rocket Motor] joints depends on thermal protection of the O-ring by the [putty]," Miller said. Failure of the putty to "provide a thermal barrier can lead to burning both O-rings and subsequent catastrophic failure." The memorandum also said that "the O-ring leak check procedure and its potential effect on the (putty) installation and possible displacement is also an urgent concern which requires expedition of previously identified full scale tests."
From the beginning, Thiokol had suspected the putty was a contributing factor in O-ring erosion, even after STS-2.83 In April 1983, Thiokol reported on tests conducted to study the behavior of the joint putty. One conclusion of the report was that the STS-2 erosion was probably caused by blow holes in the putty, which allowed a jet of hot gas to focus on a point on the primary O-ring. Thiokol discovered the focused jet ate away or "impinged" on portions of the O-ring. Thiokol calculated that the maximum possible impingement erosion was .090 inch, and that lab test proved that an O-ring would seal at 3,000 psi when erosion of .095 inches was simulated. This "safety margin" was the basis for approving Shuttle flights while accepting the possibility of O-ring erosion. 84
Shortly after Miller's routing slip to Hardy about the "urgent concern" of the missing putty on 41-B, at Thiokol, Brian Russell authored a letter to Robert Ebeling which analyzed the erosion history and the test data. Russell's April 9, 1984 conclusion was that the putty itself and its layup were not at fault but that the higher stabilization pressure adopted in leak check procedures, first implemented in one field joint on STS-9, may increase the chances of O-ring erosion. The conclusion by Miller and Russell was that the air pressure forced through the joint during the O-ring leak check was creating more putty blow holes, allowing more focused jets on the primary O-ring, thereby increasing the frequency of erosion.85
This hypothesis that O-ring erosion is related to putty blow holes is substantiated by the leak check history (Figure 3). Prior to January, 1984, and STS 41-B, when the leak check pressure was [134] 50 or 100 psi, only one field joint O-ring anomaly had been found during the first nine flights. However, when the leak check stabilization pressure was officially boosted to 200 psi for STS 41-B, over half the Shuttle missions experienced field joint O-ring blow-by or erosion of some kind. 86
Moreover, the nozzle O-ring history of problems is similar. The nozzle joint leak check was changed from 50 psi to 100 psi before STS-9 launched in November 1983. After this change, the incidence of O-ring anomalies in the nozzle joint increased from 12 percent to 56 percent of all Shuttle flights. The nozzle pressure was increased to 200 psi for mission 51-D in April, 1985, and 51-G in June, 1985, and all subsequent missions. Following the implementation of the 200 psi check on the nozzle, 88 percent of all flights experienced erosion or blow-by. 87
Both Thiokol and NASA witnesses agreed that they were aware that the increase in blow holes in the putty could contribute to O-ring erosion. The Commission testimony of May 2, 1986, reads:
Dr. Walker: The analysis that some of our staff has done suggests that after you increase the test pressure to 200 pounds, the incidence of blow-by and erosion actually increased.
Mr. Russell: We realized that.
Lawrence Mulloy was also questioned above the blow holes in the putty:
Dr. Walker: Do you agree that the primary cause of the erosion is the blow holes in the putty?
Mr. Mulloy: I believe it is. Yes.
Dr. Walker: And so your leak check procedure created blow holes in the putty?
Mr. Mulloy: That is one cause of blow holes in the putty.
Dr. Walker: But in other words, your leak check procedure could indeed cause what was your primary problem. Didn't that concern you?
Mr. Mulloy: Yes, sir. 88
Notwithstanding the knowledge that putty blow holes caused erosion and that higher pressure in the leak check caused more blow holes, Thiokol recommended and NASA accepted the increased pressure to ensure that the joint actually passed the integrity tests.89
The documentary evidence produced by NASA and Thiokol demonstrates that Marshall was very concerned about the putty erosion/blow hole problem after STS 41-B. In addition to John Miller's routing slip about putty on STS 41-B discussed above, there is a report of a June 7, 1984, telephone conference between Messrs. Thompson, Coates and Ray (Marshall) and Messrs. Sayer, Boisjoly, Russell and Parker (Thiokol), among others.90 Marshall told Thiokol that NASA was very concerned about the O-ring erosion problem and that design changes were necessary, including possible putty changes. The Thiokol engineers discussed Marshall's suggestions after the telephone conference, but decided they could not agree a change was mandatory. A follow-up telephone conference was held between Ben Powers of Marshall and Lawrence Sayer of Thiokol on July 2. Powers told Saver that NASA would not accept the removal of the putty from the joint and that everyone expected the tests to show that gas jets would damage an O-ring. However, Powers expressly stated that Marshall would not accept Thiokol's opinion that no further tests were necessary.
In mid-1984, the early tests after NASA's action item for 41-C led Thiokol to the conclusion that O-ring erosion was a function of the putty blow hole size and the amount of free volume between the putty orifice and the O-ring. The damage to the O-ring was judged to be worse when the blow hole was smaller and the free volume was larger.91
While Thiokol did establish plans for putty tests to determine how it was affected by the leak check in response to the 41-C action item, their progress in completing the tests was slow. The action item was supposed to be completed by May 30, 1984, but as late as March 6, 1985, there are Marshall internal memos that complain that Thiokol had not taken any action on Marshall's December 1983 directive to provide data on putty behavior as affected by the joint leak check stabilization pressure.92
STS 51-C and Cold Temperature
On January 24, 1985, STS 51-C was launched. The temperature of the O-rings at launch was 53....
NASA Official |
Position |
Description of Awareness of O-Ring Problems |
. | ||
John Young |
Chief, Astronaut Office |
"The secret seal, which no one that we know knew about." 93 |
| ||
Milton Silveira |
Chief Engineer |
". . .If I had known . . . I'm sure in the '82 time period when we first came to that conclusion [that the seal was not redundant], I would have insisted that we get busy right now on a design change and also look for any temporary fix we could do to improve the operation of the seal. " 94 |
. | ||
James Beggs |
(Former) NASA Administrator |
"I had no specific concerns with the joint, the O-rings or the putty...." 95 |
. | ||
Arnold Aldrich |
Manager, National Space Transportation System |
None were aware of Thiokol's concern about negative effect of cold temperature on O-ring performance, nor were they informed of the same concern raised after STS 51-C. 96 |
Jesse Moore |
(Former) Associate Administrator for Space Flight | |
Richard Smith |
Director, Kennedy Space Center | |
James A. Thomas |
Deputy Director, Kennedy Launch and Landing Operations |
....degrees, the coldest to that date. O-ring erosion occurred in both solid boosters. The right and left nozzle joint showed evidence of blow-by between the primary and secondary O-rings. The primary O-ring in the left booster's forward field joint was eroded and had blow-by, or soot behind the ring.97 The right booster's damage was in the center field joint-the first time that field joint seal was damaged. Both its primary and secondary O-rings were affected by heat, and the primary ring also had evidence of blow-by of soot behind it. This was also the first flight where a secondary O-ring showed the effect of heat.
STS 51-C was the second example of O-ring damage in flight where there was evidence of blow-by erosion as well as impingement erosion. As noted previously, impingement erosion occurs where the O-ring has already sealed and a focused jet of hot gas strikes the surface of the ring and removes a portion of it. Blow-by erosion happens when the O-ring has not yet sealed the joint gap and the edge of the ring erodes as the hot gas flows around it.
Roger Boisjoly described the blow-by erosion seen in 51-C:
"SRM 15 [STS 51-C] actually increased [our] concern because that was the first time we had actually penetrated a primary,, O-ring on a field joint with hot gas, and we had a witness of that event because the grease between the O-rings was blackened just like coal . . . and that was so much more significant than had ever been seen before on any blow-by on any joint . . . the fact was that now you introduced another phenomenon. You have impingement erosion and bypass erosion, and the O-ring material gets removed from the cross section of the O-ring much, much faster when you have bypass erosion or blow-by." 98
[136] Boisjoly also said blow-by erosion was where the primary O-ring "at the beginning of the transient cycle . . . is still being attacked by hot gas, and it is eroding at the same time it is trying to seal, and it is a race between, will it erode more than the time allowed to have it seal." He described the blow-by on 51-C as "over 100 degrees of arc, and the blow-by was absolutely jet black. It was totally intermixed in a homogeneous mixture in the grease." When the blow-by material was chemically analyzed, Boisjoly said, "we found the products of putty in it, we found the products of O-ring in it."99
On the Marshall problem assessment report that was started to track field joint erosion after STS 41-B, the STS 51 -C O-ring anomaly was described as "O-ring burns were as bad or worse than previously experienced . . . Design changes are pending test results." 100 The changes being considered included modifying the O-rings and adding grease around the O-rings to fill the void left by putty blow holes.
On January 31, 1985, Marshall Solid Rocket Booster Project Manager Mulloy sent an urgent message to Lawrence Wear with the stated subject: "51-C O-Ring Erosion Re: 51-E FRR." The message ordered that the Flight Readiness Review for the upcoming flight:
"Should recap all incidents of O-ring erosion, whether nozzle or case joint, and all incidents where there is evidence of flow past the primary O-ring. Also, the rationale used for accepting the condition on the nozzle O-ring. Also, the most probable scenario and limiting mechanism for flow past the primary on the 51 -C case joints. If [Thiokol] does not have all this for today I would like to see the logic on a chart with blanks [to be filled in ] . " 101
On February 8, 1985, Thiokol presented its most detailed analysis to date of the erosion problems to the Solid Rocket Motor project office at Marshall for what was then called Shuttle mission 51-E, but later changed to 51-D. Thiokol included a report on damage incurred by the O-rings during flight 51-C at the left forward and right center field joints. The right center joint had hot gas past the primary O-ring. Thiokol said that caused a concern that the gas seal could be lost, but its resolution was "accept risk." 102
Thiokol presented test results showing "maximum expected erosion" and "maximum erosion experienced" for both primary and secondary O-rings for- the field and nozzle joints. Accepting damage to the primary O-ring was being justified, in part, based on an assumption of the secondary O-ring working even with erosion. However, the Criticality classification indicated the primary seal was a "single point failure." During this flight readiness assessment at Marshall, for the first time Thiokol mentioned temperature as a factor in O-ring erosion and blow-by. Thiokol said in its conclusions that "low temperature enhanced probability of blow-by-[flight] 51 -C experienced worst case temperature change in Florida history." Thiokol concluded that while the next Shuttle flight "could exhibit same behavior," nonetheless "the condition is not desirable but is acceptable." 103
At the Level I Flight Readiness Review conducted on February 21, there was no detailed analysis of O-ring problems presented or any reference made to low temperature effects. Instead, a single reference indicated the O-ring erosion and blow-by experienced was "acceptable" because of 'limited exposure time and redundancy."
STS 51-B and the Launch Constraint
Joint seal problems occurred in each of the next four Shuttle flights. Flight 51-D, launched April 12, 1985 had nozzle O-ring erosion and blow-by on an igniter joint. STS 51-B, launched 17 days later, experienced both nozzle O-ring erosion and blow-by as did 51-G, which flew on the following June 17. STS 51-F, launched duly 29, 1985 had nozzle O-ring blow-by.104
In response to the apparent negative effect of cold leading to the extensive O-ring problems on flight 51 -C in January, Thiokol conducted some O-ring resiliency tests in early 1985. 105 The tests were conducted to quantify the seal timing function of the secondary O-ring and the effect of joint rotation on its ability to back up the primary ring. The key variable was temperature. The June 3 test report, which was described in an August 9, 1985 letter from Brian Russell at Thiokol to Jim Thomas at Marshall, showed:
"Bench test data indicates that the O-ring resiliency (its capability to follow the metal) is a function of temperature and rate of case expansion. [Thiokol] measured the force of the O-ring against Instron platens, which [137] simulated the nominal squeeze on the O-ring and approximated the case expansion distance and rate.
"At 100°F, the O-ring maintained contact. At 75°F the O-ring lost contact for 2.4 seconds. At 50°F, the O-ring did not reestablish contact in ten minutes at which time the test was terminated." 106
On June 25, 1985, the left nozzle joint of STS 51-B (launched April 29) was disassembled and inspected after it had been shipped back to Thiokol. What Thiokol found was alarming. The primary O-ring seal had been compromised because it eroded .171 inches and it did not seal. The secondary O-ring did seal, but it had eroded .032 inches. Lawrence Mulloy described the 51-B problem as follows:
"This erosion of a secondary O-ring was a new and significant event . . . that we certainly did not understand. Everything up to that point had been the primary O-ring, even though it had experienced some erosion does seal. What we had evidence of was that here was a case where the primary O-ring was violated and the secondary O-ring was eroded, and that was considered to be a more serious observation than previously observed . . .107
"What we saw [in 51-B], it was evident that the primary ring never sealed at all, and we saw erosion all the way around that O-ring, and that is where the .171 came from, and that was not in the model that predicated a maximum of .090, the maximum of .090 is the maximum erosion that can occur if the primary O-ring seals.
"But in this case, the primary O-ring did not seal; therefore, you had another volume to fill, and the flow was longer and it was blow-by and you got more erosion." 108
Upon receiving the report of the 51-B primary ring failure, Solid Rocket Booster Project Manager Mulloy and the Marshall Problem Assessment Committee placed a "launch constraint" on the Shuttle system. 109 A 1980 Marshall letter which references "Assigning Launch Constraints on Open Problems Submitted to MSFC PAS" defines launch constraint as:
"All open problems coded Criticality 1, 1R, 2, or 2R will be considered launch constraints until resolved (recurrence control established and its implementation effectivity determined) or sufficient rationale, i.e., different configuration, etc., exists to conclude that this problem will not occur- on the flight vehicle during pre-launch, launch, or flight." 110
Lawrence Mulloy told the Commission that the launch constraint was "put on after we saw the secondary O-ring erosion on the [51-B] nozzle." "Based on the amount of charring," the problem report listing the constraint said, "the erosion paths on the primary O-ring and what is understood about the erosion phenomenon, it is believed that the primary O-ring [of the joint] never sealed." 111 The constraint applied to STS 51-F and all flights subsequent, including STS 51-L. Although one Marshall document says that the constraint applied to all O-ring anomalies, 112 no similar launch constraint was noted on the Marshall Problem Assessment Report that started tracking the field joint erosion after STS 41-B. Thiokol officials who testified before the Commission all claimed they were not aware of the July 1985 launch constraint; 113 however, Thiokol letters referenced Marshall Record number A09288, the report that expressly identified the constraint. 114
After the launch constraint was imposed, Project Manager Mulloy waived it for each Shuttle flight after July 10, 1985. Mr. Mulloy and Mr. Lawrence Wear outlined the procedure in the following manner:
Chairman Rogers: To you, what does a constraint mean, then?
Mr. Mulloy: A launch constraint means that we have to address the observations, sec if we have seen anything on the previous flight that changes our previous rationale and address that at the Flight Readiness Review.
Chairman Rogers: When you say»address it," I always get confused by the word. Do you mean think about it? Is that what you mean?
Mr. Mulloy: No, sir. I mean present the data as to whether or not what we have seen in our most recent observation, which may not be the last flight, it may be the flight before that, is within our experience base and whether or not the previous analysis and [138] tests that previously concluded that was an acceptable situation is still valid, based upon later observations....
The constraint was put on after we saw the secondary O-ring erosion on the nozzle, I believe.
Chairman Rogers: Who decided that?
Mr. Mulloy: I decided that, that that would be addressed, until that problem was resolved, it would be considered a launch constraint, and addressed at Flight Readiness Reviews to assure that we were staying within our test experience base....
Chairman Rogers: Do you have ultimate responsibility for waiving the launch constraints?
Mr. Mulloy: Yes, sir, I have ultimate responsibility for the launch readiness of the Solid Rocket Boosters.
Chairman Rogers: So there was a launch constraint, and you waived it.
Mr. Mulloy: Yes, sir-, all flights subsequent to.
Dr. Ride: I'm trying to understand how you deal with the launch constraint. How important do you think a launch constraint is and how unusual is it in your system?
Mr. Wear: I think a launch constraint is a significant event in our system, and it is one that has to be addressed within the Flight Readiness cycle because I don't have the authority to not do that. .
Dr. Ride: Why didn't you put a launch constraint on the field joint at the same time?
Mr. Mulloy: I think at that point, and I will react to that question in real time, because I haven't really thought about it, but I think the logic was that we had been observing the field joint, the field and nozzle joint primary O-ring erosion. This erosion of a secondary O-ring was a new and significant event, very new and significant even that we certainly did not understand. Everything up to that point had been that the primary O-ring, even though it had experienced some erosion, does seal. What we had evidence of was that here was a case where the primary O-ring was violated and the secondary O-ring was eroded, and that was considered to be a more serious observation than previously observed.
Dr. Ride: Correct me if I am wrong, but weren't you basing most of your decisions on the field joint on analysis of what was the maximum, what you believed to be the maximum possible erosion, and you had that analysis for the field joint and for the nozzle joint. When you saw the complete erosion of the primary O-ring on the nozzle joint, that showed you that your analysis on the nozzle joint wasn't any good, I would think. That would indicate to you that your analysis on the field joint wasn't very good, either, or at least should be suspect.
Mr. Mulloy: The conclusion, rightly or wrongly, for the cause of the secondary O-ring erosion on the nozzle joint, it was concluded from test data we had that 100 psi pressurization leak check, that the putty could mask a primary O-ring that was not sealing. The conclusion was-and that one was done at 100 psi. The conclusion was that in order to get that type of erosion that we saw on the primary O-ring, that that O-ring never sealed, and therefore the conclusion was that it never was capable of sealing. The leak check on subsequent nozzles, all subsequent nozzles was run at 200 psi, which the test data indicated would always blow through the putty, and in always blowing through the putty we were guaranteed that we had a primary O-ring seal that was capable of sealing, and then we further did, and we already had that on the field joints at that time.115
While Mulloy and Wear both testified that the constraint was still in effect and waived for Challenger's flight, they told the Commission that there had been two erroneous entries on the O-ring erosion nozzle problem assessment report stating the O-ring erosion problem had been resolved or closed. 116 Thiokol had suggested this closure on December 10, 1985 (at Marshall's request according to Brian Russell) but Wear and Mulloy told the Commission they rejected that recommendation and the problem was still being addressed in Flight Readiness Reviews.117 NASA Levels I and II apparently did not realize Marshall had assigned a launch constraint within the Problem Assessment System.118 This......
[139] Figure 5. August 19,1985 Headquarters Briefing.
General Conclusions |
Recommendations |
. | |
......communication failure was contrary to the requirement, contained in the NASA Problem Reporting and Corrective Action Requirements System, that launch constraints were to be taken to Level II.
Escalating Concerns
When the burn through of the primary nozzle O-ring on the left Solid Rocket Booster of STS 51-B was discovered in Utah on dune 25, 1985, an engineer from the NASA headquarters Shuttle Propulsion Group was on the scene. Three days after the 51-B inspection, a memorandum was written to Michael Weeks, also at Headquarters, reporting on the primary O-ring burn through.119 The memo blamed the problem on the faulty 100 psi leak check and reminded Weeks that Thiokol had not yet responded to the O-ring erosion action item sent out after STS 41-B one year earlier.
Engineers at Thiokol also were increasingly concerned about the problem. On July 22, 1985, Roger Boisjoly of the structures section wrote a memorandum predicting NASA might give the motor contract to a competitor or there might be a flight failure if Thiokol did not come up with a timely solution. 120
Nine days later (July 31) Boisjoly wrote another memorandum titled "O-ring Erosion/Potential Failure Criticality" to R. K. Lund, Thiokol's Vice President of Engineering:
"The mistakenly accepted position on the joint problem was to fly without fear of failure and to run a series of design evaluations which would ultimately lead to a solution or at least a significant reduction of the erosion problem. This position is now changed as a result of the [51-B] nozzle joint erosion which eroded a secondary O-ring with the primary O-ring never sealing. If the same scenario should occur in a field joint (and it could), then it is a jump ball whether as to the success or failure of the joint because the secondary O-ring cannot respond to the clevis opening rate and may not be capable of pressurization. The result would be a catastrophe of the highest order-loss of human life."
Boisjoly recommended setting up a team to solve the O-ring problem, and concluded by stating:
"It is my honest and very real fear that if we do not take immediate action to dedicate a team to solve the problem, with the field joint having the number one priority, then we stand in jeopardy of losing a flight along with all the launch pad facilities." 121
[140] In reply to specific questions from Marshall on August 9, Thiokol's Brian Russell reported the test data on the dune 3 resiliency tests. As noted previously, he indicated O-ring resiliency was a function of the temperature and case expansion. Also, he wrote, Thiokol had no reason to suspect that the primary O-ring would fail after motor ignition transient. He said the secondary O-ring would seal within the period after ignition from 0 to 170 milliseconds.122 From 170 to 330 milliseconds, the probability of the sealing of the secondary O-ring was reduced. From 330 to 600 milliseconds, there was only a slight chance the secondary seal would hold.
On August l9, 1985, Thiokol and Marshall program managers briefed NASA Headquarters on erosion of the motor pressure seals.123 The briefing paper concluded that the O-ring seal was a critical matter, but it was safe to fly. The briefing was detailed, identifying all prior instances of field joint, nozzle joint and igniter O-ring erosion. It recommended an "accelerated pace" to eliminate seal erosion but concluded with the recommendation that "it is safe to continue flying existing design as long as all joints are leak checked with a 200 psig stabilization pressure, are free of contamination in the seal areas and meet O-ring squeeze requirements." The briefing conclusions and recommendations appear in Figure 5. 124
Thiokol's Robert Lund, Vice President-Engineering, noting that "the result of a leak at any of the joints would be catastrophic," announced the establishment of a Thiokol O-ring task force on August 20, 1985, to "investigate the Solid Rocket Motor case and nozzle joints, both materials and configurations, and recommend both short-term and long-term solutions." 125
Two days later, A. R. Thompson, Thiokol's supervisor of structures design, said in a memorandum to S. R. Stein, project engineer, that the "O-ring seal problem has lately become acute." Thompson recommended near-term solutions of increasing the thickness of shims used at the tang and clevis mating, and increasing the diameter of the O-ring. "Several long-term solutions look good; but, several years are required to incorporate some of them," Thompson wrote. "The simple short-term measures should be taken to reduce flight risks." 126 During a Commission hearing, Thompson was asked about the larger diameter O-ring solution:
Dr. Walker: Why didn't you go to the larger O-ring, then?
Mr. Thompson: One problem in going to larger O-rings is in field joints-plant joints, excuse me. In the plant joints, if you put in the 295 and you take the worst on worst, when the joint is raised to a temperature of 325 degrees during the curing of the insulation, it is an overfill condition because of the alpha problems with the case, and the rubber.
Dr. Walker: There is no reason why a field joint and a plant joint had to have the same O-ring, is there?
Mr. Thompson: There were some that were afraid of the QC people, that were afraid of the confusion that might be developed between two nearly the same sized O-ring.127
Thiokol's revised O-ring protection plan, dated August 30, 1985, indicated that NASA and Thiokol were still not in agreement on the magnitude of the joint rotation phenomenon. It said that "presently there are conflicting data from Solid Rocket Motor case hydrotest and [static tests] concerning the magnitude of case field joint rotation under motor pressure. A referee test will be devised, which is mutually acceptable to NASA and Thiokol, to determine joint opening characteristics." 128
Design Questions Resurface
Also in late August, Thiokol submitted "Preliminary Solid Rocket Motor Nozzle/Field Joint Seal Concepts" to NASA, which were "formulated to solve the [Solid Rocket Motor] sealing problems." The document contained 43 possible design concepts for field joints and 20 for nozzle joints. The report said Thiokol "feels the case field joint poses the greatest potential risk in that its secondary seal may not maintain metal contact throughout motor operation. The nozzle joint is also of major concern because the frequency and severity of seal damage experienced has been greater than any other joint."
In September 1985, Thiokol's plans called for test-firing a static motor with various O-ring configurations. In a September 10 presentation to Marshall, Thiokol discussed erosion predictions, and evaluated primary engineering concerns including joint deflection and secondary O-ring resiliency. Temperature was not mentioned.129
[141] Prior to that Thiokol presentation, Marshall Science and Engineering Director Kingsbury had informed Solid Rocket Booster Program Manager Mulloy:
"I am most anxious to be briefed on plans for improving the Solid Rocket Motor O-ring seals. Specifically, I want to review plans which lead to flight qualifications and the attendant schedules. I have been apprised of general ongoing activities but these do not appear to carry the priority which I attach to this situation. I consider the O-ring seal problem on the Solid Rocket Motor to require priority attention of both Morton Thiokol/Wasatch and MSFC." 130
Early in October, internal warnings about the lack of results from the O-ring task force came when Thiokol's management got two separate memoranda complaining about administrative delays and lack of cooperation. One memorandum was written by Roger Boisjoly on October 4, 1985, and it warned Thiokol management about lack of management support of the O-ring team's efforts.131 He said that "even NASA perceives that the team is being blocked in its engineering efforts to accomplish its task. NASA is sending an engineering representative to stay with us starting October 14th. We feel that this is the direct result of their feeling that we [Thiokol] are not responding quickly enough on the seal problem."
R. V. Ebeling, manager of Thiokol's Solid Rocket Motor ignition system, began his October 1, 1985, report to McDonald with the alarming word "HELP!" Ebeling said the seal task force was "constantly being delayed by every possible means." "Marshall Space Flight Center," he said, "is correct in stating that we do not know how to run a development program." Ebeling continued:
"The allegiance to the O-ring investigation task force is very limited to a group of engineers numbering 8-10. Our assigned people in manufacturing and quality have the desire, but are encumbered with other significant work. Others in manufacturing, quality, procurement who are not involved directly, but whose help we need, are generating plenty of resistance. We are creating more instructional paper than engineering data. We wish we could get action by verbal request, but such is not the case. This is a red flag." 132
Shuttle flight 61-A was launched October 30, 1985. It experienced nozzle O-ring erosion and field joint O-ring blow-by. 133 These anomalies were not mentioned at the Level I Flight Readiness Review for flight 61-B. That flight was launched on November 26, 1985, and sustained nozzle O-ring erosion and blow-by. 134
The following month (December) Thiokol's problem status report which tracked the field joint erosion anomaly stated that the O-ring task force had made one hot gas test and preliminary results indicated the test chamber needed to be redesigned.135 Mr. Ebeling of Thiokol became so concerned about the gravity of the O-ring problem that he told fellow members of the seal task force that he believed Thiokol should not ship any more motors until the problem was fixed.
In testimony before the Commission, Ebeling said:
Mr. Ebeling: Well, I am a hydraulics engineer by profession, and O-rings and seals and hydraulics are very sacred, but for the most part, a hydraulics or pneumatics engineer controls the structure, the structural design, the structural deformation to make sure that this neat little part that is so critical is given every thing it needs to operate. In Solid Rocket Motors I have been there now pushing 25 years. They had a different attitude on O-rings when I came there, and it is not just Thiokol, it is universal.
Dr. Covert: By universal, you mean the solid rocket industry?
Mr. Ebeling: The entire solid rocket industry. It gets around from one, the competitors' information eventually gets to me by one track or another, and mine to them, but my experience on O-rings was and is to this date that the O-ring is not a mechanism and never should be a mechanism that sees the heat of the magnitude of our motors, and I think before I do retire, I'm going to make sure that we discontinue to fly with round seals which I am against round seals anyway. I think seals with memories, not pressure-activated, but energized through mechanical means, and in all cases, keep the heat of our rocket [142] motors away from those seals. Whatever it is, you do not need chamber pressure to energize a seal.
Dr. Covert: In this regard, then, did you have an increasing concern as you saw the tendency first to accept thermal distress and then to say, well, we can model this reasonably and we can accept a little bit of erosion, and then etc., etc. ? Did this cause you a feeling of if not distress, then betrayal in terms of your feeling about O-rings?
Mr. Ebeling: I'm sure sorry you asked that question.
Mr. Covert: I'm sorry I had to.
Mr. Ebeling: To answer your question, yes. In fact, I have been an advocate, I used to sit in on the O-ring task force and was involved in the seals since Brian Russell worked directly for me, and I had a certain allegiance to this type of thing anyway, that I felt that we shouldn't ship any more rocket motors until we got it fixed.
Dr. Covert: Did you voice this concern?
Mr. Ebeling: Unfortunately, not to the right people.136
The Closure Issue
On December 6, 1985, Thiokol's Brian Russell wrote Al McDonald, Thiokol Solid Rocket Motor Project Director, requesting "closure of the Solid Rocket Motor O-ring erosion critical problems."137 He gave 17 reasons for the closure, including test results, future test plans and the work to date of Thiokol's task force. Four days later (December 10) McDonald wrote a memorandum to NASA's Wear asking for closure of the O-ring problem. All O-ring erosion problems, including the problem containing the July 1985 launch constraint, were among the referenced matters that Thiokol suggested should be closed. McDonald noted that the O-ring problem would not be fully resolved for some time, and he enclosed a copy of Thiokol's August 30 plan for improving the motor seals.138
Brian Russell described the problem tracking process and gave the reason for the closure recommendation during the following exchange:
Mr. Russell: We have our reliability engineering department, who is responsible to complete the monthly problem report, and in addition to that we have our monthly problem review board telephone conference with NASA and the contractors, of which we are a part, and the monthly problem review or the monthly problem report that reliability prepares, they get the information from engineering or from the office as necessary to complete their status of what has happened during that month, whether the problem originated that month or what has been done to close the problem out, and that is submitted every month, and I for one do review that before it is submitted to the Marshall Space Flight Center, and so much of the information that I would read in these reports would be the same information that we had given in that monthly problem report or over the telephone on the teleconference.
Chairman Rogers: Mr. Russell, when you say close the problem out, what do you mean by that? How do you close it out normally?
Mr. Russell: Normally, whether it takes engineering analysis or tests or some corrective action, a closeout to the problem would occur after an adequate corrective action had been taken to satisfy those on the problem review board that the problem had indeed been closed out. That is the way that that happens; for example, we had found a loose bolt on the recovery one time, and we had to take corrective action in our procedures and in the engineering to make sure that that wouldn't happen again, and then to verify that corrective action, and at that point that problem would be ready to be closed out. It generally involves a report or at least a mention by the review board stating what had been done to adequately close it out, and then it is agreed upon by the parties involved. .
Question: What do you understand a launch constraint to mean?
Mr. Russell: My understanding of a launch constraint is that the launch cannot proceed without adequately-without everyone's agreement that the problem is under control.
[143] Chairman Rogers: Under control meaning what? You just said a moment ago that you would expect some corrective action to be taken.
Mr. Russell: That is correct, and in this particular case on this 51-B nozzle O-ring erosion problem there had been some corrective action taken, and that was included in the presentation made as a special addendum to the next Flight Readiness Review, and at the time we did agree to continue to launch, which apparently had lifted the launch constraint, would be my understanding.
Chairman Rogers: But really my question is: Did you gentlemen realize that it was a launch constraint?
Mr. Russell: I would like to answer for myself. I didn't realize that there was a formal launch constraint on this one, any different than some of the other erosion and blow-by that we had seen in the past.
Mr. Ebeling: I agree. .
Question: . . . Mr. Russell, you wrote a letter, did you not, or a memorandum indicating that the problem should be closed.
Could you explain to the Commission what you meant by that?
Mr. Russell: Yes. In our December telephone call on the Problem Review Board-and I can't remember the date-it was around the 9th or so-there was a request to close the problems out and particularly the ones that had been open for a long time, of which this was one, and a long time meaning six months or more.
There was a request from the Director of Engineering, as I recall it, that we close these problems out. .
Dr. Walker: That was the Director of Engineering at Marshall?
Mr. Russell: Yes, at Marshall Space Flight Center. Now, he wasn't in that call. My understanding is what they told us and my recollection was that Mr. Kingsbury would like to see these problems closed out.
Now, the normal method of closing them out is to implement the corrective action, verify the corrective action, and then the problem is closed, it comes off the board and is no longer under active review. .
Chairman Rogers: What was being done to fix it?
Mr. Russell: Well, we had a task force created of full-time people at Thiokol, of which I was a member of that task team, and we had done some engineering tests. We were trying to develop concepts. We had developed some concepts to block the flow of hot gas against the O-ring to the point where the O-ring would no longer be damaged in a new configuration.
And we had run some cold gas tests and some hot gas motor firing tests and were working toward a solution of the problem and we had some meetings scheduled with the Marshall Space Flight Center. We had weekly telephone calls where we statused our progress and there was a team at Marshall also of engineering people who were monitoring the things that we were doing to fix the problem with the goal of implementing a fix in our qualification motor No. 5, which was scheduled at that time in January, this timeframe being about the December timeframe of last year.
Chairman Rogers: Can I interrupt? So you're trying to figure out how to fix it, right? And you're doing some things to try to help you figure out how to fix it.
Now, why at that point would you close it out? .
Mr. Russell: Because I was asked to do it.
Chairman Rogers: I see. Well, that explains it.
Mr. Rummel: It explains it, but really doesn't make any sense. On one hand you close out items that you've been reviewing flight by flight, that have obviously critical implications, on the basis that after you close it out, you're going to continue to try to fix it.
So I think what you're really saying is, you're closing it out because you don't want to be bothered. Somebody doesn't want to be bothered with flight-by-flight reviews, but you're going to continue to work on it after it's closed out. 139
[144] Marshall received the Thiokol letter asking for the closure and an entry was placed on all Marshall Problem Reports referenced in McDonald's December 10 letter indicating"contractor closure received" on December 18, 1985. 140 On January 23, 1986, another entry was placed on the same reports indicating the "problem is considered closed." 141 Lawrence Mulloy and Lawrence Wear testified those entries were "in error." They said:
Mr. Mulloy: The problem assessment system was put in place to provide visibility throughout the Shuttle system for the types of problems that do occur, not just in flight, but also in qualification tests, and in failure of hardware that is back for refurbishment at a vendor or whatever. And it is a closed loop tracking system that lists the anomaly .
Now, the entry that is shown in there that the problem was closed prior to 51-L is in error. What happened there was, one of your documents here which we did not discuss is the letter from Mr. McDonald to Mr. Wear which proposed that this problem be dropped from the problem assessment system and no longer be tracked for the reasons stated in Mr. McDonald's letter.
That letter was in the review cycle. The letter, I believe, was dated 10 December 1985. It came into the center, it was in the review cycle. After Mr. Wear brought this letter to my attention, my reaction was, we are not going to drop this from the problem assessment system because the problem is not resolved and it has to be dealt with on a flight-by-flight basis.
Since that was going through the review cycle, the people who run this problem assessment system erroneously entered a closure for the problem on the basis of this submittal from Thiokol. Having done that then for the 51-L review, this did not come up in the Flight Readiness Review as an open launch constraint, so you won't find a project signature because the PAS system showed the problem was closed, and that was an error.
Chairman Rogers: Who made the error? Do you know?
Mr. Mulloy: The people who do the problem assessment system.
Mr. Wear: Mr. Fletcher, and he reports within our quality organization at the Flight Readiness Reviews, . . . as I think have been described to you before. There is one from Thiokol to me, and there is one from my group to Larry, and then Larry, of course, does one with the Shuttle project office, and so forth, on up the line. At my review and at Larry's review, here is a heads up given to the quality representative at that board for what problems the system has open, and they cross-check to make sure that we address that problem in the readiness review.
On this particular occasion, there was no heads up given because their Problem Assessment System considered that action closed. That is unfortunate. 142
Project Manager Mulloy was asked during Commission hearings about the original response to O-ring erosion:
Mr. Hotz: Mr. Mulloy, I would like to try to understand this in somewhat simpler terms than you people are used to using.
Is it correct to state that when you originally designed this joint and looked at it, that you did not anticipate erosion of any of the O-ring during flights?
Mr. Mulloy: That is my understanding. I entered this program in November of 1982 and I wasn't there on the original design of the joint, but when I took over the program there was no O-ring erosion anticipated.
Mr. Hotz: So that when you did run into signs of O-ring erosion, this was a bad sign.
Mr. Mulloy: Yes, sir. .
Mr. Hotz: So then you decided to introduce a standard based on the measurement or the possibility of the limits of O-ring erosion. And as those limits, as the experience went up, your criteria for, say, flight went up too.
In other words, when you experienced more than maximum anticipated O-ring erosion, you waived the flight and said "Well, it's possible to tolerate that. We still have a margin left."
Mr. Mulloy: Are you speaking of the case where we did not have a primary seal.
Mr. Hotz: Yes.
[145] Mr. Mulloy: Yes, sir. That is correct. .
Mr. Hotz: Then you finally, you're talking about these margins of safety, and I wonder if you could express in either percentages or actual measurement terms-you have used the term "wide margin." I wonder if you could give us a quantitative measurement as to what you consider a wide margin?
Mr. Mulloy: Yes, sir. Well, as I said we had demonstrated that we could stand 125 thousandths of erosion and still seat. The maximum erosion that we had seen in the case joint was on STS-2, which was 53 thousandths, so that is a factor of two and a half .
Dr. Keel: . . . I think, Larry, if you go back and look at your Flight Readiness Reviews, that you were relying on less margins than that.
You were arguing in the Flight Readiness Reviews where you briefed the problems of primary O-ring erosion that for the worst case for the field joint also that it would be 90 thousandths.
Mr. Mulloy: That is correct.
Dr. Keel: At that point you were pointing out that's okay, because you can seal at 95, not at 125 but at 95. It wasn't until later on during the process that you determined you could seal at 125.
Mr. Mulloy: That is when we got the hot gas test data.
Dr. Keel: So that's a five percent margin, roughly, five and a half.
Mr. Mulloy: On the 90 to 95 on a max predictable, yes. 143
Temperature Effects
The record of the fateful series of NASA and Thiokol meetings, telephone conferences, notes, and facsimile transmissions on January 27th, the night before the launch of flight 51 -L, shows that only limited consideration was given to the past history of O-ring damage in terms of temperature. The managers compared as a function of temperature the flights for which thermal distress of O-rings had been observed-not the frequency of occurrence based on all flights (Figure 6). In such a comparison, there is nothing irregular in the distribution of O-ring "distress" over the spectrum of joint temperatures at launch between 53 degrees Fahrenheit and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. When the entire history of flight experience is considered, including"normal" flights with no erosion or blow-by, the comparison is substantially different (Figure 7).
This comparison of flight history indicates that only three incidents of O-ring thermal distress occurred out of twenty flights with O-ring temperatures at 66 degrees Fahrenheit or above, whereas, all four flights with O-ring temperatures at 63 degrees Fahrenheit or below experienced O-ring thermal distress.
Consideration of the entire launch temperature history indicates that the probability of O-ring distress is increased to almost a certainty if the temperature of the joint is less than 65.
Flight Readiness Reviews
It is clear that contractor and NASA program personnel all believed that the O-ring erosion/blow-by anomaly, and even the launch constraint, were problems that should be addressed in NASA's Flight Readiness Review process. The Flight Readiness Review is a multi-tiered review that is designed to create an information flow from the contractor up through Level III at Marshall, then to Level II officials from Johnson and Level I at Headquarters. With regard to the Solid Rocket Booster, the process begins at the element level and culminates in a coordinated Marshall position at the subsequent Levels II and I Flight Readiness Review. 144
NASA policy manuals list four objectives of the Shuttle Projects Flight Readiness Review, an intermediate review between Level III and Level I, when contractors and Level III program personnel consider the upcoming launch. The stated objectives are:
"1.To provide the review team with sufficient information necessary for them to make an independent judgment regarding flight readiness.
"2. Review solved problems and previous flight anomalies and establish confidence in solution rationale.
[147] "3. Address all problems, technical issues, open items and constraints requiring resolution before flight.
"4. Establish the flight baseline configuration particularly as it differs from previous missions." 145
The Commission has reviewed the various documentary presentations made by Thiokol and NASA program people for Flight Readiness Reviews on all Shuttle flights. The O-ring presentations in those Flight Readiness Reviews have been summarized in an Appendix to this report.
The erosion on STS-2 was not considered on any level of the Flight Readiness Review for STS-3.146 Similarly the heat effect on STS-6's primary O-ring in the nozzle was not mentioned on the STS-7 Flight Readiness Review in 1983. However, the rationale for acceptance of the "secondary seal condition" for the lightweight case first flown on STS-6 contained the observation that an O-ring sealed during a Thiokol test under 3,000 psi where .125 inches had been cut out of the O-ring.147
The inattention to erosion and blow-by anomaly changed when Thiokol filed a problem report on the field joint erosion after STS 41-B. The O-ring problems (field and nozzle) on 41-B were briefed as a "technical issue" in the 41-C Flight Readiness Review. "Probable causes" were defined as:
"Putty blow-through at ignition causes cavity between putty and primary O-ring to fill during pressurization. Inability of putty to withstand motor pressure. Air entrapment in putty during mating. Blow holes in putty during joint leak test."
Thiokol presented the question at its 41-C preboard to Marshall, "If primary O-ring allowed a hot gas jet to pass through, would the secondary O-ring survive impingement?" 148 At the 41 -C Level I Flight Readiness Review, on March 30, 1984, Marshall said the erosion phenomenon was "acceptable" and that blow holes in the putty were the"most probable cause." The rationale for the acceptance of the possibility of erosion on STS 41-C was:
"Conservative analysis indicates max erosion possible:
".090 in. (field joint)
".090 in. (nozzle joint)
"Laboratory test of full scale O-ring/joint cross section shows capability to sustain joint sealing integrity at 3,000 psi pressure using an O-ring with a simulated .095 in. erosion depth.
"Fly STS 41-C accepting possibility of some O-ring gas impingement." 149
The next significant treatment of the problem occurred after the coldest flight, 51-C at 53 degrees in January 1985. In part, Thiokol's extensive analysis for the 51-E Flight Readiness Review was due to the fact that four joints on 51-C had problems. 150 Additionally, Mr. Mulloy's specific request for a recap of the O-ring history undoubtedly prompted a full treatment. Temperature was highlighted as a concern when Mulloy took Thiokol's analysis up to the Shuttle Projects Office Flight Readiness Review. That 18-page briefing concluded with the statement that: "STS 51-C consistent with erosion data based. Low temperature enhanced probability of blow-by. STS 51-C experienced worst case temperature change in Florida history. STS 51-E could exhibit the same behavior. Condition is acceptable." 151
At the Level I Flight Readiness Review for 51-E on February 21, 1985, the previous 18-page analysis had been reduced to a one page chart with the resolution: "acceptable risk because of limited exposure and redundancy (Ref. STS 41-C FRR)". 152 No mention of temperature was found in the Level I report.
The last major discussion of erosion was at the Level I Flight Readiness Review for STS 51-F (July 2, 1985).153 An analysis of the failure of the nozzle primary O-ring to seal due to erosion on flight STS 51-B (April 29, 1985) was presented. This serious erosion was attributed to leak check procedures. An increase in the nozzle leak check to 200 psi was proposed to be a cure. There was no mention of the fact that .171 inches of erosion on the primary O-ring far exceeded a more recent analysis model prediction of .070 inches maximum possible erosion. This was a revision of the former prediction of .090 inches. The launch constraint activated after STS 51-B was not specifically listed in the Level I Flight Readiness Review for 51-F. The Commission has also not found any mention of the duly 1985 constraint, or its waiver for subsequent Shuttle flights, in any Flight Readiness Review briefing documents.
[148] The Commission's review of the Marshall and Thiokol documentary presentations at the various Flight Readiness Reviews revealed several significant trends. First, O-ring erosion was not considered early in the program when it first occurred. Second, when the problem grew worse after STS 41-B, the initial analysis of the problem did not produce much research; instead, there was an early acceptance of the phenomenon. Third, because of a belief that in-flight O-ring erosion was "within the data base" of prior experience, later Flight Readiness Reviews gave a cursory review and often dismissed the recurring erosion as within "acceptable" or "allowable" limits. Fourth, both Thiokol and Marshall continued to rely on the redundancy of the secondary O-ring long after NASA had officially declared that the seal was a non-redundant single point failure. Finally, in 1985 when temperature became a major concern after STS 51-C and when the launch constraint was applied after 51-B, NASA Levels l and II were not informed of these developments in the Flight Readiness Review process.
The genesis of the Challenger accident-the failure of the joint of the right Solid Rocket Motor-began with decisions made in the design of the joint and in the failure by both Thiokol and NASA's Solid Rocket Booster project office to understand and respond to facts obtained during testing.
The Commission has concluded that neither Thiokol nor NASA responded adequately to internal warnings about the faulty seal design. Furthermore, Thiokol and NASA did not make a timely attempt to develop and verify a new seal after the initial design was shown to be deficient. . Neither organization developed a solution to the unexpected occurrences of O-ring erosion and blow-by even though this problem was experienced frequently during the Shuttle flight history. Instead, Thiokol and NASA management came to accept erosion and blow-by as unavoidable and an acceptable flight risk. Specifically, the Commission has found that:
1.The joint test and certification program was inadequate. There was no requirement to configure the qualifications test motor as it would be in flight, and the motors were static tested in a horizontal position, not in the vertical flight position.
2. Prior to the accident, neither NASA nor Thiokol fully understood the mechanism by which the joint sealing action took place.
3. NASA and Thiokol accepted escalating risk apparently because they "got away with it last time." As Commissioner Feynman observed, the decision making was:
"a kind of Russian roulette. .
[The Shuttle] flies [with O-ring erosion] and nothing happens. Then it is suggested, therefore, that the risk is no longer so high for the next flights. We can lower our standards a little bit because we got away with it last time.... You got away with it but it shouldn't be done over and over again like that . " 154
4. NASA's system for tracking anomalies for Flight Readiness Reviews failed in that, despite a history of persistent O-ring erosion and blow-by, flight was still permitted. It failed again in the strange sequence of six consecutive launch constraint waivers prior to 51-L, permitting it to fly without any record of a waiver, or even of an explicit constraint. Tracking and continuing only anomalies that are "outside the data base" of prior flight allowed major problems to be removed from, and lost by, the reporting system.
5. The O-ring erosion history presented to Level I at NASA Headquarters in August 1985 was sufficiently detailed to require corrective action prior to the next flight.
6. A careful analysis of the flight history of O-ring performance would have revealed the correlation of O-ring damage and low temperature. Neither NASA nor Thiokol carried out such an analysis; consequently, they were unprepared to properly evaluate the risks of launching the 51-L mission in conditions more extreme than they had encountered before.
[149] References