Scientific Results and Lessons Learned
- Apollo 15 - Time and Motion Study ( 2.2 Mb ) by J.F Kubis, J.T. Elrod, R. Rusnak, and J.E. Barnes, NASA Manned Spacecraft Center, January 1972, NASA M72-4. PDF document courtesy NASA Technical Reports Server ( ).
- Apollo 16 - Time and Motion Study ( 4.6 Mb ) by J.F Kubis, J.T. Elrod, R. Rusnak, J.E. Barnes, and S.C. Saxon, NASA Manned Spacecraft Center, July 1972, NASA M72-6. PDF document courtesy NASA Technical Reports Server ( ).
- Apollo Scientific Experiments Data Handbook ( 42 Mb ) edited by W.W. Lauderdale and W.F. Eichelman, NASA Johnson Space Center, August 1974, NASA Technical Memorandum TM X-58131 / JSC-09166. PDF document courtesy NASA Technical Reports Server ( ).
- Lunar Sample Studies ( 4.6 Mb ) compiled by W.C. Phinney, NASA Manned Spacecraft Center, Feb 1977, NASA SP-418. PDF document courtesy NASA Technical Reports Server ( ).
- ALSEP Termination Report ( 9 Mb ), by J.R. Bates, W.W. Lauderdale, and H. Hernaghan, NASA Reference Report 1036. April 1979. PDF document courtesy NASA Technical Reports Server ( ).
- Lunar Laser Ranging: A Continuing Legacy of the Apollo Program ( 3.2 Mb PDF ) by J.O. Dickey et al, An Invited Review Article submitted to Science; January 1994. Jet Propulsion Labratory Technical Reports Server item 2014/32452 .
- The Effects of Lunar Dust on EVA Systems During the Apollo Missions ( 1 Mb ) by James R. Gaier, NASA Glenn Research Center, March 2005, NASA TM-2005-213610. PDF Document courtesy Ron Creel.
- The Apollo Experience Lessons Learned for Constellation Lunar Dust Management ( 1.4 Mb ) by Sandra A. Wagner, NASA Johnson Space Center, September 2006, NASA TP-2006-213726. PDF Document courtesy Sandra Wagner.
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