Searching for Cone

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Painting completed 5 April 2006
Painting Copyright by Ulrich Lotzmann. All rights reserved.
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This is the first acrylic painting Ulli has added to the Sketchbook and the first entry devoted to Apollo 14.

Ulli writes:

I am an admirer of Al Bean's art and, like many of his paintings, this is an acrylic painting done on plywood. The size is 40 x50 cm.

It is mainly based on the AP14 images AS14-68-9422 and AS14-64-9088 and shows a scene that has always fascinated me: Al Shepard and Ed Mitchell climbing the flank of Cone crater.

You see Al Shepard pulling the MET - the first wheels on the moon - and behind him Ed Mitchell studying the lunar surface map. At this point of their traverse, both still believe that they will find this relatively fresh and deep crater. Alas, they will not.

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