Many Happy Returns

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Sketch completed 5 March 2004
Drawing Copyright by Ulrich Lotzmann. All rights reserved.
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In honor of Alan Bean's 71st birthday, 15 March 2004.

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Al's dilemma is inspired by the following comment from EVA-2 Close-out:
134:55:48 Conrad: This is really ridiculous. I got dust all over the rock box, and I'm trying to blow it off.
Pete's comment about the solar wind is inspired by the following exchange between Al and CapCom Ed Gibson during preparations for EVA-2.
130:10:08 Bean: Houston, Intrepid.

130:10:10 Gibson: Intrepid, Houston. Go ahead.

130:10:15 Bean: A real interesting thing has happened to that solar wind collector. It's been sitting out there since yesterday, of course; and, when I left if yesterday, it was just a flat sheet of foil - you know - restrained at both ends; but as I look out there now, starting maybe a foot from the top, it has sort of folded back around the pole that's holding it. Looks almost like a sail in the wind around the pole. It's sort of bulging in the front and being bent back on the sides. It's real crazy. (Pause: Garbled under Gibson)

130:10:50 Gibson: We've got a fairly strong solar wind, I suspect, Al.

130:10:58 Bean: You may think you're kidding; I don't know.

130:11:01 Gibson: No, Al. I won't think you'd be kidding. It could be, maybe, the front part of that is just thermally expanding a lot more than the back. The back's probably radiating and the front's probably very hot. And just a thermal difference across it could do it. I'm meeting with a lot of approval back here on that idea.

130:11:22 Bean: Yeah, well, it looks like it's wrapped around the pole...That's the funny thing. It looks like the wind is blowing on it.

130:11:33 Gibson: Well, we've got two good ideas, so far. Maybe we can come up with a third.

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