Ground Elasped Time
(hh:mm:ss) |
Type or Circumstance |
Notes |
Apollo 11
Technical Debriefing |
Need to get closer to
the surface |
Armstrong - "In
general, there
were a lot of times that I wanted to get down closer
to the surface for
one reason or another. I wanted to get my hand
down to the
surface to pick up something. This was one
thing that restricted
us more than we'd like. We really didn't have
complete clearance
to go put our knees on the surface any time we
wanted. We thought
the suit was qualified to do that in an emergency,
but it wasn't
planned as a normal operation." Extended
discussion of kneeling. |
109:44:57 |
Using the ladder for
support |
While holding onto
the ladder
with his right hand, Buzz tries reaching down to his
left, probably
bending his knees. "Reaching down is fairly
easy. " |
110:52:57 |
Dynamic grab |
Neil bobs down to one
knee to
grab something off the ground, possibly the close-up
During the post-mission Technical Debriefing, Neil
mentioned that had
to pick it up off the surface on three separate
occasions, bobbing down
once and using tools the other two times.
"It's a major effort to
get down to the surface to pick the thing up."
Discussion |
111:23:29 |
Using the MESA for
support |
Buzz bends his knees
and reaches
forward to get the close-up camera. |
Apollo 12
118:19:43 |
Leaning on a rock? |
On the way back from
Crescent Crater, Pete and Al want to collect some
samples that prove to
be too big for the tongs. The dialog suggests that
Al leans on a larger
rock and has Pete push the desired samples into
reach. No TV. |
133:44:09 |
Using a strap to get
low |
Al takes hold of a
strap on the
Surveyor parts bag Pete is wearing and provides
support while Pete
reaches down to grab a sample. Although Pete
and Al recommended
this technique for use by later crews, it was never
repeated. No
TV. |
Apollo 14
113:52:26 |
Going to one knee |
Shepard, from the
Debrief - "Balance was good and getting control was
good. I did
not fall down at any time during either EVA. I
got down on my
knee a couple of times to pick up some things, but I
got right back up
again. Never, at any time, did I have any
trouble with falling
down and balance." |
115:26:10 |
Using a LM strut for
support |
Al leans on the LM
strut while
he places the back-up, B&qmp;W TV in the east
footpad. |
115:27:47 |
Using tongs rather
than kneeling |
Ed drops the weigh
bags and,
rather than use the MESA for support, gets the tongs
from Al. "It'd
probably save getting any dirtier than necessary." |
115:30:09 |
Flight suit not
"broken in" |
Mitchell, from the
Debrief - "Although my suit did exceptionally well,
far better than the
training suit ever did, it was still stiffer and
took more effort to
just hustle around than the training suit did, which
was well broken
in. I encountered a little bit of a problem
with bending over,
which I had not encountered in one g, and I think
this is in proportion
to the forces between the one-sixth g and the
stiffness of the suit
compared with the well-worked-in suit in one
g. I found that I
could not bend down to the MET level. I could
not just bring my
body forward like I could in the training suit and
get down to the
MET. I had to bend my knees or get down on a
knee to reach things
low on the MET, such as the weigh bags down on the
side, or the camera
retaining clips on the MET. It was more
difficult for me to bend
down for them (than it had been in training)."
Al commented, "I
don't know whether it was unique to Ed's suit or
not, because I didn't
have that problem." |
116:50:38 |
Bobbing down to one
knee |
Ed goes briefly to
one knee,
perhaps putting the first geophone in the ground. |
Apollo 15 |
120:52:24 |
Using the Rover
support |
Dave leans on the
front of the
Rover to lock the high-gain mast in place. |
122:55:50 |
Using the scoop to
lift an end
of the dropped tongs into reach |
Dave dropped his
tongs earlier
and, rather than try a dynamic grab or go to his
knees, he has Jim lift
one end of the tongs with the scoop. With his
knees bent, Dave
gets low eough to grab the tongs. |
122:56:48 |
Deeply bent knee with
the other
leg out to the side as a counterweight |
Dave gets his left
leg out to
the side and then bends his right knee almost to 90
degrees to get a
sample bag low enough for Jim to pour in some soil
from the
scoop. At 122:57:06, Dave moves downhill till
he is level with
Jim and doesn't have to bend his knees as much
to get the sample
bag in position. |
124:43:20 |
Dynamic grab |
Dave sticks his left
leg behind
him with his right knee flexed. He then bobs down
till his left knee is
almost to the ground and grabs the heat flow probe
that was on the top
of the HFE. |
124:46:07 |
Using the UHT as a
prop |
Dave reaches down to
remove a
dust cover from the heatflow package. With the
UHT in his left
hand as
a prop, he extends his right leg to the side, bends
his right knee
inward, and reaches down easily with his right
hand. Les effort
the dynamic grab he did without a prop three minutes
earlier or the one
he will do in about 25 minutes more. |
125:11:04 |
Dynamic grab |
Dave bobs to one knee
to grab
the heat flow probe, which is on the ground next to
the emplacement
hole. His first attempt fails. Fendell
zooms in just in
time to
capture Dave's second, successful attempt. As
he comes up, he
says, "I
sure wish I had a UHT." Most likely, he is thinking
that he could have
hooked the UHT handle under the cable to lift it. |
125:13:53 |
Dynamic grab |
It takes Dave three
attempts to
get the probe bag off the ground. |
125:23:15 |
Dynamic grab |
Easy grab of the
second heat
flow probe. |
144:23:00 |
Dynamic hammer blow |
Dave wants to use the
hammer to
break open a 15-cm rock that is lying on a
flat-surface. He puts
his right foot forward toward the rock, puts his
left foot back, and
flexes his knees, almost touching the ground with
his right knee.
Once down, he breaks the rock with a single blow and
then lets the
internal suit pressure straighten his knees so he
can stand. A
classic, elegant use of the suit. |
148:27:01 |
Dynamic grab |
Easy grab of the wire
loop on
the drill. The loop was about 15 cm off the
ground. The
drill stem was nearby at about chest height, but
Dave didn't bother
using it. |
Apollo 16
119:24:37 |
Probable dynamic grab |
John practiced doing
grabs in the 1/6th-g airplane. Charlie
comments,"Hey, you're doing
pretty well with that deep-knee-bend stuff." John
replies, Yeah, I
already picked up a rock to see if it was
possible." No TV until
they put the camera on the Rover. Discussion. |
120:17:48 |
Flexing the knees |
To get something from
the back
of the MESA, Charlie jumps far enough onto the
MESA to balance on
his stomach. To get down, he bends his knees
up 90 degrees, kicks
them down, but doesn't come off. A second
later, he pushes
himself off with his hands. Discussion of the
difficulty of
keeping the knees bend against the internal pressure
of the suit. |
120:18:21 |
Kneeling using the
MESA for
support |
Charlie has no
trouble kneeling
to pick up a piece of dropped equipment. |
120:22:55 | Failed dynamic grab |
John has dropped the
flagstaff section and attempts to make the
grab. He doesn't get
low enough and decides to kneel while using the
upper flagstaff section
for support. |
121:04:29 |
Dynamic grab |
Charlie successfully
grabs the
drill-stem rack, which had tipped over.
Although the relatively
large size of the rack made this grab relatively
easy, Charlie is
pleased with his success, "I'm getting where I can
bend down in that
suit, Tony." |
121:11:53 |
Dynamic grab |
Charlie successfully
grabs the
wrench off the drill stems on his second attempt. He
does another
successful grab at 121:15:13,
up slightly before he starts down so that the knee
will bend
more and he can get lower. |
121:16:48 |
Using the drill for
support |
As he completes one
of the
heatflow holes, Charlie has to lean forward to
maintain his grip on the
drill and keep it from turning ("torquing") as gets
close to full
depth. He looks very stable. |
121:26:12 |
Leaning on drill to
reach down |
With his feet well
back, Charlie
leans forward on the drill with his left hand to
attach the wrench to
the stems. To get up, Charlie keeps his weight
on his left hand
and moves his feet far enough toward the drill that
he can stand easily. |
121:52:04 |
Dynamic grab |
Charlie grabs the
on his second try. In coming back up, he
springs completely off
the ground. He lands on both feet and then
does a small hop to
his left to get his balance. |
121:53:10 |
Failed dynamic grab |
Charlie misses the
rock he was
trying to grab and has to scramble to his left to
avoid falling. |
122:52:04 |
Dynamic grab |
John grabs a dropped
He is partly obscured by the back of the Rover. |
123:58:35 |
Stable bent knee
posture to use
the hammer |
John sticks his left leg out to the side and then bends his right knee enough to use the hammer on a partially-buried rock. He stays down for about 5 seconds while he strikes the rock twice. After John stands up for a moment, Charlie offers to hold him down and, as John gets down again, Charlie puts his hand on John's left shoulder. John pries a piece of the rock loose and then rises, only having stayed down for a second or two. Note that John wasn't having to reach down quite as far as Dave Scott did when he used the hammer in the Station 6 crater at 144:23:00. |
124:08:01 | Collecting the
biggest Apollo
sample |
As he had done three
times wiile
working on the far side of Plum Crater, Charlie puts
the scoop out in
front of him, holding onto it as his sinks to his
knees. "Big
Muley" is roughly cylindrical in shape and is about
20 cm tall and 15
cm in diameter. It's terrestrial weight in
11.7 kg (26 lbs) but
only 2 kg (4.4 lbs) on the Moon. It is the
bulk more than the
weight that makes collecting it a challenge.
Charlie rolls the
rock toward his right leg and tries to get his
fingers under it and
roll it up onto his thigh. That fails and he
them leans forward
far enough that he can wrap his fingers far enough
down that he can
press the rock firmly against his leg. Still
using the scoop as a
support, he manages to stand. He then release
his grip on the
scoop and moves his left hand down toward the
rock. He then does
a little jump and the rock floats up enough that he
can get a solid
grip with both hands. Excellent TV. |
149:03:28 |
Dynamic grab |
Classic example of
John in action |
Apollo 17
118:25:54 |
Balancing on toes
while in a
deep knee bend |
Gene and Jack take
photos of each other with both the flag and Earth in
view. To do
so, they bend their knees, almost kneeling and
balancing on their toes. |
119:35:45 |
Using the drill for
support |
Gene puts his right hand on the drill for stability, puts his left leg back, and flexes his right knee until his left is almost touching the ground. He attaches the wrench to the drill stems and rises without difficulty. Gene uses the technique again when he picks up the neutron probe at 121:09:29. |
119:36:39 |
Dynamic grab |
On what may be Gene's
attempt at a dynamic grab, he gets down and holds
the position long
enough to remove the wrench from the drill
stems. He will need
some practice to become efficient. |
119:39:53 |
Leaning on the drill
kneeling |
To remove the wrench
from the
drill stems, Gene puts the drill down, bends his
knees enough to get
his right hand on the drill, moves his feet back a
short way, bends his
knees slightly and, with most of his weight on his
hand, is able to
remove the wrench. He then steps forward and
rises without
difficulty. He does something similar when
attaching the wrench
at 119:44:46
and removing it a short time later. "Oh, man, that
works great!" |
119:48:57 |
Knee bends |
Gene does a series of
quick knee
bends so he can push the heatflow probe into the
drill stems. He
doesn't use any support. |
120:08:01 |
Dynamic grab |
Gene knocks over the
drill and,
in part because one of the handles is sticking up,
grabs it without
trouble. |
120:33:02 |
Kneel, dynamic grab,
dynamic grab, kneel. Difficulty of
working in a small
crater. |
In a somewhat
frustrating and
certainly tiring sequence, Gene uses the drill
for support so he
can go to his knees to thread a drill stem into the
one in the
ground. As he gets to his feet, he knocks the
drill over and,
after failing with one dynamic grab attempt, gets it
with the
second. He rests for a moment and them uses
the drill again to
kneel while he tries to remove the wrench. He
is unable to free
it and hops to his feet to have a rest. After
a few seconds, he
tries to re-position the drill, but it falls
over. Once again, it
takes him two tries to get low enough to grab the
drill. At the
end of this sequence, he mentions that he has been
working in a small
crater and that working on the slopes was difficult. |
120:51:30 |
Using the suit while
the deep core with the jack |
To get maximum throw
of the jack
handle, Gene does deep knee bends but, after a short
while, he gets on
his knees so he can push the jack handle all the way
to the ground.
He has his left hand on the core stems for
stability. Later, he
rises up off his knees and then drops back down to
put more
force on the handle. "It was a lot of hard
work; and not at all
easy." After about 4 minutes of effort, Gene
stands to rest,
using the jack handle for support. Comments from
Jack, twenty years
later, on Gene ability to bend his knees "almost
with his backside on
his heels. There's no way I could have done
that; I just couldn't
bend my suit that much." During Jack effort
with the jack
starting at about 121:00:02,
he litterally throws his weight onto the handle, he
gets very
little knee bend at the bottom of each stroke. |
120:55:55 |
Efficient use of the
jack while
kneeling |
During Gene's second
with the jack, he is on his knees with his right
hand on the core stems
for stability. As he pushes the handle down
with his left hand,
he leans to the left to push the handle all the way
down, raising his
right knee a few inches off the ground to get better
After nine strokes, he uses the core stem for
support and he hops up
onto his feet. Gene is righthanded. |
121:01:30 |
Controlled fall on
the jack
handle |
After Jack's
spectacular fall,
he has more success with the jack by grasping the
core stem with
his right hand - Gene is also holding the stems,
probably to minimize
any lateral stress Jack might impart - and does a
controlled fall,
pushing the handle down with his extended left
arm. Gene has his
left foot on the treadle to keep it steady.
After Jack does four
strokes, they change places. Gene goes to his
knees and, as he
did earlier, leans to his left as he pushes the jack
handle all the way
down. After about six more strokes, working
the handle becomes
much easier. |
122:19:01 |
Leaning on boulder |
Jack leans on the
Station 1
boulder while he breaks off a sample. |
123:11:04 |
Gene supports Jack
for deep knee
bend |
Jack has to unfold
the SEP solar
panels, which are at about knee height. To
avoid knocking the
transmitter over, he gets Gene support so he can do
a stable, deep knee
bend. |
140:52:26 |
Using the MESA for
support |
Gene bends his knees,
using the
MESA for support, to reach the gravimeter button. |
143:29:11 |
Maintaining bent knee
posture |
Gene uses the hammer
on the side
of a knee-high boulder. Discussion of adapting
"to whatever the
suit would give you." A short while later,
Jack flexes his knee
enough that he can skim the sample off the surface
with the scoop. |
144:47:00 |
Bobbing to one knee
on a slope |
While working on the
outside the rim of Ballet Crater, Jack faces
cross-slope and bobs down
to his upslope knee to retrieve the scoop.
"Facing up a slope
like that, it was easy to get down and back up." |
144:50:23 |
Difficulties on the
slope at
Ballet Crater |
Jack has a sequence
of mishaps,
dropping things and trying to retrieve them. |
145:31:58 |
Deep knee bend for
photography |
Gene bends his knees
and gets up
on his toes to take some close-ups. He has a
bit of trouble
getting into a stable position. "In one-sixth
gravity you can go
down slow enough and you can waver in that
almost-kneeling position -
uncomfortable and hard to sustain - long enough to
get a couple of
pictures at a 125th of a second." |
166:22:32 |
Jack uses a boulder
for support;
Gene uses the hammer |
Jack retrieves the
scoop using
the Station 7 boulder for support. Separately,
Gene uses the
hammer as a support in the same way he used the
drill earlier; he
scoots his legs backwards as he leans on the hammer
without going to
his knees and tries to pick up a football-sized
rock. It is too
big. He goes to both knees and finally gets a
good grip. He
uses the hammer to push himself far enough back that
he can stand. |
Ground Elapsed Time (hhh:mm:ss) | Subject or circumstance | Notes |
Apollo 11 |
109:44:57 |
Trying knee bends at
the ladder |
Buzz tries some knee
bends. It may be at this point that he gets the
smudges of dirt
on his knees can be seen in AS11-40-5903. |
110:52:57 |
Bobbing Down on one
knee |
Neil bobs down
briefly, apparently to grab something off the ground,
probably the
Apollo Close-up Stereo Camera. See the extensive
discussion of
kneeling following 110:45:03. |
Apollo 12 |
115:48:57 |
Low value of kneeling
without a
hip bellows |
In a 1991 comment, Pete
notes that kneeling was of less value the early
missions because their
suits did not have the hip
bellows/convolute that allowed the
J-mission astronauts sit on the Rover. The lack
of a hip
convolute may have made cabin
egress more difficult on the early
missions. |
118:19:43 |
Avoid kneeling to keep
clean |
Pete and Al Bean went
some lengths to avoid kneeling, in hopes of keeping
the suits relatively
clean. |
136:51:56 |
Ways to kneel |
From the post-EVA-2
debriefing: Gibson: Roger, Al. Say, did either one of you kneel down in order to get anything off the surface, or did you use the newly-developed Bean technique of holding on to the Surveyor parts bag and lowering the Commander to the surface? Conrad: Yeah. Well, we used all kinds of things like that. You could take the shovel and stick it in the ground and just do a one-arm pushup and lean down and pick up a rock off the ground with the other hand. It's really a ridiculous way to do it. If you had a suit that would bend, why, you'd have the whole program wired. But, you could do that. It's okay. I fell over once out there, and Al picked me back up again. It's no big deal. Bean: But, in the same sense, you're always fussing around trying to get down there to get these rocks, and we did kneel down a couple of times. I knelt down and picked some stuff up. And it's particularly easy if you got that Hand Tool Carrier with you. But we really do need to come up with some sort of strap or something that would allow you to lean over and grab a rock that won't fit in those tongs. |
Apollo 14 |
113:52:26 |
Tech. Debrief extract |
In discussing mobility
stability, Al mentions "I got down on my knee a couple
of times to pick
up some things, but I got right back up again."
Emphasize the
value of training in the 1/6th-g airplane. |
115:30:09 |
Tech. Debrief extract | Ed comments on the greater difficulty reaching low on the Moon. Al says he didn't have any trouble. In the TV, he goes down almost to a kneeling position to attach a weigh bag to the MET. |
116:17:29 |
Kneeling with torso
vertical |
When the astronauts
were at the
ALSEP deployment site, TV images of their suits were
bloomed. Nonetheless, we see one of them -
possibly Ed - sink to
his knees with his center-of-mass well back and then,
after placing the
SIDE subpallet on the ground, rising easily to his
feet. Ed may
have used his Universal Handling Tool as a prop to
help him keep the
internal pressure of the suit from straightening his
knees while he got
down. Similar episode at 116:36:53. |
116:50:38 |
Bobbing down onto one
knee |
Ed pushes a geophone
into the
ground. |
131:24:16 |
Using the MET for
support |
Ed uses the MET for
support so
he can kneel and grab a dropped map. |
132:42:43 |
Drop to one knee |
During the climb to
Cone, Ed
tells Houston, "Al just dropped down on a knee to pick
up a rock, and
he went in 3 or 4 inches. Ed has to help Al get
up. |
133:43:30 |
Collect a large rock |
Working near the rim of
Crater, Al collects a 9 kg rock and, although there is
no TV coverage,
he almost certainly used the same technique used by Dave
Scott and Charlie
Duke to collect their big rocks: using a
long-handled tool for
support while kneeling, pressing the rock against his
leg, and then
rising. |
Apollo 15 |
120:44:01 |
Keeping clean |
In comments on a 1996
draft of
the A15LSJ, Dave wrote, "I cannot imagine that a
(dirty) suit would not
compromise cooling by the PLSS, but maybe we were
oversensitized to
this issue. Kneeling in the dirt still seems
very unattractive
to me! More dirt in the cabin, connectors, etc!! After
three days of
dirt on Apollo 15, I would be even more cautious on
the next
trip." See, also, comments after 120:58:47. |
125:22:02 | Kneeling to put wrench
on the
drill stems |
Dave drilled very
deeply and has
to put the wrench on the stems very close to the
ground. He uses
the drill as a support in getting up. |
145:53:23 |
Going sideways onto one
knee |
While securing Jim's
harness, Dave goes down on his right knee and holds
the position for
about 5
sections before finishing the job and rising. While he
goes down and
holds his position, he has his left palm on the back
of Jim's PLSS for
stability. There are few (no?)
similar instances in the Apollo TV record. |
147:36:15 |
Using the drill for
saved fall |
Dave uses the drill for
as he kneels so he can attach the wrench to the drill
stem. the
top of the drill is at about knee height. He
has to reach forward with his righthand and ends up
with all his weight
on his left hand, with which he is holding the near
drill handle, and
on his right knee. His right knee starts to
slide under his to
his right and he has to use both hands to push himself
up and avoid a
fall. |
147:41:21 |
Using the drill for
support |
Dave uses the drill for
as he gets to his knees and tries to put the wrench on
the drill
stem. This time, the drill is at about waist
height, so he has
far less trouble than when it was lower.
Commentary just prior to 147:42:16. |
165:32:56 |
Going to one knee or,
both knees and picking up his dropped camera without
support |
After Dave's
spectacular trip
and fall at the rille, he asks Jim to use the scoop to
raise the camera
lens barrel into reach. Jim in unable to do that
because the
barrel slides away on the soft surface. Dave
then goes down onto
one knee - or, possibly, both knees - and, once
he has the
camera, rises without difficulty. He is partly
obscured by Jim,
so we don't know if he was on one knee or both.
Because Dave
grabbed the camera with his right hand, we know he
didn't use Jim for
support. |
165:39:39 |
Going to one knee,
making use of
a shelf at the base of the rock |
Dave is able to kneel
next to a
rock by putting his right knee on a shelf at the base
of the rock and
sticking his left leg out to the side, with his foot
noticeably lower
than his right knee. He keeps his back
relatively vertical. |
166:09:00 |
Kneeling to collect
Great Scott |
Dave gets down on both
without support. He is leaning well back,
undoubtedly to put his
center-of-mass behind his knees to keep his knees
bent. His feet
are slightly uphill of his knees, which probably helps
him keep his
balance. He has the rock on his right and has a
bit of trouble
getting his hand low enough to get the rock pressed
against the outside
of his leg. The rock is much bigger than his
hand. At one
point, he starts to tip to his right, but gets his
hand out to steady
himself and his left leg out on the other side as a
counterweight. His second attempt goes well and,
as he gets the
rock onto the outside of his right thigh, he stands
easily. |
Apollo 16
120:22:55 | Kneeling with flagstaff
for support |
After failing in his
attempt at a dynamic grab, John uses the upper
flagstaff section for
support as he goes to his knees to retrieve the lower
flagstaff section
he had dropped earlier. At 120;24:20, Charlie comments
on how dirty
John's lower legs are already. See, also, AS16-113-18339,
Charlie takes soon after. |
121:21:21 |
Kneeling to inspect
heatflow cable connection |
After John accidentally
the heatflow ribbon cable on his boot and pulls it
loose from the
Central Station, he kneels twice as he assesses the
He uses a 30-cm rock for support on the
occasion; on the second occasion, once his is on
his knees, he
takes hold of a protruding piece of attachment
hardware for a bit of
stability. He is remarkably stable throughout
this sequence. |
121:26:12 | Kneeling with the drill
support |
For his second attempt
to attach
the wrench, Charlie puts his right hand on the drill
for support while
he gets to his knees. His posture suggests that
the internal suit
pressure is keeping him from getting all of his weight
on his knees. |
121:37:04 |
Kneeling with the
drill stem for support |
Holding on the the
drill stem
with his right hand, Charlie drops easily to his knees |
121:45:34 |
Repeatedly dropping to
the knees
to work the jack |
Charlie gets maximum
from the jack by dropping to his knees on each stroke
and "letting the
suit do the work" of getting up. |
123:59:15 | Using the scoop/shovel
support |
Charlie puts the head
of the
scoop perhaps 1.5 meters out in front of the his feet
and leans on it
with his left hands as he sinksto his knees.
Initially, he has his back
nearly vertical and can't reach low enough to pick up
the rock fragment
John pried off the partially-buried boulder. He
leans forward
till his back is about 30 degrees off vertical, moves
himself perhaps
30 cm to his right, and grabs the fragment. He
gets to his feet
without difficulty, not having moved the scoop head at
Charlie uses the technique again at 124:04:44
and at 124:06:34. |
124:08:01 | Using the scoop for
support while collecting Big Muley |
This time, Charlie is
closer to the Rover and we get a good look at the
technique and what he
has to do the pick up this very large rock, the
largest single sample
returned from the Moon during Apollo. |
165:59:44 |
Kneeling while working
on LMP
John kneels while
attaching the
bottom straps on Charlie's Sample Collection Bag
(SCB). Motions
of Charlie's PLSS suggest that John uses him for some
Another example can be found at 122:52:32. |
Apollo 17
118:25:54 |
Kneeling at the MESA |
Because the MESA is
lower than
expected, Gene has to get on his knees to remove the
drill. With
the MESA for support, he has no trouble staying down
or getting up.
Partial TV. |
120:33:02 |
Kneeling with the drill
support |
Gene is unable to seat
a new
drill stem in the one in the ground and leans on the
drill so he can
get on both knees. |
122:18:17 |
Using the scoop for
support |
Gene kneels at the
Station 1
boulder to hammer off some fragments, but can't get
properly positioned
to effectively wield the hammer. He uses the
scoop as a support,
moves his knees back 20-30 cm and leans forward on the
scoop with his
left hand while he hammers with his right. He
has his back to the
TV. With the scoop as a prop, he gets up easily. |
123:13:03 |
Kneeling and using a
buried boulder for support |
On his way back to the
LM, Jack
stops to inspect a boulder that is perhaps 3-4 meters
across with only
about 20 cm sticking out of the ground. He lets
himself fall
forward until he is leaning on the boulder with his
knees on the
surrounding soil. He gets up on his second try
at pushing back to
get his center-of-mass behind his knees. |
145:27:50 |
On hands and knees to
the scoop |
Before retrieving the
scoop, Jack kicks it to his right so that, when he
drops to his hands
and knees, his feet will be downslope of the scoop,
perhaps in a small
crater. This will give him leverage when he
pushes back off his
hands to rotate his center-of-mass far enough back
that he can stand. |
145:32:42 |
Getting to one knee on
a slope |
The surface near the
orange soil
slopes shallowly upward from the direction of the
Rover. To get a
scoop of soil out of the trench, Jack gets his right
foot downslope and
lowers himself onto his left, upslope knee. Similar
situation to Dave
Scott's at 165:39:39.
a similar technique soon after at the south end of the
trench, but loses his balance. |
166:59:49 |
Using Gene's hand for
support |
Jack goes to his knees
to get a
fragment Gene hammered off the Station 8
boulder. Two minutes
later, we see Jack on hands and knees examining the
boulder. |
167:04:26 | On hands and knees to
roll the
Station 8 boulder |
Gene has his back to
the Rover,
so we don't get good views of him getting down or
getting up, we do get
a good view of the vigorous push he gives the boulder
with his right
hand, while balancing himself on his left. |
Ground Elapsed Time (hhh:mm:ss) | Type | Notes |
Apollo 11: no known falls |
109:44:23 |
Potential of fallling
jumping |
Armstrong, from the
Technical Debrief - "I would say that balance
(while walking)
was not difficult; however, I did some fairly high
jumps and found that
there was a tendency to tip over backwards on a high
jump. One
time I came close to falling and decided that was
enough of
that." Note that Charlie Duke attempted
a high jump
during Apollo 16 (see below). He tipped over
backwards and landed
on his PLSS, fortunately without any consequences
other than a
momentary fright and a bit of wounded pride. |
111:34:36 |
Slippery surfaces |
Crew comments on
tendency to
slip while using the Lunar Equipment Conveyor
(LEC); and on
various factors that could make footing
difficult. Later crews
did not comment on these issues, probably having had
the benefit of
knowing what to expect and having more time to adapt
to lunar
conditions. Apollo 11 was the only crew to do
much walking - as
opposed to hopping or running - which may have also
been a factor. |
Apollo 12: two probable falls |
115:27:19 |
New posture |
Early in the first EVA,
Al Bean
comments that, because of the weight of the backpack,
they are having
to lean far forward to get their center-of-mass over
their feet.
"On Earth, you'd fall over (leaning so far
forward)." Adjusting
to this new posture took a few minutes.
Additional comments
about not moving backwards. Pete Conrad mentions
that, contrary
to comments by the Apollo 11 crew, he did not notice
that the ground
felt "slippery". |
115:30:20 |
Stumble, no fall |
Pete after telling Al,
who is
still in the LM, "you've really got to watch your step
down here." A
moment later, while adjusting the height of the MESA,
he says "I almost
fell." |
117:19:03 |
Probable fall |
Bean discusses the
hazard of moving backwards rather than forwards and
mentions that "I
tripped a couple of times going backwards." One
such instance may
have happened at 117:32:04. |
118:25:59 |
Probable fall |
Bean probably fell; but
got up
without difficulty. Conrad may have helped him
get up. In
1991, Bean remembered, "I fell down a couple of
times." |
132:46:22 |
Wary of steep slopes |
Conrad and Bean had a
line" which they might have used in case one of them
needed help
getting out of a crater. It was no more than
about 10 meters long
and was never used. They thought about going
into Bench Crater
but decided that the walls were too steep and
the danger of
falling was too great. With regard to the
latter, they seem to
have been concerned primarily with falling in a
position from which it
would be difficult to get up. For example, on
their back with
head downslope. Later crews gained experience
with steep slopes
and, during Apollo 17, getting up from a difficult
position. |
136:51:56 |
Pete fell |
During the post-EVA-2
debriefing, Pete said, "I fell over once out there,
and Al picked me
back up again. It's no big deal." The time
when this
happened has not been identified. |
Apollo 14: One possible stumble or near fall |
118:15:33 |
Stumble, saved |
Off camera, Al Shepard
may have
stumbled while working around the ladder during EVA-1
The dialog suggests that he caught himself by grabbing
the MESA.
In a section of the Technical Crew Debriefing
reproduced after 113:52:26,
says he did not fall during either of the EVAs.
Comments about
stability and ease of adaptation. |
135:16:39 |
Cable snag, no fall |
During the EVA-2
close-out, Al
repeatedly snags the TV cable with his foot and at 135:24:38,
pulls the TV over. He does not appear to stumble
any of these episodes. |
Apollo 15: 3 falls, 1 possible fall, 4 saves, 3 stumbles |
120:02:47 |
Saved fall |
The footpad on the
ladder strut
is not resting firmly on the ground and is free to
move. When Jim
Irwin steps on the footpad for the first time, it
rotates under him and
he saves himself from a fall by grabbing the right
handrail. |
120:11:24 |
Cable hazard |
Jim moves the TV cable
so they
don't trip over it during Rover deployment. |
120:16:05 |
Fall walking backwards |
During the LRV
deployment, Jim
backed away from the LM pulling a lanyard and trying
to take pictures
at the same time. He was off camera when he
tripped and
fell. Dave Scott gave him a hand getting
up. Later, he
learned to get up by himself. "It wasn't
difficult ... but it was
much easier, you know, to get your buddy to lift you
Technique described. |
120:42:29 |
Off balance, saved fall |
Dave loses his balance
installing the LCRU on the front of the Rover.
He hops in the
direction of the fall, which gives him time to get his
hand onto the
Rover wheel to steady himself. |
120:44:01 |
discuss care versus
efficiency |
Discussion of the
relative value
of (1) trying to keep clean, (2) brushing the suits
after a fall or
saved fall to avoid excess use of cooling water, or
(3) letting the
suits get dirty in the interest of using the limited
time available
most efficiently. The Apollo 16 and 17 crews
made little effort
to keep clean and only brushed each other off at the
end of each
EVA. They threw themselves into their work and fell
more frequently.
For longer lunar stays, dust control will be
essential. |
122:43:06 |
Stumble, no fall |
Dave tries to get a
sample bag
low enough for Jim to reach and stumbles forward. |
123:00:46 |
working on slopes |
Working on a hillside
at Station
2, Dave has to find a way to stand so he can hold a
sample bag low
enough for Jim to reach. Working on slopes
required care to avoid
falls. |
124:01:38 |
possbile fall during
dismount |
Back at the LM at the
end of the
EVA-1 traverse, Jim may have fallen. Dave wants
to look at Jim's
camera in case it needs dusting. |
124:48:02 |
Saved fall |
Dave attempts a
spinning throw -
like an Olympic discus thrower - of an empty
experiment pallet.
His spin continues after he releases the pallet.
He is off
balance but gets his right hand on the ground for some
stability and
ends up on his feet. |
143:54:33 |
Rover dismount on steep slope | At Station 6, Dave
parked with
the Rover pointed uphill on an 11-degree slope.
Dave warns Jim
about the possibility of falling backwards when they
jump out of the
seats. Dave may have helped Jim dismount. |
144:13:00 |
stumble, no fall |
Dave stumbles slightly
turning to get some sunlight on a rock he is
examining. |
145:01:44 |
Rover dismount on steep
slope |
At Station 6a, Dave had
to park
on a steep slope with Jim on the downslope side of the
Dave warns him to be careful jumping off his seat. |
145:30:28 |
Difficulty of bending
back to
look up without falling |
At Spur Crater, Dave is
to use a sighting scope to point the high-gain antenna
at Earth.
He asks Jim to look up at Earth to help him get a
rough alignment but
Jim decides that, because Earth is so high in the
local sky, he would
fall if he tried. The sighting scope was re-configured
for Apollo 16
and A17, primarily to give a brighter image of
Earth. Here, Dave
used LCRU Automatic Gain Control output to get a rough
The only way to look overhead in the suits was to use
the ladder or
some other firm support while leaning backwards or
turning sideways. |
143:56:37 |
Working on a slope |
Jim decides to omit the
frames of a panorama because of the difficulty of
leaning backwards. |
144:27:45 |
Uphill fall on a steep
slope |
Dave tries to climb out
of a
steep crater and loses his balance because of the soft
He starts to fall to his right but stops that
component of the frall
with his right hand. Jim helps him up. |
145:49:15 |
Stumble, no fall |
Jim stumbles, but does
not fall,
while standing on the slope just inside Spur Crater
taking pictures. |
146:08:28 |
Maintaining balance
collecting large rocks |
While off-camera, Jim
collects a
4.8 kg rock. The dialog suggests that he uses
the same technique
used by Dave
at Station 9a and by Charlie
at Apollo 16 Station 1. |
147:37:03 |
Off balance, saved fall |
Dave loses his balance
trying to attach a tool to the drill stem. He
starts out on his
knees and has his left hond on the near drill handle
for support.
He has to reach far forward to attach the tool with
his right
hand. As he extends his reach, his left knee
comes off the ground
and his right knee starts to slide toward his
left. Because of the weight of the backpack, he
starts to
rotate to his right onto his back. To catch
himself, Dave grabs
the drill with his right hand and pushed up with his
right foot. As he
comes up, he gets his right leg under his center of
mass and, with his
left leg stuck out behind, spins through about ninety
degrees. As he
brings his left leg down, he makes a few short steps
away from the
drill and, finally, brings himself to a stop with a
two-footed hop. The
elapsed time from the start of the fall to the end of
the final hop was
almost six seconds and this episode is a dramatic
illustration of the
length of time one has to respond in one-sixth
gravity. |
149:02:04 |
Suit dirty from falls |
While using the dust
brush on
Dave at the end of EVA-2, Jim Irwin wonders why the
front of Dave's
suit is so dirty. He then remembers that Dave
has saved himself
from some spectacular falls, spraying dust around in
the process. |
165:32:00 |
Spectacular fall after
tripping |
While describing
details he can
see in the far wall of Hadley Rille, Dave is walking
forward and trips
over a rock he hadn't noticed. He fell onto his
hands and knees
and, as his momentum carried him out of the TV
field-of-view, he was
rolling onto his right side. Jim goes to him to
help him get up
but, by the time Jim arrives, Dave is up.
Unfortunately, he was still
off camera when he got up. To retrieve the
Hasselblad he was
carrying, Dave drops to his right knee, grabs the
camera, and gets up
without difficulty. One-sixth grvity and the
soft surface made
this fall much less dangerous than it would have been
on Earth. |
Apollo 16: 12 falls, 4 saves |
120:08:35 |
Loss of balance, no
fall |
Charlie Duke loses his
trying to tug loose the Velcro holding his seat back
down. |
121:11:53 |
Dynamic grab, no fall |
Charlie bobs down to
get the
wrench off the drill string. He had his right
leg well forward
and his left well back and got the wrench off without
losing his
balance. They discuss the technique, which John
developed during
training in the 1/6th-g aircraft, at 119:24:37. |
121:29:52 |
Off-camera fall |
Charlie Duke falls
while trying
to remove the drill from the deep-core stems. TV
of him having
some trouble getting up from his hands and
knees. He will learn
to get up more efficiently than he did this
time. At 122:51:29,
preparations for the geology traverse, John Young
comments on
the amount of dust Charlie has on his suit and/or
121:53:10 |
Loss of balance, no
fall |
Charlie loses his
balance while
trying to bob down to grab a rock off the
surface. Because lunar
gravity is weak, he has time to recover without
falling. First
try at getting up doesn't work but then masters the
standard technique
of getting on hands and knees and then pushing with
his hands so he
rotates backwards with his knees and lower legs
staying on the
ground. Once his center-of-mass is behind his
knees, he rises
easily. |
122:40:42 |
Dynamic grab, minor fall | Off-camera, Charlie
falls while
solo sampling, probably while trying to bob down to
grab the
rock. He has some trouble getting up and, after
he is up, checks
to make sure his camera lens is clean. |
123:42:57 |
Dynamic grab, minor
fall |
Off-camera, John tries
to bob
down to grab a fallen sample bag and falls. |
124:08:29 |
Care while collecting
very large
rock |
Charlie collects the
known as Big Muley from the rim of Plum Crater, using
the same
technique used by Scott and Irwin. He is very
careful and does
not lose his balance. At 11.7 kg (26 pounds), it
is the largest
sample collected during Apollo. |
125:32:23 |
Controlled fall |
John dropped the
dustbrush and,
as he bobs down to grab it, loses his balance.
Gets himself
turned during the fall so he lands on his hands and
knees. |
125:46:07 |
Ladder climbing |
John climbs the ladder
only one hand on the rails and rungs. He has a
rockbox in his
other hand. Charlie urges care. |
144:35:31 |
Minor fall while getting up | Charlie ended up on his hands and knees when the penetroeter went all the way into the ground on a steep, soft slope at Station 4. He falls while trying to get up. |
145:28:02 |
Loss of balance on a soft slope, no fall | Charlie loses his
balance while
working on the soft, inner wall of a crater but runs
in place until he
can plant the rake and catch himself. |
146:26:40 |
Fall while mounting the
Rover |
When Charlie tries to
jump into
his Rover seat, his PLSS hits the seatback and he
falls. John
decides they will brush Charlie's lens at the next
station. |
147:54:48 |
Fall getting off the
Rover |
At a level site,
Charlie has
trouble dismounting and falls when he does get
out. After John
helps him up, he checks to make sure his camera lens
is clean. |
149:12:03 |
Minor fall while
getting up |
Charlie ended up on his
and knees when the penetroeter went all the way
into the ground
at a level site. He falls while trying to get
up. |
166:58:18 |
Dynamic grab, minor
fall |
John bobs down to grab
fallen bags. It takes him an extra second or saw
to get them in
hand and, during that second, he starts to lose his
balance and falls
as he starts to rise. He gets up with a novel
technique. |
167:13:09 |
Loss of balance, minor
fall |
Off-camera, Charlie
falls while
trying to retrieve an SCB. |
168:39:18 |
Fall in awkward
position |
Off-camera, Charlie
probably while picking up a sample he has broken off
Shadow Rock.
He ends up on the ground next to the rock and has to
have John's help
to get up. |
170:21:44 |
Dangerous fall |
After John does a few
learning to control his balance by doing a series of
jumps that start
small and get larger and holding the Rover for
stability as he gets
started, Charlie does one small jump and then one very
large one.
By the time he gets to the top of the jump, he is
leaning backwards by
20-30 degrees and, although he lands momentarily on
his feet, he cannot
keep himself from falling backwards onto his PLSS,
fortunately with no
damage. |
Apollo 17: 9 falls, 1 save, 5 stumbles |
117:21:16 |
stumble, no fall |
Early in EVA, Jack
stumbles but does not fall. No TV. |
117:36:06 |
minor fall |
Gene Cernan falls while
to pick up a dropped tool. "Well, I found how to get
up!" No TV. |
117:52:45 |
minor fall |
Jack falls while trying
to pick
up a rock. No TV. |
118:28:27 |
Stable posture for
looking up,
no fall |
Discussion of a stable
Jack uses to look up at equipment on the top of the
LM. |
119:35:45 |
stumble, no fall |
Gene stumbles while
trying to
take the wrench off the drill-stem rack. |
119:49:04 |
spinning throw, almost
falls |
Like Dave Scott during
Apollo 15 ALSEP deployment, Gene does a spinning throw
and almost falls. |
121:00:59 |
Spectacular spinning
fall |
While taking a turn
using a
jack-and-treadle to remove the deepcore, Jack throws
all his weight
onto the jack handle, loses his balance, and ends up
in a spectacular,
spinning fall. Gene helps him up. Although
Jack is mostly
hidden by Gene, as he gets to his feet we can see
Gene's right hand on
Jack helmet near the top of the visors. Gene may
have been
pushing back on Jack's head to help him up.
While he is down,
Jack doesn't get his knees bent more than about 60
degrees. |
121:38:18 |
stumble, no fall |
Jack stumbles on a rock
near the
LM. No TV. |
122:13:01 |
stumble, no fall |
Gene stumbles slightly
on a
fist-sized rock while climbing out of a crater. |
122:15:55 |
stumble, no fall |
Jack stumbles while
trying to
raise the scoop handle high enough to pour a sample
into a bag Gene is
holding as low as he can. |
123:09:08 |
Need for support when
leaning low |
The solar panels on the SEP receiver wouldn't stay open on their own, so Jack had to put some duct tape on them. Because he had to put the tape on at about knee height, he had to lean on Gene to keep his balance. The TV was not pointed at them during this activity. |
145:28:39 |
Getting up in 1/6th
gravity |
Cernan comments: "This
is not
meant as a criticism, but I think that Jack tended to
fall more than
the rest of us did. And it's maybe because he
became more
aggressive. And, thank God for one-sixth
gravity. You would
have dropped things anyway because of the lack of
nimbleness and
dexterity and you would have wanted to get down to
pick things up and
chip rocks and what have you. And one-sixth
gravity made getting
back up a lot easier than it would have been
otherwise." |
144:02:16 |
Minor fall |
Off, camera, Gene falls
trying to mount the Rover at the Scarp Gravimeter
stop. He is
able to hold on to the Rover to make getting up easy. |
144:50:52 |
Minor fall |
While working on the
outer slope
of the raised rim of Ballet Crater Jack goes to
one knee to pick
up a dropped SCB and falls trying to get up.
Ballet Crater got
its name because of the efforts Jack had to make
repeatedly at this
site to retrieve dropped tools. |
144:56:23 |
Minor fall |
Jack responds to CapCom
Parker's remark about the Houston Ballet calling to
request Jack's
services for the coming season by doing one-footed
hops on his right
leg with his left leg extended back and up. He
is clearly
playing. He loses his balance and falls to his
hands and
knees. Discussion about confidence in the suit
as long as there
was no chance of falling on a sizeable rock. |
146:36:38 |
Working in a boulder
field |
Need for caution in the
field on the rim of Camelot Crater |
147:53:35 |
Discuss distribution of
dust on
the suits |
While dusting each
other off at
the end of EVA-2, Gene mentions that, during his fall
while trying to
get on the Rover at the Scarp Gravimeter stop, he only
got his outboard
(left) arm dirty and not his inboard (right)
arm. Also discuss
the amount of time spend dusting each other. |
164:59:13 |
Working on a steep
slope |
Off-camera, Gene has
reaching surfaces on the front of the Rover that need
dusting. He
decides to defer the dusting to the next stop.
comments at 165:04:48. |
165:24:10 |
Off-camera fall |
While sampling on a
steep slope - as evidenced by the fact that both
astronauts are using
the high colling setting - Jack falls while trying to
pick up a chip he
has broken off one the boulders. |
165:36:33 |
Spectacular fall |
While running cross
slope to
limit his downslope speed, caught his trailing left
foot on a small
mound or crater rim and started to fall. He was
able to control
the fall and ended up on his hands and knees.
Once he gets his
feet downhill, he pushes back to get his
center-of-mass over his knees
and rises without difficulty. In 1992, Schmitt
commented that, by
this third EVA, they had a great deal of
confidence and didn't
worry much about falling. Presumably, they were
confident in the
suits and in their ability to get up when they did
fall. They
also knew they would fall slowly in 1/6th-g and that,
in the absence of
large rocks, the surface was soft. |
166:00:29 |
Working on a slope |
Because Jack's seat in
on the
downhill side of the slope at Station 6, Gene decides
to drive the
Rover to a more level spot and let Jack get in his
seat there. |
167:33:28 |
Minor fall; difficulty
getting up from awkward position |
At Station 8, Gene
parked facing
mostly uphill but, apparently, with his side slightly
uphill and Jack's
slightly downhill. When Gene tries to jump into
his seat at the
end of the stop, he falls and is pinned by the slope
against the Rover,
possibly with his feet uphill. Gene needs Jack's
help in getting
up and has him push back on his helmet. |
Ground Elapsed Time (hhh:mm:ss) | Type or circumstance | Notes | |
Apollo 15 |
144:27:45 |
Help from LMP |
After Dave's fall on the
inner wall of the Station 6 crater, he gets on his hands
and knees with
his weight primarily on his left knee, which is almost on
the crater
rim, and his left hand, which he has planted just in front
of his left
knee. Dave's right knee is slightly downslope and he
holds out
his right hand for Jim's help. Jim gets in position
in front of
Dave with his right foot forward and well planted, his
right knee
slightly flexed, and his left leg well back. Jim
extends his
right hand and holds his arm steady so Dave can use Jim
leverage. Dave starts to rise, scrambling forward
and Jim moves
back to get Dave on the level surface outside the rim. |
Apollo 16
121:21:21 | Two kneeling events |
121:29:52 |
Getting up using 10-20 cm
drill stem as a support |
Charlie falls off-camera
trying to remove the wrench. Fendell pulls back on
the TV zoom
and finds Charlie on his hands and knees. He has his
right hand
on the 10-20 cm of drill stem sticking out of the
ground. He
pushes himself up slightly with his right hand,
maintaining his grip on
the stem, and pulls his knees forward until they are under
chest. He rises from that position, letting the
internal pressure
of the suit do some of the work and pushing himself up and
forward with
his feet somewhat like a sprinter coming out of the
starting blocks. He
runs forward until he has his feet under his
center-of-mass. This
is a side view. |
121:37:04 | Rising using the chest-high
drill stem for support |
Charlie uses the drill stem
support as he drops to his knees, gripping it with his
hand. In getting up, he maintains his grip and seems
to let the
suit do more of the work that in the previous
example. Once he is
part way up, he shifts his weight onto his right foot
forward and
pushes up and forward with that leg while he moves his
left leg
forward. He moves forward a step or two to get his
feet under his
center-of-mass. This is a front view. |
121:43:36 |
Rising by leaning or
pushing back |
Charlie got the
off the Rover for removal of the deep core. Almost
off-camera, he
knelt next to the knee-high stem, probably to remove the
wrench, and
may have used the wrench as support in getting down. His
back is
vertical. Once he has the wrench off, he leans back
until his
center-of-mass is well behind his knees and rises much
more easily than
in the prior two examples, with no running forward to
regain balance |
121:53:10 | Rising by pushing back with
hands |
After saving himself from a
in his attampt to grab a rock off the surface, Charlie
goes to his
knees and then rotates forward onto his hands. One
he has the
rock, he pushes back a little a tries to run forward under
center-of-mass. He doesn't make it and falls onto
his hands and
knees. He then pushes back hard and once his weight
is well
behind his knees, rises without difficulty. This is
the standard
technique. |
149:11:49 | Difficulty rising from
hands and
knees |
After the penetrometer
unexpectly - and rapidly - sinks to full depth, Charlie
starts to fall
and catches himself with his right hand. He ends up
on his hands
and knees. On his first attempt to get up, he has
his weight on
his hands and toes and, when he pushs with his hands to
get his torso to
rotate up and back, the fact that he didn't have his knees
in solid
contact with the ground defeats the effort. On his
attempt, he gets all his weight on his hands, kicks his
feet up and, as
they come down, pushes up with his hands. His chest
rises about a
meter or so off the ground and, at that point, he tries to
run forward
to catch himself. He doesn't make it and falls
forward. On
his third attempt, he lowers his chest to the ground and,
although he
has little weight on his knees, push back hard enough that
center-of-mass rotates back far enough that he can spring
upright. Charlie is not yet proficient in getting up
from his
hands and knees. |
149:13:27 |
Getting up from an erect
kneeling position |
The penetrometer goes to
depth again, but more slowly. Charlie ends up on his
knees but
with his hands still on the penetrometer. He then
leans back
until the bottom of his PLSS is touching his heels and
holds that
position for a few seconds and wonders if he'll be
able to get
up. He decides to try, bounces on his knees slightly
and has no
trouble standing. He is learning to use the suit and
the weakness
of lunar gravity. |
Apollo 17
120:57:05 |
Using the core stems as a
crutch |
After a second session of
jacking the deep core out of the ground, Gene stands to
rest, using the
waist-high core stem as a support in getting up. He
has been
working hard. |
121:00:59 |
Getting up from hands and
with Gene's help |
After Jack spectacular fall at the deep core, he ends up on his hands and knees. Although Jack is mostly hidden by Gene, he can see that his knees are bent no more than 60 degrees. As he gets to his feet we can see Gene's right hand on Jack helmet near the top of the visors. Gene may have been pushing back on Jack's head to help him up. This may be what Jack will do to help Gene up from his fall against the side of the Rover at Station 8 at 167:33:28. | |
123:13:03 | Getting up from hands and
knees |
On his way back to the LM,
got on hands and knees to inspect a partially buried
boulder. On
his second try, he is able to push his center-of-mass far
enough back
that he can hop to his feet. |
145:27:50 | Jack gets up from hands and
knees with his feet somewhat downslope |
Before retrieving the dropped scoop, Jack kicks it to his right so that, when he drops to his hands and knees, his feet will be downslope of the scoop, perhaps in a small crater. This will give him leverage when he pushes back off his hands to rotate his center-of-mass far enough back that he can stand. | |
165:36:33 |
Getting up from hands and
on a slope |
After Gene's spectacular
fall at
Station 6, he ends up on his hands and knees. He
turns himself
until his feet are downslope, pushes back with his hands
and, once his
center-of-mass is far enough back, hops to his feet.
Because of
the slope, he doesn't have to push hard with his hands nor
rotate his
PLSS quite as far back. |
167:02:22 |
Three tries to get up from
and knees |
While Fendell was following
with the TV, Jack got on hands and knees to examine the
Station 8
boulder. After Gene returns, we see Jack take threee
tries to
push him self back far enough that he can stand.
Good TV.
Two minutes later, Gene gets on hands an knees so he can
turn the
boulder over. It takes him two tries to get
up. Because he
has his back to the Rover, we don't get as good a view of
the mechanics
of getting up. |