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Jim Lovell's cuff checklist and EVA gloves currently reside at the Adler Planetarium, Chicago, Illinois. In November 2010, these important artifacts were removed temporarily from public display. Ms. Devon Pyle-Vowles, Collections Manager at Adler, arranged for the checklist pages to be photographed and provided copies for the ALSJ. We had been unable to find any copies of the Apollo 13 cuffcheck lists in the NASA archives; so we are deeply indebted to Ms. Pyle Vowles and to Captain Lovell for this opportunity not only to add this checklist to the Apollo record but to add it in the form of high quality images of the flown article. We only regret that the checklist pages are not smudged with moondust.
In a 6 July 2011 e-mail, in reply to a question about the current location of his cuff checklists, Fred Haise wrote: "Jim was smarter than I and must have retrieved his before we jettisoned the Lunar Module. I did not; so they must be somewhere at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean."
Left: H2O Connections. Right: CDR Egress; MESA deploy; toss jetticon bag out of the way under the minus-Y (south) strut; position Lunar Equipment Conveyor (LEC); Familiarization (getting used to moving around); use LEC to transfer a Hassleblad down from the cabin; collect contingency sample and photograph sample area; monitor/guide LMP egress. Remove Hasselblad camera from RCU bracket for S-Band antenna deployment.
Left: S-Band deployment including a reminder - based on the Apollo 12 in red to 'duck' to avoid entanglement with the antenna when it springs open; antenna align; finish ETB prep while the LMP goes up to the cabin; open MESA table to hold a rock box; load into the Equipment Transfer Bag (ETB equipment to be sent up the the cabin; hook ETB to LEC. Right: Transfer ETB to cabin, where the LMP removes LiOH cans, etc. and loads seccond Hasselblad and movie camera* in ETB; transfer ETB to surface; CDR mounts movie camera on RCU bracket and uses movie camera to film LMP second egress; flag deploy; cap TV lens before moving.*Training photo KSC-70PC-18 shows Fred Haise using a battery-powered, 16-mm Data Acquisition Camera (DAC) mounted on his RCU.
Position TV for ALSEP offload; open white door of Scientific Equipment (SEQ) bay; offload Package 1 (offload precedures given on checklist), tools from Package 2 to HTC, drill offload, RTG fueling, putters* in packages, assemble dumbbell, close SEQ bay doors, TV pan, photo pan (diagram on righthand page, get dumbbell, put on totes bag on, traverse 300 ft. west.*Putters - NASA photo S70-29672 shows Jim carry the ALSEP packages during training at the Cape. A Universal Handling Tool (UHT) sticks out diagonally from each package. Probably because of their resemblance to golf 'putters', they are listed as such in the checklist.
Disconnect mast (carry bar) from package 2 (RTG); move package 2 ten feet west; give Hasselblad to LMP; emplace pacakge 2; deploy "horse collar" and connect cable; (in red) read amps but do not push short button; emplace package 1 and eyeball align; get tongs from LMP; help LMP with Heat Flow Experiment (HFE) removal; lean tongs and mast on package 1; deploy Passive Seismic Experiment (PSE) stool and PSE instrument. ALSEP deployment map on righthand page.
Deploy Cold Cathode Gauge experiment (CCGE), using UHT as gnomon for alignment; align and level package 1; release Central Station sunshield; put antenna mast in socket and assemble CS antenna; align antenna; pickup boyd bolts and use as weights to keep the PSE skirt flat if necessary. ALSEP deployment map on righthand page.
Deploy Heat Flow Experiment (HFE) package if LMP hasn't done so; activate Central Station; photograph ALSEP layout as indicated in diagram on the righthand page; use movie camera to film LMP drilling the heat-flow holes and deep core; remove deep core and cap stem sections; report EMU status. ALSEP photo documenttion plan map is on the righthand page.
Left: Return traverse, collecting and documenting sample with agbout 75 percent rocks desireable; cap TV an point TV at MESA; load maps, cameras, and lens in ETB; attach MESA weigh bag to scale; transfer sample from tote bags to weigh bag; stow deep core stems; remove rockbox (SRC) closure protective seal. Right: Close SRC 1; other tiems for cabin in CDR tote bag, LMP tote bag to MESA; Clean EMUs (suits and backpacks); LMP ingress; use LEC to transfer ETB, CDR Tote Bag; and SRC 1 to cabin; tongs in Hand Tool Carrier (HTC); position HTC in sunlight; Cap TV; clean own suit; climb ladder; receive LEC from LMP; tie LEC to porch rail; ingress, raise EV visor; repress.
Left: Ways to estimate distance for the LM. Right: CDR Egress; get jettison bags from the LMP and drop over the side of the porch; unti LEC from porch railing and hand to LMP; climb down ladder; transfer ETB down from cabin with LEC; put Hasselblad on RCU bracket; put SRC 2 on MESA table, position HTC at MESA.
SRC Offlaod: special sample containers in LMP tote bag; core tube caps, individual sample container dispenser and core tubes on HTC; organic sample in SRC; 'foxhole' shovel, hammer, gnomon, and map on HTC; Put tote bag on LMP; safety line and polarization filter in HTC pouch; tongs on CDR yo-yo; Hasselblad on RCU bracket; put small scoop on extension handle; off load close-up stereo camera (CSC); for first thermal-degradation sample, take CSC photo of one side, use small scoop to put dirt on sample, brush off sample, take CSC photos of both sides; for the second sample; dirt on sample, CSC photos of both sides; put small scoop with extension handle on HTC.
Items to report:movements between sample sites; locations with respect to (WRT) the LM; photos other than nominal; Sample bag numbers; LMP to photo document CDR getting behind a boulder large enough to block line-of-sight communications with the LM. Photos: pan for each leg, sample site, and traverse direction change with nominal locations shown on traverse map; close-up camera of documented samples. Sampling procedures: SEries of sample raially out from crater; core tubes; trenches; football-sized rock; rock fillets; rock trails.
Left:Sketch map showing larger craters and planned geology stops. Right:
Detailed procedures, similar to what was done on Apollo 12 at Head Crater. Not done on later missions, possibly because analysis of the Apollo 12 data showed that a repeat was not necessary.
Gas analysis sample (small can); magnetic sample (teflon can); deep trench (2 feet) for sampling and soil mechanics; special environmental sample (large can) from the bottom of the trench; radial fines sample at close-up stereo photos; photo large rocks with color chart; collect (American) football-sized rock
Left: List of potential targets for Close-up Stereo Camera. Right: EVA Closeout - samples transferred to two weight bags; remaining sample in a tote bag. Special environmental and gas sample in SRC; mag sample in Tote bag
Left: Closeout (cont.) - cores in SRC; close and seal SRC; collect extra bag of sample 50 feet from LM; (in red) stow 2 cameras and mags in ETB; LMP to cabin; CSC mag to ETB; ETB checklist on bag flap; prepare LEC for transfers; transfer ETB and Tote bag; transfer SRC 2; Clean EMU; (in red) remove tongs; jettison LEC, Ingress; repress. Right: EMU Malfuntion Procedure 1, Vent/Tone (P flag on RCU); Proc. 2, Press/tone (O flag on RCU); Proc. 3, O2/Tone (O flag on RCU)
Proc. 4, H2O/Tone (A flag on RCU); Proc. 5, Tone/No Flags; Proc. 6, cuff guage- CDR EVA-2 EMU Malfunction Procedures 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 (0.5 Mb)
Proc. 7, PLSS O2 Quantity abnormal; Proc. 8, Cuff gauge > 4.0; Proc. 9, Loss of Pump Noise; Proc. 10, Cooling Inadequate; Proc. 11, Loss of Voice Communication.- CDR-EVA-2 Back Cover (blank page (0.5 Mb)
Good view of the half-bracelet used to make the page spines match the wrist curvature and, thereby, keep the pages open.
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