Hit and Pull for Science

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Sketch completed 6 June 2003
Drawing Copyright by Ulrich Lotzmann. All rights reserved.
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From the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal:

116:46:50 Bean: ...go get that hammer and bang on the side of it.

116:46:52 Conrad: No. I got a better idea. Where's the hammer?

116:46:54 Bean: That's what I said.

116:46:55 Conrad: No, no. But I want to try and put the back end in under that lip there and pry her out. Let me go get the hammer. (Pause) Now, my recommendation would be pound on the casket, then...you know.

116:48:56 Bean: Hey, that's doing it! Give it a few more pounds. (Pause) Got to beat harder than that. (Pause) Keep going. It's coming out. It's coming out! (Pause) Pound harder.

116:49:08 Conrad: Keep going.

116:49:10 Bean: (Laughs, cheering him on) Come on, Conrad!

116:49:14 Conrad: Keep going, baby.

116:49:15 Bean: That hammer's a universal tool.

116:49:17 Conrad: You better believe it...

116:49:18 Bean: There, you got it!

116:49:19 Conrad: Got it.

116:49:20 Bean: Got it, Houston. (Pete giggles) That's beautiful. That's too much.

116:49:24 Gibson: Well done, troops.

116:49:26 Conrad: I gotta go put the...

116:49:28 Bean: We got it, babe! It fits in the RTG real well! It's just the cask was holding in on the side.

116:49:37 Gibson: Yankee Clipper. One minute to LOS.

116:49:40 Bean: Don't come to the Moon without a hammer. (Pause) That's it, Pete.

116:49:50 Conrad: (Laughing)

116:49:51 Bean: Outstanding!

116:49:52 Conrad: (Laughing; Pause)

Animated version by Ulli Lotzmann and Ken Glover.

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