To Infinity and Beyond

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Sketch completed 21 July 2004
Drawing Copyright by Ulrich Lotzmann. All rights reserved.
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Ulli dedicates this sketch to Ken Glover
on the occasion of his 40th birthday, 31 July 2004.

From the Apollo 12 Lunar Surface Journal:

117:35:44 Bean: Hey, Pete? Pete?

117:35:46 Conrad: What?

117:35:47 Bean: Watch this. (They both laugh, probably as they watch another piece of Styrofoam sail off into the distance).

117:35:54 Bean: Try that on...Hey, I just threw something. It hasn't hit the ground yet; it might have gone up 300 feet. (Pete laughs) Boing!

117:36:01 Conrad: (Laughing) Stop playing and get to work. (Laughing). Come on. Maybe they'll extend us until 4-1/2 hours. I feel like I could stay out here all day.

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